Yu Jing Fluff - Perception, Reality, Desire

Discussion in 'Yu Jing' started by Devrailis, Mar 28, 2018.

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  1. Solodice

    Solodice Kinda-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2017
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    Going further down the O/T hole.

    The USA has a specific problem with China and the South China Sea. When one starts building fortified islands in international waters there's going to be a problem. The USA is not alone in the concern with Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, and Taiwan joining in. China isn't as nice and cuddly as they look (like every other country).
  2. Section9

    Section9 Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Not when all the Keisotsu lack cubes...

    Sure you can. You wait till this batch of oligarchs piss away their funding and get another 10xGDP in debt (in about 5 generations), and buy them out again.

    It's basically how Yu Jing bought Japan in the first place.

    This is (Space) China, planning for 50-100 years from now is normal today. Crud, even Japan plans for 50 years out! Not like the US or Europe where they only seem to plan to the next election...

    Means that there's going to be a lot of work done to prevent a Japan-Nomads alliance or even trade agreements.

    Though I note that it's rather ironic that is exactly the same problem that Japan had during WW2. Too much distance between territory and not enough Navy to cover it.

    For submarine operations, Blind Man's Bluff. (That book got some major security investigations launched, BTW, it's probably more accurate than I should admit)

    For general talking about what happened, volunteer at a Veteran's Hospital and talk to the old codgers (or not so old, since we're talking about guys in their 60s now). Friend of mine told me the Bosun's Mate on his supply ship got in trouble for welding steel teeth onto the side of the hull while they were in the Med and Black Sea, Soviet Navy was playing bumper boats. Another Friend told me about scaring the crap out of the Czech army one day in the mid-80s, when his entire Armored Regiment called "tally-ho" and came charging over the hill towards the Czech border and a Czech division in camp, only to break off right before the border.

    There are several books about the BRIXMIS, and at least one is called BRIXMIS. I haven't read any of them, though, so don't have a recommendation.

    The fighting was all gangs, and there just so happened to be a hostile takeover bid for the powerplant at the same time.

    164 separate instances of gang violence, if I wanted to explain it that way. (You don't want to know how many fatalities there are in Chicago, IL, USA every day, let alone in a couple weeks time. Admittedly, Chicago is about the most violent city in the entire world. I'm pretty sure Baghdad was less dangerous during the invasion.)

    That's the point of Infinity-scale operations, it's "just gang violence" and if things get out of hand in Paradiso you can blame the Aliens without risking getting into a shooting war.

    Probably Aleph came down and said, "You cannot allow this to escalate further."

    The same China that burns more coal than the entirety of Europe and the US combined?

    Though I admit that Three Gorges does make a crazy amount of power, that's all power for southern China. All the coal plants are up north. Electricity doesn't travel very far very well. Not more than about 1500 miles.

    Wind and Solar is nice when the wind is blowing and the sun is shining. It does not supply 'baseline load' like factories, grocery stores, and hospitals. The facilities that have to run 24/7 (to include your home refrigerator). Your options to provide baseline load are Coal, Oil, Nuclear, Hydro, or Geothermal. Coal and Oil generate greenhouse gasses (and coal actively releases radiation to the environment!). Hydroelectric kills entire river ecosystems. Geothermal causes freaking earthquakes. People freak the hell out when you say nuclear, but it's the only option that doesn't do any of those immediate issues.
    Kallas, stevenart74, xagroth and 3 others like this.
  3. Eldritch

    Eldritch Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2018
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    So, the USA and it's local client states?

    But anyway, importantly the international waters in question are right off China's coast and consist of their primary sea trade route access.

    China started fortifying the region only after the USA and it's local client states started putting warships there, on China's border, and explicitly and openly "playing war games" about totally blockading China's access to that very major trade route.

    The South China sea thing is a mess. But don't let anyone tell you it is a mess because of any other reason than the USA.

    And then imagine the reaction if China sent it's war fleets right next to US waters and practicing total military blockades of US waters.
    Devrailis likes this.
  4. Leviathan

    Leviathan Hungry Caliban

    Feb 6, 2018
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    How would you guys apply these arguments to the other planets?

