Army is fine as a list builder, but it could certainly be more feature rich. If you could add a feature to Army - be it a small tweak or a major pie-in-the-sky change - what would you add? Here's a few examples. As a small tweak, I wish we could assign fireteams (and have them validated) in the app. Even if it was just a sub-group container inside a combat group. As a major change, I wish you could share a courtesy list with your opponent through Army that was integrated into Play Mode. Even better if the courtesy list would update live as you made adjustments during play (e.g. seeing troops marked unconscious, see revealed hidden/AD troops, etc.). What features do you wish were incorporated into Army?
Links from the weapons traits and ammo types in the profile to the wiki, like the existing links from skills and equipment.
Optional Camo Tokens added to the courtesy list. Optional holo-clones (from a holomasked and Holoprojectored unit) on courtesy list print as pdf from app for lists and courtesy lists The ability to generate a courtesy list code to send to the opponent. (this could be part of play mode so that when a linked game is played when say a Ninja is revealed you can mark it on you app so it appears in the opponents app)
more filter options... Immunity should allow for a second set of filters so I don't see all the Immunity to shock when I'm looking for Immunity ARM or so. Also being able to look for 2-3 different skills or gear.
Mobile app that allows printing. My TABLET and my phone (which also both run the same version of the app), both allow wireless printing. I can print pdf, pictures, other forms of text document with and without images straight off the device. Quite a few other apps natively support that, too. NOT army.
Or let the web app be accessible by tablets and phones, rather than the very hostile redirect to the app page. The workaround works on Android with firefox and nothing else. Very annoying. Or give the app all the functionality of the web app. It would be nice if the app did a better job of handling larger font sizes too.
I wish I could search profiles with Immunity(ARM) or Immunity(BTS), not all troops with Immunity something.