Nanoscreen's requirement is "The user is the target of a BS Attack." and its effect is "The Nanoscreen imposes a -3 BS MOD on the attacker’s BS Attack Rolls, and provides a +3 MOD to the user’s Saving Rolls." Let's suppose trooper A with nanoscreen moves, trooper B AROs with BS attack, trooper C AROs Hacking attack. Trooper A is target of a BS attack he gets effect of nanoscreen. Does trooper A gets +3 MOD to Saving Rolls from hacking attack? RAW doesn't say +3 MOD to the Saving Rolls only applies to that BS attack or not effective against comms attack. This also applies to the mine+bs attack against nanoscreen. I think the +3 mod to saving rolls should only applied to the BS attack that triggered nanoscreen, but I can't find a good evidence for it.
If anything, further evidence against your interpretation comes from the remember box. If the Nanoscreen was only meant to protect against BS Attacks - and it seems like that was the intent - why make a separate statement saying that CC attacks don't benefit from Nanoscreen? They could have also added hacking there, but chose not to. Or they could have made the language in Nanoscreen explicitly say it applies to BS attacks only so there wouldn't be a need for a remember box.
My guess is, it was part of N4 rule and just ported into N5. N4 rule didn't actually need that phrase, as partial cover is only applied to bs attack. IMO, the nanoscreen requires the user to be a target of BS attack, so its mods including saving rolls only applied against to that BS attack. Like the dodge against bs attacks and mine only take -3 mod against mine, not against bs attacks.
I don't understand how this is an issue. You quoted the requirements yourself: "The user is the target of a BS Attack." Why would that requirement suddenly be unnecessary when it comes to saving rolls? Just because the user might be the target of other attacks during the same order, if they're not BS Attacks, they don't trigger the Nanoscreen. There's no RAW issue here.
The RAW issue here is that +3 mod to saving rolls is not limited to bs attack. It requires the user to be a target of bs attack, but when it is satisfied, the user benefits the +3 mod to any saving roll except cc attack.
Because the Hacking program is not a BS Attack. It can't trigger the effect if it doesn't meet the requirements. Even if it were to happen during the same order.
I agree with you. However, as @QuantronicWombat said, there are people think that +3 mod for saving rolls should be applied to other attacks like hacking or so. Also, a person in Discord said to me "technically you get Nanoscreen MOD to saves for the entire Order if targeted by a BS Attack, even against things that can't trigger Nanoscreen themselves, because that's just what the words mean”. That’s all I can say for now. Again, I agree with you and I think Nanoscreen mods should only applied against BS attacks. However, the rule itself makes people disagree with you and me.
Thanks for the explainer. To those people you mentioned I would say that it's not the rule that makes people disagree, but their willful obtuseness towards what the rule clearly says.
How should nanoscreen interact with Ballistic Skill Attacks that do not use the BS attribute? For example Flashpulse is a BS attack that uses WIP. The way I read it RAW the attacker would make the attack at -3 to the Ballistic Skill but since that is not the stat they are using they make the attack roll without additional modifier. Do you think the intention is that the -3 modifier is to all BS attacks regardless of the attribute used?
it's a BS attack, so a -3 regardless of the stat used. The BS Weapon (VOL) entry states (at least in the spanish rulebook) you need to apply to WIP any rule or MOD referred to CD combat or CD stat (ASIDE from Shock).
PG 170 PDF rulebook, glossary (emphasis mine): BS Weapon (WIP). This weapon can make BS Attacks, but uses the WIP Attribute in place of BS. When using this weapon, all rules and MODs that affect the Trooper’s BS affect their WIP Attribute instead. The BS Attack (Shock) Skill cannot be used with weapons with this Trait. The previous entry is for BS Weapon (PH), and it's a copy-paste changing WIP for PH (in case of grenades), so I think we can assume any stat making a BS attack follows the same procedure, but I don't believe any other situation would arise.