    Heck, on Paradiso its not just PanO doing the blockading, but Haqq is too (tho interestingly, Haqq also attacks JSA air units that try to break the blockade in the other direction).
    #764 Leviathan, Apr 12, 2018
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2018
  5. Eldritch

    Eldritch Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2018
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    Yes. That China. I know. Crazy right? But complex issues be complex.

    Also your comments about "base load" (a dead give away you've been reading denialist propaganda by the way) and nuclear make it very clear you are wildly out of date if not utterly misinformed on these issues.

    Coal power lingers, because power plants have life spans, but it is a effectively a dead and unneeded technology ask the actual investors, basically no one wants to put money into that dead end anymore. Nuclear can never be our base load technology, generation 4 reactors have proven to be nothing but very expensive vaporware for far too long now and the world supply of Uranium is too small to make it viable for any realistic time frame.

    But lets not get far into that. Lets suffice it to say when it comes to both the tech and the industrial capacity China is the leading source, and leading user of Solar and batteries (along side basically everything else). Something my nation could have been until our very western democratic government deliberately sabotaged the local industry against the majority will of the people back when we had the best solar tech. And they have an actual very convincing and thoroughly backed plan to transition meaningfully away from coal. Something my nation, and from what I recall yours, is trying the hardest to do the opposite of, against the majority will of our populations. Oh and the Paris agreement only happened because of China. And China is on the cutting edge of law reform to prevent and punish pollution. And China is in the process of a massive crack down on air pollution. And China is in the process of a massive project to improve it's water ways. And hell, rather a lot of things actually.
    Devrailis likes this.
  6. Devrailis

    Devrailis Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2018
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    So, I've been reserving further judgment and holding off from posting until I received my copy of Uprising. Now that I've finished reading the book, I can say that it validates the concerns that Yu Jing players have about the way the faction is being treated fluff-wise.

    Before I say more, I want to preface this with the understanding that Uprising was written before any of this uproar happened. The fluff in the book was a done deal well before Yu Jing players started being upset due to Bostria's trolling or the arguments being raised on the forums. This is Corvus Belli's confirmation of our concerns, but it is not a response to it.

    I also want to re-iterate something some of the responders seem to have missed. One of the major concerns of the playerbase is not that Yu Jing has always been portrayed as evil, mustache-twirling villains, but that they have been Flanderized. Yes, Yu Jing has been given a little bit of depth from the previous Core Books, but in the more recent portrayals, from the Corvus Belli written narrative campaigns, to the focus on ISS units and unit fluff that highlights how brutal Yu Jing police soldiers are, to the current Uprising situation, Yu Jing as it is currently, has consistently played the role of antagonist and villain. If you bring up older examples of fluff that portray Yu Jing as gray, without a corresponding piece of fluff from any of the more recent events, then you are not refuting this point, you are reinforcing it.

    A few points that stood out in particular to me:

    • The constant focus of Yu Jing's atrocities against the Japanese civilian population.
      • Regardless of how the Kuge are portrayed, the fact is, Yu Jing is presented as a horde of baby-killing fascists throughout the narrative. The Uprising narrative closes with an anecdote of how difficult life has become for the Japanese left behind on Kuraimori. One of the very last pieces of fluff involves the killing of a 15 year old girl by a pair of Celestial Guards. The guards are given a pass by the courts and the girl's family is threatened to the point where they have to flee their community. In fact, the judge presiding over the case lauds the guards as heroes.
      • This is exactly the sort of portrayal that some Yu Jing players have been concerned about and it is right here in the fluff. Yu Jing soldiers shooting innocent Japanese kids and getting away with it because hey, look at how evil Yu Jing is everyone!
      • This behaviour is not isolated to the ISS, though they are assigned the brunt of the atrocities. However, all branches of the Yu Jing military are implicated. Ironically, despite Yu Jing's overwhelming firepower, they are outclassed repeatedly throughout the conflict.
      • Aside from Sun Tze in one or two quote snippets, there are no sympathetic Yu Jing characters to be found in the entirety of the narrative. There is no Yu Jing Schindler. Every single one is a villain of some sort. Sun Tze only gets a pass because he's just talking strategy from a cold, clinical level.

