Hello all, so I am just going to throw in all my miniatures that I have painted so far. In the future I will just addwhatever leaves my painting table. At the moment I just play YJ, but I am growing really fond of USAriadna, so maybe thets the next faction that I am going to start collecting, who knows :) Thats everything I have painted in the last year or so. On my painting table right now are some Zanshis with special weapons, Krit Kokram and a WuMing woth RL that I am going to proxy with no shame for a Zuyong with RL.
Looking very good, keep them coming. Always nice to see how much variance there is on "orange/yellow" models.
Thank you! Luckily, orange is my favorite color, so I probably wont get bored by it in the foreseeable future :) I was able to finish some new models: Net is a guijia, it'll arrive soon and I am really looking forward to it!
The Guijia is done! I tried to make use of the many flat surfaces and used some decals for a 1:72 MiG or so that I had flying around. And I also tried to brake up the eveness of the armor by adding some battle damage.
It has been a while! I started with a different faction, Military Orders. I got the new starter Pack and I am really pleased with the quality and the sculpts, although the tendency of CB to model the units with one leg atop of some object is really hindering my efforts to create a convincing connection between the base and the model. Different focus: Thats it for now :)
Sure. I painted these minis in two batches. The first one included the Sepulchre, Lord Commander, Black Friar and KoJ. I painted that batch with my trusty cheap 0.3 china airbrush that came with the compressor. As one might expect, the amount of precision that you get from that aurbrush together with my airbrush skills led to a rather monotone look on the blue in the first batch. The second batch I painted with my brand new sparmax 0.2, and it included the 3 Crosiers and the Santiago. There (imho) you can see far more variety in the way that different spots in the blue are lighter than others. I was able to place the highlight spots much more precise. So for general procedure, I coat everything with matt black and then give it a light zenithal highlight with grey. With the first batch i went for the approach of coating most of the miniature with a basetone and the I tried to work my way "up" towards lighter and lighter shades of blue. Because of the opacity of those colors as well as the 0.3 nozzle not really being up to the task (as well as the fact that I am not a pro) led to the rather bland result. I am still happy though, since I like the tone of blue. With the second batch I went for another approach. First I hit the models with the "shadow color" from a 45°-below angle. This will give the darker parts a blue tint. Then I hit the models from above with the middle color, with this color being really diluted. I slowly build up layer upon layer with the lightness of the grey still showing, but tinted in this middle color. And finally I mixed in some pale blue into the middle tone and then set the hightlights at the exposed point (head, calves, exposed thighs etc.).
Awesome, many thanks for sharing! And glad to hear that the investment in a good gun is paying off! Looking forward to seeing more of the army and I‘d love to see some work in progress while you are at it. E.g. the bases also look really neat
So I painted the new remotes from YJ. Since I really like the Long Ya's profile but dont like its current miniature and since the chayi platform and the long ya both are S3 I decided to magnetize the weapons and to scratchbuild some rocket launcher weapons system so I would be able to play them as either unit. Here they are without weapins attached (I know the bases dont fit the surroundings lol): Here they are with the HMG and the ML: And with the scratchbuild launcher platform:
Really nice painting skills you got here. Not just the Military Orders but the rest of the minis you've done.
So, some new Minis I have painted. FIrst of al a haetae. The armor was an experiment that didnt work as intended but in the end it worked out kinda okay. Next the big Squalo: Then the small Squallo: And then McMurder: Cheers
So, I painted the Triphammer. I fell in love with the sculpt as well as with the boxart paintjob immediately and had to have it. I tried to saty as close to the boxart as possible, I just added some decals. Cheers
So I finished my Lei Gong. I also bought a new Smarthphone and built myself a lightbox for taking better pictures, hence I am going to reupload a couple of miniatures that I think I have already posted here before. But since my old imagehost has died anyways I dont think this is an issue. So heres Lei Gong. During the last year I relied quite heavily on the use of contrast paints, and even though I still think that they have their place and value I think that I want to focus more on the classical way of painting. This is much slower, but the nature of Infinity as a skirmisher gives you the opportunity to put more time into each miniature, and somehow (for me at least) the result feels more ... I dunno but satisfying maybe? And a random dump of other minis that I put through my lighbox :) Cheers!