Hey everyone, new year, new project! I'm finally getting to another idea I had for a long time, which is to paint up a Yu Jing force in the color scheme of the Kunai Solutions Ninja. Only difference to my other projects ist that this time, the army is not for myself, but a friend of mine. Because let's be honest, I don't need yet another faction :D To start off, I practiced the color scheme on the original model itself, the regular release Kunai:
Thank you! Your wish shall be granted :) Here's the first actual YJ mini for my friend – the Daoying:
Looks great actually, do you think adding violet to the under parts of the hips armour/ skirt would give it a better differentiation?
It probably would. I just stuck to the studio scheme for where to place colors, which has the skirt and the leg in the same colors too. And I actually like the effect it creates :) Here's another one that keeps (mostly) to the studio scheme, just with different colors:
Thanks! Yeah, never seen purple YJ myself before, which is why I wanted to try it out so badly :) Thank you! Next up in that scheme: The Guijia Pilot, who will probably also double as a Warcor:
I could pretend I did it first but it won't be true. Purple was only the second color in my painting scheme. I think such color is pretty tricky to use as the main one but you nailed it.
Thank you! And you're right, purple is hard to pull off. I'm still not entirely happy with it myself. But it goes together beautifully with the dark turquoise. Like on this guy:
Thank you! I'm really enjoying how they're coming out too. With this next one, I also realized what they reminded me of a lot – Tron. I guess it's the dark turquoise that shares a lot of visual overlap with the movies: A little bit of behind-the-scenes as well: I originally had the color scheme a bit different, but decided to go back and change it in the end. The red skirt was distracting too much from the rest of the mini. Instead, I added just tiny bits of red to the helmet, just like the Kunai has (as seen above).
Very cool colorsheme I like the colors and its good to leave the red away, I think its only disturbing the monochromatic effekt.
Glad you agree! I made a note to myself to keep the red to a minimum on future models. Or leave it away entirely, like on this Zhanshi:
I concur about the red. Even if you painted it nicely, it was out of place here. The rework was totally an improvement.
Happy I'm not the only one! Here's some more red anyway :D Even if a slightly different hue (more magenta red):