The future of Yu Jing

Discussion in 'Yu Jing' started by Greysturm, Apr 24, 2018.

  1. Greysturm

    Greysturm Invincible Army Drill Sergeant/Military Theorist

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Since the discussion threads got heated and got frozen by the Banhammer, I thought I'd create a thread to vent our frustrations productively by generating ideas to fix the things we consider that CB dropped the ball with uprising. The only condition would be to consider uprising as set in stone so ideas need to be about future fluff updates.

    I will give my personal ideas as an example.

    "The eyes", I would like to see Yu jings intelligence service hunt down the kuge aristocracy. Preferably by attacking their companies through economic means and forcing them out of their hiding places and then assassinating them one by one. This would go a long way to make up for their obliouvesness of the uprising. For Japan this would mean having to rely more on the bushi class promoting the whole feudal Japan in space they are going for. This could also mean an unexpected promotion for the Gray Man.

    Iss, either leave them alone for a while or have them refocus on their Law enforcement instead of anti insurrection duties. Have them hunt yuan yuan or triads instead of obsessng and commtting war crimes against the Japanese. Have the emperor in a political crisis after his failures in Uprising, forcing him to direct the efforts of the ISS into more PR appoved

    I.A. release it.

    Others. Seek and be successful at getting retribution on all the other powers (proporcionally to their participation). Examples engineer a PR scandal that taints the nomads and haqquislams reputation or twart one of their diplomatic efforts. For tohaa veto one of their treaties with 012. Pano well this one's tricky, unlike them we can't go full war so my best guess is to take over a few of their important companies or push the combined army through information leaks or strategic retreat to rampage in their territory.

    So what are your thoughts?
  2. Triumph

    Triumph Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    I don't know why you're bothering, they clearly don't give a shit about the vanilla players. They've had months to address the issues and they've done nothing but drop the ball. We've had threads and threads worth of suggestions and nothing's been done bar spitting in our face with dick moves like releasing a new ninja profile for everyone, except us.

    They don't care. Galacian mentality or something as someone else said in the other threads. Tone deaf and over confident in their decisions to the point of arrogance really.
    #2 Triumph, Apr 24, 2018
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2018
    Gero and Hecaton like this.
  3. Greysturm

    Greysturm Invincible Army Drill Sergeant/Military Theorist

    Nov 25, 2017
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    I guess I just don't give up easily.

    Extra: End the Sun Tze trope, have Yu Jing listen to him once please.
  4. Antares

    Antares Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2017
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    I"d wish they would take ISS out of the focus now that the uprising is done. It's way to dominant and paints the picture for the whole faction atm. I really liked the Yu Jing part in the RPG book. It's what made me start the faction. Pls give us more of that. The multicultural aspect of YJ is still there, the japanese are just the black sheep (and I don't mind they're gone, nasty nasty rebels..[emoji13]). Let the past be the past and focus on becoming the greatest power in the sphere, together, as that is what YJ is and should be all about imo.

    Gesendet von meinem SM-J500FN mit Tapatalk
    #4 Antares, Apr 24, 2018
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2018
  5. Mahtamori

    Mahtamori Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Reforming ISS slightly would be welcome. Retire the political prisoner as Kuang Shi wouod work a looong way. Doesn't require retiring Kuang Shi, but could shift focus to recycling sepsitorization targets and have them focus on detecting and countering CA presence.
  6. Devrailis

    Devrailis Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2018
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    What a brilliant idea. Imagine how conflicting a storyline involving Yu Jing's brainwashing techniques being used to "cure" sepsitorized humans would be.
  7. Pierzasty

    Pierzasty Null-Space Entity

    Nov 23, 2017
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    I can already imagine a scenario revolving around the rescue of an ex-Kuang Shi who's a treasure trove of medical data as the first known example of a successfully desepsitorized human, but at the same time hunted by special ISS cells because he knows too much about the Kuang Shi program. And if one political puppet-prisoner got deprogrammed, why can't this method be used for others?
    TheEmptyRoad and Kallas like this.
  8. Hecaton

    Hecaton EI Anger Translator

    Nov 23, 2017
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    That's been an idea I've had too, dunno if I read it here first. But yeah, that'd be crazy - Yu Jing can't un-sepsitorize people, but they can turn them into Kuang Shi. Would change the whole context.
    DFW Ike likes this.
  9. Shiwen

    Shiwen Commissar, Yu Jing Political Work Department

    Dec 31, 2017
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    I've not been happy with the pro-Uprising argument that '[X] isnt for-sure bad, because this material is all from pro-Japanese sources!', but it is worth noting: Uprising is set in stone, the JSA has seceded, the StateEmpire failed to suppress the rebellion. But Yu Jing perspectives on Uprising, Yu Jing stories unfolding during it, we haven't gotten those yet.

