ALEPH N5 Wishlist

Discussion in 'ALEPH' started by VonKrolok, Oct 3, 2024.

  1. Tool81

    Tool81 Well-Known Member

    Oct 15, 2022
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    Personally I would like that CB will push the game more toward sectorials with a clear identity more than create always new sectorials and spread the unique tech (rules and weapons) to every army. I would prefer new profiles with improved rules/game mechanics instead of new sectorials. I think is clear already now that CB, with their resources, struggles to keep the pace with the amount of sectorials they have. This is why some sectorials got cancel and some are starving in a limbo. I understand that they are putting more effort (love) in the armies that sells better (Nomads, JSA and O-12) from a business perspective, but I think this on the long term can be detrimental. For Aleph I would try to give to OSS some new profiles and or ability in a similar way they did it with G Jumper. . For example they should allow the transfer of the liutenant from one REM to another. Similar to Mnemonica it can be justified that being an A.I. it can control the warzone from remote. To give a limitation maybe they can introduce some rule that require an hacker to be in ZoC or a Pitcher and that the virtual liutenant personality can be transferred only to certain Lhost bodies and remove the Chain of Command to OSS. For Steel Phalanx I would give them back Achilles. There is no sense in giving his profile to an Alien army that has no use for him not lorewise and not in the game. If they think that Achilles actual profile is redundant in SP than they should change it. The idea behind Achilles is that should be a TAG in the size of a human, but with Ajax and Eudoros available it became not efficient. So raise his cost and give him some unique ability that will make him worth to bring on the battlefield instead of Ajax. Something such as Combat instict, Natural Born Warrior or +1 command token if is your lieutenant (so if you deploy him is clear is your LT, but give you some advantage since now command token are important). I mean not make something unbeatable, but give him something will make him unique. For example the idea of an Achille's team is nice, just not in CA.
    Stiopa, VonKrolok and xagroth like this.
  2. xagroth

    xagroth Mournful Echo

    Nov 23, 2017
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    We post. The problem is that CB seldom listens to everybody, and we get abominations like Eudoros the One Man Army, or Nourkias the Devourer.

    I care not for discoballs when I can use Eclipse anyways, which is better because it can ignore the table, while the DiscoBaller merely modifies it. Alke will always be a bench-warmer as long as she costs SWC for the distinctive loadouts, and Thrasymedes gets Mimetism-6.

    As for the "not so bad", let me tell you two things: first, losing sixth sense means getting hit from behind and having to tank hits with squishy troops that depend on imposing visibility penalties to the opponent, instead of dodging at 50%; and second, Ajax is precisely a problem because he can be hacked, which is the go-to meta defense at this time until CB stops being irrational and reduce the penalty to Reset from IMM state, specially since a E/M unsaved hit means getting a glorified statue (being WIP 12 means he can't even roll...). The biggest nerf to Eudoros isn't the removal of the Eclipse grenades, it's making him Heavy Infantry.

    Don't get me wrong, Ajax is a good piece, but he'll mostly go forth with a chain rifle myrmidon and 1-2 Dactyls to support him.
  3. Spinnaker

    Spinnaker Vanguard Officer

    Dec 18, 2018
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    Agreed - Aleph has some nice hackers but really lacks a way of extending their hacking network. I almost wonder if this is a deliberate choice on CB's part, as CA has a similar problem. I will console myself with having the Asura be the only model in the entire game that can hack camo markers.
    xagroth and SpectralOwl like this.
  4. StephanDahl

    StephanDahl Well-Known Member

    Nov 3, 2022
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    Thamyris is also a female name. My Pandora model just got a name change...
    Me too. I'll use her as a Mk4 HMG; Never got the Mk4-Mk5 set, my Posthuman identifies as female.
  5. VonKrolok

    VonKrolok Member

    Aug 12, 2019
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    And then you do like we all should do when politics doesn't listen: you repeat in every place, X, YouTube, Facebook and more than once if necessary until somebody shouts from the top of their lungs that they are sick and tired of hearing people saying they need some love for Aleph. Nobody ever managed to obtain anything by saying things a countable number of times.

    Aleph is THE MOST characteristic faction in the whole game as far as humans are concerned. There are 3 factions like that:
    - the antagonist Combined Army
    - the alleged "good alien" Tohaa
    - the guardian of the human sphere AI Aleph

    The other factions, sorry CB this is not a criticism, are cyber punk re-heated soup all over again:
    the super-powers of the old days have failed and now the BRICS (easier to type) are coming to get it plus all a bunch of factions of anarcoid-idealists... and that pretty much covers PanO, Haqq, Yu Ching/JSA and all Nomad nations. O-12 is kinda borderline and that's why I was talking about a O-12/Aleph shared sectorial that increases the weight of the fluff detailing Bureau Thoth.

