... and internet in office went down eating my post. This. If community is supportive, tournament is a joy for new players. A lot of formal rules can be thrown into dumpster if it leads to better game experience. Like later more relaxed proxy rules stating existing factual policies.
How about Tarik's twin, Kirat? He's not banned, and, naturally, as an identical twin, has an identical profile. Or you can always use your BRV Tarik as a Al Fasid HMG. It's only a 2 point difference. And AVA 2. Yeah, if you are part of an escalation league, and using the Red Veil+ Beyond Red Veil progression, WTF? Not a beginner friendly move. Storyline friendly, sure. I guess Tarik may be joining the JSA as マンスリ た日コ (Mansuri Tariko) along with the other removed personalities. Or maybe he's gone full Druze. Tarik, you never go full Druze. Mansuri evidently means 'monthly' in Japanese. Make of that what you will. On a serious note, if they removed Fatality altogether, and not just from Tarik, that would be nice. Too many goofy rules in the game. Time to cull the herd. Get rid of Chest Mines too.
Man im bummed, Tarik is my go-to fave character in infinity. I love using him in vanilla cause he fulfills the achilles/su jian style role of a mobile heavy powerhouse assault unit. If they remove fatality lvl 2, they should remove it on the kawarij spitfire profile too, but i think lvl 1 is still viable. Also, ive been saying forever, make him BTS 6. A khawarijs strength is that in certain situations you can take shock and viral saves on your bts of 3 instead of armor of 1 (in the case of shock). I think Tarik could use the extra tankiness especially against an ammo type that becoming much more common. Beyond that, maybe BS14 and maybe give him a heavy pistol?
and give him NBW and/or MA 3, maybe total immunity (he made some heavy experimental shit), change the ruling of Fatality level 2 and everything is fine
LVL 1 is good, gives reason TAG-mounted oversized weapons. LVL 2 is game-breaking, I agree. Never experienced chest mines yet))) So rare rule for me.
I still stand by the fact that Asawira should get NBW more than anyone else. Theyre fluff literally said they could take on 3 of the best martial artists from across the sphere at once and beat them. Only NBW could let a model do that.
It would work a lot better if the TAG's had Fatality L1. Unless they added that when I wasn't looking.
It was added in ITS Season 9. For duration of season: - all TAGs have Fatality L1 - armies made of single Combat Group are immune to -2 Order Command Token use
For me, Fatality L1 is acceptable. On TAGs, it actually makes perfect sense. Fatality L2, well... haven't seen it on the table, but I'm really not convinced it is a good idea. Well, maybe - maybe! - on a TAG it could do.
Are we even sure yet, that these characters get a rework? I mean, if even IJW doesnt know anything about it, it must mean ther was nothing playtested. It could also mean, the buff is just for the remaining season. Ad Fatality...I like Level 1 a lot. Nice little buff. Level 2 is not that gamebreaking as the numbers suggested, but an bigger encouragement to fish for crits is nothing that makes game more fun. Change it CB or get rid of it. MA5 would like to have a word with you;) Well, backgroundwise those characters who are banned now, have to report to the O-12 for questioning...it wouldnt make a lot of sense, if a CA character would report to O-12 concerning the conspiracy with the CA;)
Ive used Lvl 2 with both Tarik and the khawarij spitfire and ill say its hit and miss. Ive had a couple games in a row where the rule never came up, but then had a couple games where i crit crushed an opponent into the dirt. Its not super fun in either situation. Honestly i like the idea of a lvl2, but not of it affecting crits in that way.
For now Fatality exists only in separate PDF and wiki, so it still could be reworked. I hope it would.
While we are on topic on CC, I would like to point out that giving Tarik NBW while leaving him with MA1 will ensure he will outfight Musashi in a duel. It will be massive coinflip ofc, but in Tarik's favour. I don't think it is supposed to happen.
Hmm the only thing I have in my history seems to be this guy. Admittedly him telling me to check the spanish side of the forums isn't evidence for anything really. For all we know google translate messed up and gave some people false expectations. Can any spanish speaker trawl the spanish forums for more on these rumours?
I didn’t find anything useful - but I honestly wouldn’t care if Tarik came back to us with his normal profile. I’ve given up searching old posts.
My first games (that weren't with my non wargamer friends playing through Icestorm) were at an ITS event. I don't think its that rare for new players to play at events - jumping in at the deep end, so to speak. It's basically a day of practice with the rules.
Well, guess communities are different. Anyway. HelLois made a post on ITS forum, stating that characters are banned for about 2 months. People report that he also said on his Facebook page that those characters won't be getting any profile changes, just some temporary bonuses for the duration of the rest of season/stage, something like that.
Just came into reiterate this same thing. I don't have a link to Hellios's post but from the PanO facebook group "The guy running the ITS narrative stuff @HellLois has confirmed on Facebook that they are NOT gone for the rest of the season. They are also NOT getting profile changes or updates. There WILL be some kind of bonus added for them when they do come back, as part of the next "stage" of the Season 9 narrative."
ey ey ey. Nobody said that the will get a nerf! The ban will end on the next challange, in a couple of months. and i read people saying that this troops will get a rework on his profile or even a reculpt, and thats no true. They will get a bonus like Ironclaw, rule of season 9.