    • Everyone, including the minor factions have it out for Yu Jing, this includes the Nomads and Haqqislam.
      • This is in part caused by the relentless violence Yu Jing applies against the Japanese civilian population. Media coverage of the conflict by freelance reporters as well as intelligence agencies ensure that this violence is broadcast across the rest of the Human Sphere.
      • Past portrayals of Yu Jing's relationship with the minor factions contained more nuance. While Yu Jing was the second rate power compared to PanO, it had enough heft that the other minor factions could use Yu Jing as leverage against PanO's agendas. Yu Jing + Haqq, Yu Jing + Ariadna, Yu Jing + Nomads was a reliable way to pressure PanO to back off. While Yu Jing also had its own interests and has come into conflicts with these factions, this dynamic was carefully preserved... until now. Throughout the Uprising timeline, every faction takes every opportunity to take Yu Jing down a peg and Yu Jing folds every time.
        • This is a very important point as it further supports the concern that we have about Yu Jing being Flanderized. Whereas before, Yu Jing was seen as a necessary counter balance to PanO aggression by the minor factions, this characterization is essentially gone. What is left are the civilian massacres, and the consistent defeat to every faction that has an interest in the conflict. The opposition of every faction against Yu Jing is open and clear.

    • While the Japanese civilians are not valued by Yu Jing, they are also treated as expendable by the Kuge.
      • The Domaru survive as a class (and a unit) as their ranks are filled with aristocrats. The Haramaki by contrast are composed of commoners and that is the main reason why they were sacrificed.
      • The Japanese commoner is not portrayed with a great deal of respect. They are by and large 1) helpless victims of Yu Jing state-sponsored violence, or 2) brainwashed, suicidal nationalists who willingly subject themselves to a subservient caste system beneath the Kuge and the Japanese emperor. Many times, they are both.

    As I have already prefaced, this fluff was a done deal before our concerns were raised, so we have to take it as it is. The Uprising and the succession of the Japanese from Yu Jing is a great idea and a great way to move the setting's narrative foward, however it could have been handled better and with more nuance than it has. Tensions and conflict between Japanese-Yu Jing loyalists vs fanatical revolutionaries would have not only improved the balance of the narrative, it would have made the conflict more interesting. Unfortunately, we don't get any of that.

    Given that this is now set in stone, the question is, what next? Moving forward, what else is in store for Yu Jing? How will the minor nations patch up their relationship with Yu Jing given their actions during this event? How will the portrayal of Yu Jing change at all given how they have been presented in the current narrative.

    Here's an important question for everyone. Given that you are a citizen of Yu Jing - what would incentivize you to emigrate to PanO? Now given the events of Uprising, given you are a citizen of PanO - what would incentivize you to emigrate to Yu Jing? If the setting truly is as grey on gray as we hope it to be, there should be a good list of reasons for both sides of this fence. Currently, it is very clear that despite PanO's shortcomings, it does not have a government that subjects a portion of its population to such overt displays of violence on such a scale, in fact, most of the other human factions (except maaaaybe Ariadna of all factions) do not. Yu Jing however, does.

    This is really a question that only Corvus Belli can answer as only Corvus Belli writes the fluff, but if the intention is for Yu Jing to be a balanced part of this grey on gray setting, then something needs to change with how they are presented.

    It is clear that Yu Jing has received a bloody nose. That is fine, every faction will have its good days and bad. However, it has received this bloody nose while standing over the corpse of a 15 year old girl with a smoking gun in its hand. That is an image that has been painted over this faction and it is an image that is not going to fade away any time soon.
    #766 Devrailis, Apr 12, 2018
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2018
  7. the huanglong

    the huanglong Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2017
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  8. Dragonstriker

    Dragonstriker That wizard came from the moon.

    Dec 3, 2017
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    International waters are international waters only so long as others insist that they are. Not doing freedom of navigation exercises gives approval of annexation of international waters.
    Also 2000 NM isn’t “just off the coast”
    Edit: actually more like 800 NM, forgive the overestimate.
    #768 Dragonstriker, Apr 12, 2018
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2018
    Fyeya likes this.
  9. Hecaton

    Hecaton EI Anger Translator

    Nov 23, 2017
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    @Eldritch You come off like someone who's drinking the PRC kool-aid.
    Fyeya and Dragonstriker like this.
  10. Hecaton

    Hecaton EI Anger Translator

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Borlois, Dragonstriker and xagroth like this.
  11. Section9

    Section9 Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    You really need to read some non-Chinese sources, dude.