    In all this CA always had the spotlight because... well one needs to characterise the nemesis, otherwise it's boring. Though at this stage I'd say it's about enough. Tohaa is coming back, hopefully with a vengeance for the sake of the game. Needless to say that the next still gotta be Aleph. Not because Bostria said so or whatever. The problem is merely a background one: if you don't want to invest in Aleph might as well disband the AI project in the background and that is simply because an AI can work predictively because it doesn't have a body to deal with, it just analyses data and so all that comes is 1 or even 2 steps ahead of everyone. Does it feel like it's not exactly going on like that? Sorry again CB, but this time it IS a criticism: it's a weak background that doesn't consider the facts (even in SciFi) and more than an AI I'd call it "glorified super computer"

    6th sense is something intended for a link of 5 pure things. I never used 6th sense in N3 nor in N4, placement usually did the trick (actually in N3 the major thing that bothered me was the BS bonus). Enomotarcos, for the nostalgia, is intended to work for a team of all name characters (can't do that in Nomands) and since they have Myrmidon (or Thorakiti) in brackets they get up to 4th tear of bonuses... the only argument to this is that now impetuous is applied even to a team and breaks it. This makes a team of Myrmidon something quite risky because you want them to kill and with the 1st kill the link breaks... there goes order efficiency and in some case for good: one Myrm may wonder off so much that you cannot remake the link until a substantial number of orders have been spent to bring them into coherence.
    Now we do have a glorified paper weight in SP: Andromeda... it was useful in OSS, now you can't bring her... and she doesn't add anything special in SP.

    My main question at this point is: is there a group of people that would like to see a solid Aleph faction that can add a lot of flavor to the whole game? (honestly I'm sick of seeing blue tables) I'd say we start increasing the volume of the voice in all possible context and we see what happens in "Human Sphere" and the weeks leading to it. If we come up with a unified front with a good number of players bringing good solutions I really don't see why CB should not do anything. It is VERY bad publicity for them otherwise.
  6. VonKrolok

    VonKrolok Member

    Aug 12, 2019
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    Dakini, the best cheerleader in the game, so happens to be Remote Presence as well. A Core of Dakini extends the hacking netowrk quite a bit. Steel Phalanx is badly in need of network extenders: the jewish bots are backliners mostly, very nice in ARO. There are possibilities with reinforcements (Riksha and Dawon are Dakini chassis).
  7. Crusader

    Crusader HI connoisseur

    Jan 13, 2018
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    Remote presence is not a Repeater (or I missed something in N5?)
    xagroth likes this.
  8. VonKrolok

    VonKrolok Member

    Aug 12, 2019
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    You're absolutely right, I stand corrected. Only Daleth, Lamed, Probots and Rudra.

    It doesn't seem like Army has been updated 100%. In some cases the linkteam table doesn't report CORE 5-men team (even PanO...). For this reason I would hold on for complaints because it might be a matter of days/weeks if they got issues with the number of people working on it.
    #48 VonKrolok, Jan 13, 2025
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2025
  9. Papa Bey

    Papa Bey Clueless Wonder. Still.

    Nov 23, 2017
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    If you are referring to Aleph proper and not Steel Phalanx or the Operation Subsection, there isn't a Core option
  10. VonKrolok

    VonKrolok Member

    Aug 12, 2019
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    It must have been a last minute change, I distinctively remember Bostria saying that the CORE option was getting into Vanilla that changed name to emphasize the fact that even vanilla was a sectorial. I see now that it is only in the reinforcement section...
  11. xagroth

    xagroth Mournful Echo

    Nov 23, 2017
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    It is deliberate, and CA doesn't have the same problem (to the extent Aleph has) due to Ikadrons, bit&Kiss and KerrNau to mention a few.

    I use an Uxia with double pistols as mk5, a Wu Ming HRL (discontinued) with the Chanda specops helmeted head (I think the model is discontinued too...) and the mk2 hacker is one of the old Dasyu sculpts.

    The problem is how other players claim it is fine and Aleph should be nerfed, while CA tops the charts.

    To be fair, Aleph was the latest faction, sans O12, to come into the game. Nomads and PanO are the posterboys. Aleph is "just" the Good IA, but mechanically used to cover the "forgiving for new players" due to the massive amount of NWI and Courage in all troops, now that spot has been snatched by Morat by far.

    Military Orders is the hook for Space Marine players, Nomads for "the trikster underdog" (while in truth being nowadays the more complete and resilient faction by far, followed by the sheer destructive power of CA.

