Finally painted the Boyg! This model was in my "Want to paint and play" list before I even came back to Infinity. I decided to switch up the colour scheme a bit here and give the armour more white then blue. Also wanted to give the armour a bit more of character and add numbers or some strips/lines, but since I am not confident with freehand I decided against that idea. Now my Helsinki Satellite list is painted!
I'm not confident myself with free-hand painting myself but so far the few attempts I made were not that catastrophic. If you're heading for straight to lines, it could be pretty easy. I suggest you give it a try next time even just on a flat test surface, you may be happily surprised. Also, using glaze medium for a "base" then adding layers, allow to reduce the "not fully straight" aspect.
I did do some freehand on my CSM from 40k, but not confident to do that on Infinity models :D Thank you!
Next month it is Talvisota, Finish Satellite in Helsinki where I am going! I am really exited for this event and tried to finish painting my new list for that, very happy that I succeeded in doing it Here is my Svalarheima list that I am taking to the tournament
I love that Boyg, I cannot pin what the changes are from the official scheme, but there are and it makes it look so much better and menacing.
Thank you :D I have a bit more white on the legs compared to the studio painted one, no free hand stripes and no bright green on mine :D
Shona painted! Model I was looking forward to paint but did not enjoy the process what so ever, it was awkward to paint. Do not like how the sword came out and I think should have went with a leather coat on her instead of white. What's done is done and she is tabletop ready.