    25% of all maritime traffic passes through the South China Sea. That's all traffic, world-wide. Your shirts made in India? Passed through the SCS if you live in North or South America, If you live in Europe it went west through the Suez and into the Med. Your computer was made in China (at least parts of it were), and those parts or completed computers went through the SCS on their way to Europe (and technically through Japanese waters to get to the US).

    Vietnam is pissed off about China pouring concrete all over islands that feed Hanoi. See also the Philippines. And Malaysia, Sultanate of Brunei, even freaking Cambodia and Thailand. Those islands are in various nations Economic Exclusion Zones (EEZ), which extend 200 Nautical Miles (~400km) from the coastline of every country. Yes, in some places the EEZs overlap, and the South China Sea is one of them. But once the various nations agree on where those EEZ boundaries are, that's a place your country gets to use exclusively (hence the name). The US is generally gifted with countries that are willing to talk about where the edges of our EEZs end up, but the nations surrounding the SCS aren't quite so willing to make a dividing line.

    China's Nine-Dashed Line goes to within 50km of the coasts of every other country bordering the South China Sea. That's close enough to see from 65 feet/20m above the beach.


    The US flies a plane or sails a warship through the SCS to tell China "This water is INTERNATIONAL WATERS. Or do you want to start a fight with the US to claim otherwise?"

    There's also the Senkaku Islands (170km from Taiwan and Japanese territory, 330km from nearest mainland China)
    Taiwan wanted access to the fishing grounds of the Senkaku/Daiyoutai islands (quite literally, "Good Fishing Islands" and the Japanese do a lot of fishing there, too). Taiwan dropped their territorial claim with Japan when Japan agreed to allow Taiwanese boats to fish there.

    There's a report dating from 1976 that there is likely petroleum under the seabed around those islands. China did not press their territorial claim of those islands until after that report was published. So I find their territorial claim a bit suspect.

    And keep in mind, I have freely admitted to wanting to live in the earlier portrayal of Yu Jing, even over PanO, despite being libertarian politically, which means that I really don't like it when a government tells me what to do.

    Well, if you're enforcing a no-fly zone, that technically means EVERYONE not patrolling doesn't get to fly. Besides, at least on Paradiso Haqq is trying to stop the two sides from fighting, making it more like a de-militarized zone.

    Don't have the book yet, so I can't testify about anything else.

    Had to like @Devrailis post for the calm analysis, because I sure as hell don't like what he's reporting.
    This makes me not want to live in YJ anymore.

    Still don't want to live in PanO. You should not have to pay significant amounts of money for things that are necessary for functioning in society, like the ability to see temporary road construction signs! And it's bad enough in the US with the various lobbies pushing for different bills. Can't imagine how nasty it is in a place where the corporations really do run the damn country!

    Nomads? I'm a little broken to handle sustained Zero Gee ops, and Bakunin is a bit too ... anarchistic for my tastes. Leaves Tunguska, and I'm not a banker or electronic security expert.

    Haqq? Well, I'm not too keen on paying Jizaya on top of other taxes because I won't convert (yes, that's still a thing). Though I will admit that I might be convertable (I'd dearly like to be able to read the founder's words, but if someone at CB could write them we'd be looking at the founding of the religion, not a passing mention in a game's background setting materials! lol )

    Leaves Ariadna. I'd be a bit old to consider for the initial colonization (I'd be ~60+ then), but I am used to living out in the sticks and can play an instrument or two (important things when the power goes out on you!). Plus I know how to make steel, have done a little of my own gunsmithing (mostly just replacing parts, and you learn how to do that much just doing a total disassembly). My messed-up back makes it hard to do a lot of the heavy lifting you'd need to do on a frontier, though.

    So that's that. No really good fits for me.

    Hell, I'm not sure I want to play this game anymore.
    Not if that's what CB is going to do to their setting. Hell, even the Shasvasti were relatable aliens, before a HUMAN fuckup made them want all humans dead (not unreasonably so, if you know the Shas history!). Morats are ... rather hostile, and they're close enough to the Human Sphere in tech that we'd fight a LOT. Probably so much that we'd have to make it a matter of Humans or Morats. But the Shas? Hell, we could have offered them living-space on Human-settled worlds, and fought with them against the Morats. Exrah were the worst of the Robber Baron capitalists, but if you knew that going in you could still do deals with them. Hell, the Exrah Concordat was nuked by the EI for doing deals with human companies!

