And a little excursion into Ariadna and Kosmoflot. I had a cool Volkolak with HMG lying around and he deserved some paint:
Got a big one here... :D I painted this Stoorworm for a friend, as I don't have TAG Raid myself. Was a fun project though, I love painting these huge monsters.
Around 4 Hours? Not much longer than a detailed mini actually, as I Iaid the base colors with the airbrush, added some washes/xpress color, and then drybrushed a lot. Only the glowing things took an extra pass (airbrush again).
Beautiful work. Really takes me back to my first haqqi. As @Koin-Koin said, it’s an older model but it’s still valid. Great job!
So far February has been mostly about Warcrow, with the Tundra Marauders, but I managed to sneak in an old Janissary yesterday. 9 more models, and I'll have painted all my Haqqislam minis! And in case you were wondering, here are the Marauders:
More old school Hassassins, with the old Ragik. It also holds up pretty well against the newer models, even though the pose is a bit weird.
Very nice. I honestly love those old poses. I wish we would get more of them today instead of "right leg on tactical rock while shooting sidearm" for the 30th time.
And another (even older) Janissary. The pose is weird, but interesting: similar to the sniper cradle position, but standing up. I'e never seen it standing up, and I don't think it makes much sense. But it is not uncool. :D
Great painting! As for the pose, the snipers in X-Com, Enemy Unknown do that in their shooting animations.