Hello all, while I've lurked on the scourged lands of the corvus belli forums I have yet to interact much on it due to the advice of my local community, however for some unknown reason i have decided it was a disservice to let the forum go another moment without some pictures of my glorious miniatures and conversions!!! I have recently picked up the new sandtrap box like many others and have fallen in love with jsa again. N5 has revitalized my hype and enthusiasm for infinity and with this enthusiasm i'm going to revitalize my old painted oban infinity miniatures and bring new models in to full out my Shinden. Let us start out with some heavy armored lads and ladies. I recently played through Ghosts of Tsushima and I think seeing the outfits in that game influenced my decision to go for the super striped pants here. It was moderately painful to paint but damn is it satisfying to look at now. I pretty much have a Hatamoto in every one of my lists. that LT profile is really sweet even though nothing other than another Hatamoto has NCO. In vanilla I could see it being a good choice. I find myself taking the plasma alot but I deplore low bust and hate x visor so i'm not sure its the best choice for me. 2.5 burst with combi rifle range bands just doesn't feel good to me. esspecally when xvisoring beyond 18" on 10s. Its my bias but burst is king imo. I wasn't sold on the look of the shizoku when I looked on the box art but building and painting her I have come to really like her. Though I have yet to play the Ap HMG profile, I tend to bring the rocket launcher in most my games. Neat little fact, on the infinity army app she has a Strategic deployment profile that can't actually link with anything, power move to play that profile vs your opponent. These were painted a bit ago, more to come soon. recently I was working on some ninjas and oniwaban so I will see if I cant get some pictures of those soon. Thanks for reading UwU <3
Here is another batch of painted dudes, starting with the Jizz. looking at Jizamurai initially it seemed like less resilient domoru for the same price. Generally i'm not a big fan of one wound expensive MI troops but being forced to take one for some links i have actually come to like them. They have always seemed to be worth their points. initially it seems like they will die really quickly but dodging on 16s and moving 4" with mim 3 they are actually able to waste a few orders or even get into places they shouldn't on reactive. They have done good either chopping up enemy's of the emperor or guarding the link they are in. so all in all i'm actually a fan of jizz. When painting him I was struck with the will to do some wacky pants designs like I was with the Hatamoto (also likely inspired by Ghosts of tsushima) and that's why he has these wacky pants... not much more to say about him. The jsa reinforcements units are largely unimpressive in my opinion. The worst being the Genbutai in my opinion. Being a Middleing MI profile with the insulting immunity AP on an armor 3 model. bs 13 is nice but i like those mods and msv. However the Genbutai is really good at representing a tanuki. In contrast the tanuki is an amazing MI profile chock full of tools and interesting profiles in exchange for traditional durability in battle. Having profiles with disco baller, hacker, chain of command, and MSV2 hmg. This gal is going to serve as the COC and para tanuki, not much to say about her, she is another model I wasn't so in love with but she has really grown on me since i've painted her and have been looking at her. she also for some reason has Gyatt one hell of a cake.