    @Hecaton : @psychoticstorm isn't the background writer for CB. You want @Interruptor .
  12. xagroth

    xagroth Mournful Echo

    Nov 23, 2017
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    First, thanks @Devrailis for the extra data.

    As for the Narrative, Worldbuilding and Rules that were mentioned on a previous post, I'd say that the Narrative was the weakest of the three and the Worldbuilding was the strongest. Uprising manages (unsurprisingly) to take both down... and the JSA secession, while expected adn wanted by a lot of JSA players, takes Rules down aswell... So, I'd say it was a poor experience, from my point of view.
    And sadly, everything I feared it would be.

    Gangs move in, violence explodes, scandals surface, prices drop, acquisition by legal means is feasible... gangs stop and the property regains value.
    Or if it's a strategic critical asset for the war effort against the CA, proves that the current management is unable to deliver, so a new one is needed...

    Most of what happened could be attributed to "Blue on Blue" (friendly forces fighting against themselves) because of the paranoia the Speculo killers and other Shasvastii infiltrators bring. Then you add "no trail left, it must have been the CA", and "I prefer to take revenge with my own hands rather than telling daddy", and...
    As long as they don't endanger long-term strategical assets, Aleph and O-12 might be forced to turn a blind eye against this stuff, because, well... it's like sanctioning PanO's Wall of Steel: O12 had to do it to prevent a full scale war between PanO and YJ, but that doesn't mean PanO gets a free pass.

    Infinity cannot be a setting so alien that paralelisms can be drawn between what happens there and what happens nowadays, because then you have no reference, nor a need to have anything resembling the current world. Or, said another way, you can't present a "like today, but with more tech and bigger scale" and then go full Star Trek's Starfleet philosophy, it creates, as mentioned, dissonance and breaks the suspension of disbelief.

    Shrugging and accepting it means you don't really want to talk about this, just defend your investment (emotional, financial, whatever) at all costs, like a true believer (or even a non-violent fanatic) would when faced with the most basic and logical of questions, refusing to hear any argument at all.

    I'd say the main difference is knowledge. Nowadays we have lots of data, publicly available, about all corners of the world (another thing entirely is that we are not saturated with data, meaning that we don't look for/notice those things); for example we have even videos of North Korea, despite being forbidden to take them.

    Incidentally, that's my reasoning behind the "the Sphere's public opinion was directed by the governments", since there is enough newscasts in a day that YJ's ones would be more sound in the background otherwise.

    I was referring to "military immediate annexation", but... that goes to the next question I made: why should YJ take in the Japan nation again? I mean, it's not like the dream of a united Asia will go on, there is too much bad blood now, and no faction would take the Japan nation inside themselves and keep the Kuge, Emperor, and adoctrinations going on, since we know how that goes in the long run... and the Kuge won't sold Japan again if that means they not only won't get anything from it, but will lose everything.

    The same China that generates so much smog you can make bricks from filtering the air with little effort, yeah. Which means they are trying to clean the atmosphere around their overcontaminated cities, not because of the good of the planet, but because dead citizens are not productive, and sick ones are a drag for the economy.
    Another thing entirely is Madrid, with its pollution measuring machines placed in the middle of the green lung of the city (and a previous major tried to install those OUTSIDE the city borders XD).

    Paradiso is another beast entirely. Because of the CA's threat and the Shasvastii infiltrations, the standard protocols might be "do not let ANYBODY cross your assigned sector, no matter what, unless you get data that cannot be tampered with instructions. Hell, you can't even trust your partners, because of the Impersonators, but at least Haqquislam has more experience and knowledge about how they work.

    I mean, I read Campaign Paradiso back in the day, and several Dire Foes. It gets to a (ridiculous) point in which you are expecting two Fiday or two Speculo to cross swords, realize they are on the same side, and go kill the Lt who was the only real trooper of his faction... The Maglev scenario's fluff had at least two impersonators, and I think a third one was mentioned in the closing paragraph...


