Complete list of all models Yu Jing lost?

Discussion in 'Yu Jing' started by KujakuDM, Mar 26, 2018.

  1. KujakuDM

    KujakuDM Vigilo Confido

    Dec 18, 2017
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    Is there a list somewhere of all the profiles Yu Jing lost with JSA going NA2?

    thanks ahead of time!
  2. Furiat

    Furiat Mandarin

    Jan 14, 2018
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    I think tere is one in infinity army. If I were you, I would look in NA2.

    But seriously:
    -yuriko oda
    -tokusetsu butai
    -neko oyama
    -shinobu kitsune
    Abrilete likes this.
  3. Zewrath

    Zewrath Elitist Jerk

    Nov 28, 2017
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    The exceptions are the REM's although most noticeably the Rui Shi has increased in SWC cost, compared to the regular YJ version.
  4. BenMoss

    BenMoss Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2018
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    Also, bear in mind that if you are playing in a very competitive environment then vanilla YJ has taken a significant hit in power level so I would expect most players in that situation to switch to ISS.

    The reason I bring this up is if your question was which models in someone's collection can they no longer use (in a competitive scene) then you would also need to add all the vanilla units not available to ISS (such as Tigers, Dao Fei, Guiland, etc).

    Not everyone plays in an ultra competitive scene of course and in that situation those models will still see play. I know my Tigers aren't going to see a game table probably until next year at this point and when you make people stop playing their models for that kind of time scale people leave the game as there are simply too many other things out there to grab their attention.
  5. KujakuDM

    KujakuDM Vigilo Confido

    Dec 18, 2017
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    I was just wondering since they specifically didn't lose Ninja. Wondered if there was anything else.
  6. Paradur

    Paradur Fukurô Keibi

    Nov 23, 2017
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    No just the ninja, and well remotes, but they aren't Japanese, which is why the SWC tax increased on some of them in JSA
  7. Warharan

    Warharan New Member

    Dec 13, 2017
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    Basically YJ lost all the Japanese stuff except (oddly enough) the Ninja?
  8. Shiwen

    Shiwen Commissar, Yu Jing Political Work Department

    Dec 31, 2017
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    Ninja remains, officially, because it was the most commonly used Japanese model in vanilla Yu Jing lists, while the other Japanese profiles were used significantly less. I suspect the fact its packed in Red Veil, and removing a unit distributed in a current 2-player starter box would irk retailers and new players to no end, probably had something to do with it.
    Warharan and chromedog like this.
  9. Sedral

    Sedral Jīnshān Task Force Officier

    Nov 28, 2017
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    They very likely planned the content of Red Veil with Uprising in mind

    Wait what? Vanilla yu-jing is still filled with really strong options, the only meaningful losses in a competitive environment are oniwaban/shinobu and keisotsus (which can be summed up by a 10-ish pts increase in most vanilla list), though according to your playstyle you might also miss shikami, karakuris and aragotos.

    If anything the players who suffered the most from this event are the ones who didn't play competitive, and liked to field domaru/haramaki in their vanilla list.
  10. FishKing

    FishKing Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2018
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    Also Raiden. Since Uprising I've quickly been reminded how much I absolutely despise cheap defensive link teams. Raiden were a cheap and expendable fuck off button to remove them in a lot of cases, gone now with no replacement. I'd put them even above Oniwaban in terms of how it's affected my play personally (though I think Oni is probably more important overall). Maybe other people know some amazing secret to remove them efficiently at low risk or are happy to watch their big premium HI get mulched by a linked ML every few games, but I've seen no sign of the former and would rather not deal with the latter.

    Domaru were far more competitive than you'd think. The people dismissing them have I think never seen them used properly. E/M grenades and berserk CC32 E/M CCW with a chain rifle and CC23 assault on the side is naughty for those points. I'll miss the HI that can trade up with each individual wound and also pull off some of the most reliable spec fire in the game. Not saying they're Karakuri levels of ridiculously powerful hidden gem, but they were a really solid option. I really hope there's some sort of worthy replacement in IA, even if the capabilities are scattered across multiple units.
    AdmiralJCJF and Kallas like this.
  11. banthafodder

    banthafodder Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2018
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    Yuriko was a constant on my lists. Passive board patrol plus someone who could patch up my remotes and Su Jian.
  12. BenMoss

    BenMoss Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2018
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    I think you missed the point I was trying to make. There are most definitely still good units in vanilla YJ. Tigers are amazing, Guilang serve a really useful purpose and allow some good shell games, Dao Fei can make very capable strike units, etc.

    In a competitive environment vanilla YJ generally came across as mid tier (while I don't 100% agree with all the assessments here, mostly around Ariadna being too low, I think this is a reasonable summary of the assessment: ).

    Once you remove elements such as Kitsune (and Oniwaban), Keisotsu, Tokusetsu Butai, Raiden and possibly to a slightly lesser extent Arogato, Yuriko and O-Yoroi you are dropping the overall power level from upper mid tier to lower mid tier. At that point, if you want to play competitively (and I get that this is a scale as playing competitively isn't a binary state) then you're going to play the 5 artichoke ISS rather than the (now) 3 artichoke Yu Jing if we use the scale of the article above.

    My point was that once you're asking all those competitive players to play ISS (which you are when the options are a 5 artichoke force or a 3 artichoke force) then not only have they had access to all their JSA models removed but also all those models/profiles such as the Tiger and Guilang that only appear in vanilla YJ.

    For players that aren't in this competitive band then they can obviously still use those models but that's still a section of the player base that are prevented from using even more models than just the ones CB have removed directly.
    Kallas likes this.
  13. YueFei23

    YueFei23 Durian Inspector

    Nov 29, 2017
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    I only make it to 2-3 big tournaments a year, but I saw someone win the Salt Lake Showdown last year with a Yu Jing list. It can definitely be done. Infinity tournaments are still only 4-5 game events at the larger sizes, so getting an unbeaten record is still heavily match up dependent. A hac tao is still beast level against all opponents.

    Power level probably also depends on the missions you're being asked to win at. It's fair to say Yu Jing are less powerful at Looting and Sabotaging and Decapitation without shikami and oniwaban options, but other missions haven't been hit at all.

    Regarding the missing raiden for dealing with enemy defensive links, an assisted fire rui shi or hsien in smoke will crush them just fine. An hmg hac tao would also do it. It's still something the faction does well - you've just got to switch it up.
  14. Triumph

    Triumph Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    I am finding my list diversity is down very heavily thanks to the threat of Oniwabans trading for something being gone.

    My 12-14 order lists don't function properly anymore. I didn't use to use Kuang Shi much, but now they're in every single list along with even more Monks than before. I find if I don't run a big 18+ order list and jam a mess of models into the mid field thanks to a lack of strong ARO threats it's way too easy to steamroll something heavy down the table on t urn 1 or 2 and pick off my active pieces and leave the army crippled. So I'm stuck resorting to making my opponents choke on warband models to burn off their orders.

    It still works, but there's less variety in what I can build now.
  15. Barrogh

    Barrogh Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2017
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    I think you give too much credit to that list of artichokery. It explicitly takes into account things like sculpts and fun factor, plus it was written before new ITS season.

    Some of author's estimations are also... pretty interesting.

    I don't think the article was supposed to be an assessment of army competitiveness.
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