    Even without reversing course, there is a lot that could be done just from having different eyes looking at the same events, expanding on things the Japanese-focused narrative chooses to ignore. Accounts of ISS struggling to restore order and safeguard the population as insurrection breaks out, the personal log of a StateEmpire Navy fleet commander in position at the Blockade, struggling with his duty to hold position against the Combined threat and his wish to help his comrades as reports pour in of Yu Jing losses due to the PanO Steel Wall preventing resupply, the report of an ambassador on Concilium to the Party leadership outlining the diplomatic maneuvers which brought one of the other factions on side with the Japanese, ending with how she intends to exploit those very maneuvers for the StateEmpire's longer-term advantage.

    That sort of thing, while changing nothing in terms of outcomes, would I think go a long way to picking up the dropped ball.
  10. Furiat

    Furiat Mandarin

    Jan 14, 2018
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    We have to assume that CB even wants to pick up the ball. What they did, after a month of complining about evil and genocidal YJ, was the release of even more evil and genocidal division known as "butchers of Motobushima". What you guys write, are awesome ideas but I fear that this is not the way, CB want yu jing to go. There are almost infinite number of ways to portray YJ as heroes, but they have to want to do it. Maybe something like IA regiment on Paradiso, holding the line against CA and protecting PanO medical facilities, even after hearing about steel wall and death of their own soldiers, shot down by PanO missiles. This is the Yu Jing I want to play.
    #10 Furiat, Apr 24, 2018
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2018
  11. Varsovian

    Varsovian Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2018
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    I don't know. I just read my copy of Uprising and I have two observations:

    1. Yu Jing did some awful stuff during this war, but frankly? I believe that's how an authoritarian state would handle such a matter. Even the armies of democratic and humanitarian societies tend to get involved in war crimes during war time... why would an army of a state that doesn't care that much for human rights be any different?

    2. While CB presented the YJ as very brutal in the book, note that they also did some interesting JSA-smearing. I mean, my impression from the story? Poor Japanese people have been manipulated by the greedy kuge all the time. Everything, even the YJ oppression of Japanese, is because of selfish kuge politics!

    So, I'm not really getting the image here that CB is out to destroy the YJ. What Uprising is, is basically a logical (if unpleasant) description of an ugly political situation leading into an even uglier war...
  12. Furiat

    Furiat Mandarin

    Jan 14, 2018
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    We can agree that both sides have done bad stuff during the uprising. My problem is that in the uprising (I know that The book is supposed to be pro JSA) kuge are shown as "evil" and smart, japanese citizens as good and not so smart (but brave) and YJ as evil and stupid.
    emperor26, xagroth, Mahtamori and 4 others like this.
  13. Furiat

    Furiat Mandarin

    Jan 14, 2018
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    They surely do not want to destroy YJ. I really want to know what they want to do with it. Leave it as it was written in Uprising? Write an article with explanation? It would be cool if CB state that Uprising YJ is the new YJ and deal with it, or this is still that old, not only ISS focused, YJ.

    To be clear. I don't mind ISS being the human "bad" guys. I just want vanilla YJ not to follow the same pattern.
  14. Varsovian

    Varsovian Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2018
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    Actually, my gripe is that the book doesn't dwell on the bad stuff that *must have happened* on the JSA side of things. We get mentions of how the Kempetai blew up ISS installations, how it arrested and "persecuted" the ISS agents... I wish it was elaborated upon. I'm pretty sure there were some pretty bloody massacres of ISS personnel taking place in this war - the Kempetai were nationalist terrorists, they certainly weren't taking any prisoners...

    I don't know if they are shown as stupid. They certainly were outmaneuvered by the kuge and their international allies... As for poor decisions during the war - heck, this stuff happens even to the greatest political entities. Especially if emotions are involved... and I can imagine many people in charge of the YJ war effort were pretty... emotional about what was going on. All these years of mutual resentment, the feeling of betrayal and hurt pride... I don't know, it all looks believeable to me.

    Not that it makes the YJ a pleasant faction fluff-wise. But from the story perspective, it does make sense, IMHO.

