Hi! Does the skill "Specialist Operative" enable to bearer to do objectives from the Operations Deck, that specify a designated troop (Like Doctor or Paramedic) but does not need any Specialist-related Equipment (Medikit or Gizmokit or HD/Hacking programm) to fulfill the mission (normail WiP roll for example)? What if the Specialist Operative has the needed equipment? Example: Trooper SAYIQ TAG Pilot (Shakush): Skill Specialist Operative & Equipment Gizmo Kit 1. Designated Trooper: Engineer (or Forward Observer or Doctor/Paramedic oder Hacker) / Objective: do a WIP roll 2. Designated Trooper: Engineer / Objective: restore 1 STR on friendly model with Gizmo kit Can the Sayiq do both missions? He is not listed as a designated Trooper (being no Engineer and so on) but counts as a specialist (and in case 2 even has the correct equipment). Rules text p.112: SPECIALIST OPERATIVE The user of this Special Skill can accomplish missions and objectives when playing scenarios, even if he does not have one of the roles specified as a Specialist Troop in the scenario. EFFECTS ► Playing a mission or a scenario, the user of this Special Skill is considered to be a Specialist Troop and may use the special rules the mission or scenario specifies for this type of Trooper. ► The user of this Special Skill will be considered to be a Specialist Troop, even if he doesn’t fulfill any of the defining characteristics of this type of Trooper (not being an Engineer, Doctor, Hacker, etc.) in the scenario rules.
Until specifically ruled otherwise no, as they do not fulfil the criteria to be the designated trooper.
Second paragraph of Effects might direct you into thinking that the Designated Trooper gets over ruled if you are a Specialist Trooper but that is Rules As Interpreteded
Only if you conflate Designated Trooper and Specialist Trooper as the same thing. A Specialist Trooper has a specific "Specialist Trooper" section in the scenario rules that defines who is considered a Specialist Trooper. In this case, if it says that Specialist Troopers are Engineers and Doctors, the Specialist Operative rule says that those with the skill will "be considered a Specialist Troop, even if he doesn't fulfill any of the defining characteristics of this type of Trooper (not being an Engineer, Doctors, Hacker, etc.) in the scenario rules." It's literally and explicitly saying a troop with Specialist Operative will count as being a Specialist Troop regardless of what the scenario rules say. A Designated Trooper is whatever it says on the card, no more and no less. At no point does it ever use the language "Specialist Troops." It is not, in any way, connected to Specialist Troops whatsoever. It's just telling you what is a requirement to being able to complete the classified objective. Also, note that Doctors, Engineers, etc. aren't inherently Specialist Troops. ITS Season 17 could roll out and half the missions could say, "Specialist Troops are Forward Observers, Garrison Troops, and NCOs." It would have no impact on the Designated Trooper part of classified objective cards.
The rules you linked only refer to scenarios and missions. The objetives from Operation deck are not scenarios and missions, so Specialist operative do not apply. Also, this is an obsolete written rule, because nowadays, all ITS missions name Specialist Operative troops as Specialist for the missions, so you no more "count as Specialist" because now "you are Specialist"