    CB does not know what to do with Tohaa, and it's quite clear the only way the writer can portray the EI is by making all other factions play dumber and hold the idiot ball while the plan goes all according to the CA's interests, where even the smallest of human achievements are irrelevant or counteracted or part of the plan. Frankly, to me has already reached points of Mary Sue for the CA, and I see very few justifications for Aleph not being assimilated or turned off at this point. While there should come a new lorebook for that, I don't have high hopes anymore and just want my models to stay playable.

    Enomotarchos had the gimmick of allowing "unlimited" (that is, 3-4 tops because of points considerations) fireteams capped at 4 members, supposedly balanced there. The problem is that now everybody has a 5man core + haris, and unlimited duos (sans vanilla, having several 2+1), which means the "advantage" is now a detriment, since 6th sense allowed you to assault and is now out of reach, even if you alwasy get an ARO vs templates (since most myrmidons will dodge at 10, so 50%)

    I can still see her in OSS, however ¿? She's been removed from vanilla Aleph.

    I really wanted something like the puppetactica for aleph with proper remotes (like dakinis or better) but everything gets snatched and improved for nomads. It's become tiresome, even if I already also have them, and the nerf to the Apsaras made it from a unique troop into mostly a KHD, even if the TR bots have gained lots of value for ARO duty with the new burst rules and fireteam adjustment.

    To me, they applied the blanket changes, added a few skills to round troops that would go down in cost "too much" and called it a day, with more care placed in the Reinforcements units as part of the sectorial. We will have to wait until the splatbook gets released, but seeing how Haqquislam is also without N5 lore yet is already in a great position, I'm not holding my breath.
  12. psychoticstorm

    psychoticstorm Aleph's rogue child

    Mar 4, 2017
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    No, not really.
  13. VonKrolok

    VonKrolok Member

    Aug 12, 2019
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    Honestly it's a joke that an AI is reactive... in the sense that CA does something and Aleph reacts... no I'm sorry that doesn't work even in the worse SciFi novel. Power of the AI is to analyze huge amount of data and follow innumerable patters to then decide, based on priority, how to ACT before somebody comes in to snatch. Now that CA is part of O12, the AI has the infinite upper hand. This is like sticking a trojan in the EI because everything is monitored in the Human Sphere. Every communication passes through Aleph.

    So now it becomes a problem of background, ergo: books... hit them in the wallet. The background makes sense? then you buy the book, vice versa if it doesn't (spoilers will leak in the internet and one just needs a question...). Keep on posting suggestions and point out that the part concerning Aleph doesn't make sense in the background. People may complain for the game mechanics (those that can't play actually complain...), but on the BG it's more complex to argue since the basic premise is "Aleph is an AI and AI work on abnormally huge amount of data... because it's the way they are working NOW". If a premise is not respected, it's appalling background... and generally nobody argues on plot-holes that are so visible.

    Once reaching critical mass there are two options: you close the faction completely... but it wouldn't make sense if there's a plethora of suggestions from players (yes unanswered, who cares... black on white, material proof), or you modify the faction according to some suggestions... sales rise again. I don't have the comics, there is no distinctive Aleph character... ever since N4 started I haven't bought a single book... do they want me to spend my hard earned cash? make something for Aleph! Otherwise be COHERENT with the facts... do you need a big computer to handle the phone network? fine by me, but I DARE you to do it completely, not just a bit because players may drop... anybody falling for the "just barely afloat" trick, doesn't help the cause.
    xagroth likes this.
  14. StephanDahl

    StephanDahl Well-Known Member

    Nov 3, 2022
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  15. Wizzy

    Wizzy Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2018
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    You know Psychoticstorm is greek ? :laughing:
    But he never said whether he was Myrmidon, Athenian or Spartan,...
    Urobros likes this.
  16. StephanDahl

    StephanDahl Well-Known Member

    Nov 3, 2022
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    Fair cop.

    I'll call her Timarete the Aoidos, then.
  17. psychoticstorm

    psychoticstorm Aleph's rogue child

    Mar 4, 2017
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    Different names really, while I will need to study what Thamyris name means, Timarete means "Honour(s) the virtue(s)" definitely not what the mythological Thamyris did.

    Actually I quite like it as the name of a female version of Thamyris, complete opposite.
    Urobros likes this.
  18. xagroth

    xagroth Mournful Echo

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Had he won against the muses, he would be honoring them in a way (surpassing the master, it could be said), but failing... well, he lost it all, so at least for me it would be congruent: he failed to fulfill his name, he got punished for it.
    Greek gods being so close to human thinking doesn't just mean they can be petty and cruel, it also mean they can understand humans and punish them in very personal ways. Specially in the afterlife! Personalized hell, anybody?
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