Hey gang, I want to buy Penthesilea, and both the regular & bootleg model are available. I was wondering what people think of these. At first, I thought the regular model would fit into the army better, but the bootleg bike is cooler looking.
This is absolutely a matter of taste. I do love the Bootleg one, got mine painted by a local pro from the store and all.
The obvious answer is: Both. I may be biased, working on my third Penthesilea model. One for Aleph, and two as Aragoto proxies for JSA.
The Bootleg is, for me, the best of the two. The model is relaxed, waiting, and "expanded", with a bigger bike. The regular one goes for a combat look, it's more compressed and you can see less details, with a bike that is also thinner and more futuristic. And I found that the base looks half-empty with the bootleg model, imagine with the regular one! Plus the bootleg has an evocative story behind... she was offduty, got in a fight with some Kum, and claimed (or stole!) one of their bikes. Plus the raven necklace is nice.
So, I decided to go for the Bootleg Miniature, Sure, she won't fit in the army as much, but it has more background. And Achilles unconscious body would never fit on the other bike anyway. Although, I guess she could hook him up and drag him away... (Didn't Achilles do that to Hector with his chariot by the way ?)
Or you can have both :) Well, Achilles did that to Hector, but it was to shame his remains. By the way it didn't really do good for Achilles, since shaming the body of a well known hero was not really something one should do, even by greeks standards (which were quite different to "chivalry" standards). According to some Illiad traductions, this is what lead the gods to abandon Achilles, thus leading to his death.
Infinity is like pokemon, you gotta catch them all. So my answer will be both (plus you can play Haqqislam and use the penny bootleg as a kum)
I don't think I could ever bring myself to do that :p Some of you suggested going both, but I am not such a miniature collector. Also by buying this one I chose to forgo the 300pts in the future to start SP. Next purchase on the line is Ajax, I really want to play him for some reason :D
I read somewhere (can't remember where though) that after Achilles killed Penthesilea he defiled her corpse. I haven't read the Illiad though. Is that added interpretation ?
Nope, Penthe was cursed by the goddes of "love" (Aphrodite) so all men who saw her would desire her. Achilles found her corpse and... Greek gods were kinda dicks XD
That's what you can say from what was, essentially, humans but with powers over their defined portfolio. Saying more could... anger people XD
Well ... Then this "Aleph Penthe designed to rescue Achilles" somehow takes a really dark sarcastic turn.
Greek gods were definitely very humans in all good and bad. But by the way, many greek "heroes" were also pure dicks by our standards. Achilles, Agamemnon, Odysseus (and i really like that character, but still, he could be a pure dick too), Ajax the lesser (who was not different from Ajax the Great, who inspired the Ajax from Infinity) ... They were definitely not nice people. It's not a surprise an army inspired by such characters could outperform other "civilised" armies :) Trully. Achilles was the one who killed Penny, then he looted her armor, then he saw her beautifully cursed corpse, then he defiled her ... A very nice man, indeed.