    No, he wants psychoticstorm to try and say, again, "but you need to wait until you read the book, it's so good!", or "wait and see, the next book will right things".
    #772 xagroth, Apr 12, 2018
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2018
    Devrailis, Borlois, Kallas and 2 others like this.
  13. Hecaton

    Hecaton EI Anger Translator

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Borlois, Kallas and Dragonstriker like this.
  14. the huanglong

    the huanglong Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2017
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    Do Japanese schoolgirls have cubes?
  15. xagroth

    xagroth Mournful Echo

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Well... Aragotos had, so... I'd say so :p
    Abrilete likes this.
  16. Mahtamori

    Mahtamori Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    @Section9 US+EU is roughly half as populous as China. Their CO2 emissions are on same level per capita as the EU. The biggest CO2 pollutants in the world are US, CA, Bahrain and Kuwait with Qatar and Trinidad & Tobago going off the charts. There is some to be said about China's need to modernize and industrialize their nation, but switching emission development towards the Western downward pointing trend before even getting close to US levels speaks volumes about commitment when they at the same time work to challenge the US as world economic leader.

    Still, their emission data is above EU average and still delta going the wrong direction by comparison. Just don't pollute EU's data with US data :p
  17. Eldritch

    Eldritch Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2018
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    You can make all the excuses you like over the south China sea.

    But again, I already asked the question.

    What if China practiced naval blockades of the USA? Right next to the USA.

    According to you that's totally fine right?
  18. psychoticstorm

    psychoticstorm Aleph's rogue child

    Mar 4, 2017
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    Well if you insist the shooting incident were done after the uprising ended, not before or during and ISS was never portrayed as easygoing towards betrayers of the state empire the article is of course written for the Bourak population by Haqqislamiste sources.

    You can view the whole incident as two Imperial agents shooting a civilian and getting away from it, or the whole story of Imperial agents doing a security sweep after a forward outpost was attacked by Tatenokai with resulting deaths, been separated by angry mobs of civilians one group fired in the air to disperse them resulting in a big mob of civilians stampeding towards another group who shot at the crowd that was rapidly approaching them, how they managed to kill only one is a miracle.

    The article mentions of 700 something deaths in a population of several millions (several hundred?) in an area under martial law (so no civil laws exist) with active terrorist activity that still kills troops, given the nature of the article wanting to make ISS look bad, it just reports people reported missing, they could be tatenokai agents in those 700 deaths, that been said even the article accepts 65 cases have been investigated and one agent actually apprehended, more than what I would expect.

    As I said the uprising is open to interpretation of the reader, want to make Yu Jing look bad read the book as is without noticing who writes what part and for what target audience, preferably ignore the context, want to justify their actions dissect the article and make extract the information you want from it.

    Iron wall was enacted two weeks after uprising started (under panO and general public pressure and presumably by then authorised by O-12), no troops were deployed by PanO except on Dawn iirc and no retaliation or accusations was done by PanO for Yu Jing attacking their air base on Dawn, PanO did not shoot any retreating aircraft or aircraft designated for evacuating Yu Jing troops and did not act on any other airspace that was not adjusted to their own and had Japanese civilians (and troops).

    A few things now, there are no real personalities in the Uprising story outside Sun Tze and even he has short passages, all of the dire foes missions are tied in to the uprising mostly making the "fate" part that led to the uprising story. The Haqqislam part can be explained because the uprising takes part exactly during/ post red veil and Hassassins are full in damaging Yu Jing companies because they covered up the PanO company that destroyed their companies contracts by hiring Ikari to blow up their medical supply ships.

    In general hostility to Yu Jing was done by exploiting PanO broadcasting,exploiting PanO population and by PanO corporations playing dirty and greedy, towards Haqqislam and using Yu Jing corporations to cover them up, em #blame PanO?
    A Mão Esquerda likes this.
  19. Dragonstriker

    Dragonstriker That wizard came from the moon.

    Dec 3, 2017
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    @Hecaton See, @psychoticstorm came through for you. You shouldn’t have been worried that he wouldn’t justify it somehow. He ALWAYS does.
  20. Dragonstriker

    Dragonstriker That wizard came from the moon.

    Dec 3, 2017
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    What blockade?
    I’m beginning to suspect you are a PRC plant.
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