Here she is is all her glory, I'll get one out to the artist and I'll take a side by side shout with the Guija whom she sizes up to quite nicely
Hi, I'm upping this post to ask if by any chance you had a real contact with CB. I think you sent them the work done here - but did you get any answer yet? If not, where/how can I buy the current model. I don't have any 3D printer, so I'm looking for someone who could print it for me to buy from them - or alternatively buying the 3D files and use an online printing service. Is any of that possible?
I emailed CB's careers contact email a while back, but have not received any reply or acknowledgement. I wouldn't get my hopes up if I were you. As for the model, you'd have to contact TheGreg for that one, I'm not directly involved in that project, and my knowledge of 3D printing is extremely limited.
Thanks for the quick reply. @TheGreg1980 : What about the 3D files? I'm in France, so probably better to buy the file and find a way to print it here I guess - is it for sale or do you want to keep it all for you and flex on us, poor people with no desing skills? :D
With Steel Phalanx now getting a TAG, I feel the need to point out again that ISS is now the only non-Ariadnan faction (of which, half already have one) in the entire game to not get a TAG. Our time us now, CB. #justiceforjingwei
The MO makeover sucked, they have only 1 functional core fireteam, I'd shoot for something else lmao.
That's them though. I could also say like Morats got a box and change over. Some new minis and maybe a new profile or two. It could be great and it could suck but we won't know until then.
ISS has changed a lot since my original project. At this point, it really doesn't need too much to scratch the right itches. The fireteams are fun, fluid, and being useful kits to the table. The Bao, Crane, Wu Ming, and Sun Tze could use some reworks, and the faction could use a new, solid skirmisher. And, of course, a new TAG to keep up with the mechanized arms race everyone else has been swept up in. Otherwise, the outlook is actually pretty good.
With Steel Phalanx's getting its own TAG, I'm pretty sure ISS will get one as well when it'll be reworked. Either that, or they'll simply upgrade the su-jian to TAG status (which would be one hell of a nerf, mind you).
I doubt they would. People thought they would do that to other things before and they didn't. Now what would be cool is a new transformer TAG. Their first remote presence TAG.
There was a discussion in the Discord a day or two ago regarding possibilities for such expansion for ISS (and by discussion, I mean mostly just me ranting into the void). For the next starter box, an ISS revamp really makes perfect sense, especially seeing how the most recent box is going. Main box, toss in a Hsien MMR (big shoes to fill though, the Hsien MR I use to fill in for it is probably one of the finest sculpts CB has ever done), Pheasant hacker, and something with an SWC weapon, preferably a Crane rework. Beyond Box gives a Sun Tze 2.0 resculpt with accompanying rework (All he needs is marksmanship and the ability to join Xian teams, then he'd be perfect), Bao rework/resculpt, and new skirmisher. TAG box gives ISS its new TAG (Ideally in the form of the mighty and righteous Jingwei Mobile Enforcement Division). Hero box gives a general-release sculpt for Crane Adil. Unit box is shared between new Bao and Zhanying Booster Alpha contains a Lunah resculpt, Wu Ming MR/GL, and Gui Feng Xi Zhuang resculpt. Honestly, you don't really need any new stuff in a booster beta at that point. Use it as an opportunity to re-pack some of the older models that have aged particularly well. Hsien MR and Crane Spitfire come to mind. Maybe move a couple of units around between the starter box and the secondary boxes to make the points work out, but that'd pretty much complete ISS while bringing it up to date. Pair it with either a new O-12 Black Hand sectorial or NCA re-release (with more Hexahedron presence to fit the theme). Personally, I think O-12 could use one more sectorial to flesh it out, so I'd prefer the former, although I imagine there'd be greater fervour towards the latter. In either case, I don't think the game needs any more new sectorials beyond one more for O-12's sake.
Well it's still only three TAGs. There's always the potential of more. I really wanted a smaller TAG in the 60s. Not another mainline battle TAG nearly the same price as the others.