Is there somewhere I can buy organizers for the tokens, cards, etc. for the core game as well as the expansions?
Depends on what you need. There's some from Feldherr (, not sure if anoyne else makes these. And there's other thread on organizers
I made a set of 3D-printed storage few years ago, and it’s absolutely perfect for me. The only disadvantage is (it’s actually an advantage for meself): they weren’t designed to fit inside the game box. They are much smaller than the box’s dimensions. In the pictures, you can see that I even designed character storage boxes that can open and close for easy organization. If anyone needs it, I can share the 3D files.
Sure, the cards are all sleeved. I'll organize the print files and instructions on where everything goes in the next few days and then share them. This game doesn’t have a retail channel, so I didn’t expect anyone to still be interested.