    My personal preference would be some follow-up that explained that during the war the YJ decision-making was dominated by the "hawks" and that these actions don't reflect the morality of the faction as a whole...
  15. Furiat

    Furiat Mandarin

    Jan 14, 2018
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    Maybe stupid was the wrong word. They were rather unconvincing in their helplessness. There is only one counterinsurgency sectorial in whole infinity universe right now. Known to be the best at countering insurgencies. And yet, when there is an insurgency, they behave like drunk children in the mist.
    P-Chan, Abrilete, xagroth and 5 others like this.
  16. Hecaton

    Hecaton EI Anger Translator

    Nov 23, 2017
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    @Varsovian Broadcasting the massacre of civilians is a sure way to lose any insurgency. It goes beyond stupid. Yes, we expected the IS to be brutal and unremitting in their crackdown on the insurrection. But in order to win, they have to convince the average Japanese person that life would be better if Yu Jing won. They seemed to be interested in actively convincing the Japanese populace that life would be better if they rebelled.

    The question for the future of Yu Jing is if they will exist to only be a punching bag for the designated protagonist factions, or if they will have agency of their own. Lately... it's only been the former. If Gutier thinks that people will be content with one "protagonist" faction and everyone else being idiots or villains he's mistaken; the rumors I've heard about Ariadnans being intended to be the heroes of the story at everyone else's expense have me worried.
    #16 Hecaton, Apr 24, 2018
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2018
    SeraSmiles, Stiopa and Kallas like this.
  17. Red Harvest

    Red Harvest Day in, Day out. Day in, Day out. Day in, DAY OUT

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Ariadna and Haqqislam. Because: no cubes. That is a very old rumor. Also, it would be a cop-out. Much nicer if Human Sphere united with ALEPH as leader of all and defeated the EI.

    Turned on your irony detectors? For that, you should.

    I hope the future involves a coup d'etat, a storyline that rehabilitates Yu Jing. Right now Yu jing is best represented thus:
    Not a good thing for a faction.
  18. Eldritch

    Eldritch Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2018
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    I'll make a prediction about the future of Yu Jing.

    The future of Yu Jing will be set by the (eventual) release of the new sub faction.

    No. Any upcoming player inputs from campaigns won't matter that's obvious from the nature of how those work and the history of their outcomes. The plan is likely already in place.

    The Yu Jing situation right now is a clumsy set up for an empire in need of reform and a new direction.

    This IS an opportunity for a (clumsy and horrifically executed) transition to a less genocide filled less caricatured state into a better one.

    But the execution and planned outcome of the transition is coming from the same people who were sufficiently tone deaf to think the current execution was a good idea, and the current ethnic cleansing murder squad closed battle lists were a good idea in this situation as a preview of Yu Jings future.

    So here is my prediction bit. They will cock up the future of Yu Jing too.

    Those CBL lists ARE a preview of sorts of the new Yu Jing sub faction and direction. The new direction will be significantly more ethnically purist Chinese. The great "reform" will be more distrust and oppression of non-Chinese forces/communities, the future direction of the faction, when it belatedly arrives, will be more brutal oppression fluff not less.

    Similarly JSA's future as it becomes a proper faction will be "more of the same" of it's current unpleasant state rather than any sort of redemption.

    Sure its just a guess based on trends and apparent predilections of the writers, it very well might not come out that way, but its sufficiently likely that I'm throwing this prediction out there with an alarmingly high chance of it making me look prescient later on.
  19. Space Ghost

    Space Ghost Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    I couldn't agree less with this - this kind of "reform"/retcon is just shameful pandering IMO. What needs to be done is show why the IS (on behalf of the State Empire, and with the full support of ALEPH) is so ruthless - because they all believe the ends justify the means when Humanity is facing complete and utter annihilation. The IS aren't "good guys" and never will be - they're a necessary evil, needed to help prevent the ultimate victory of the main "bad guys" (the Combined Army) in this fictional setting. What happens to a few political prisoners (or a few Ateks for that matter) just doesn't matter to the powers-that-be in this situation. It just boggles my mind how people can go on and on and on about the merits of PanO versus YJ (or vice versa,) while completely neglecting that both polities are (fictionally) currently at war with the existential threat that is the CA. The gloves come off when the barbarians are at your gates, whether you live in Rome, NeoTerra or YuTang.
  20. loricus

    loricus Satellite Druid

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Hard agree.
    mittenninja likes this.
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