The MAF looks good straight from day 1. Has the world has went topsy-turvy?

Discussion in 'Combined Army' started by David Dolan, Dec 18, 2024.

  1. David Dolan

    David Dolan New Member

    Jul 15, 2019
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    I'm confused.

    The N5 MAF look good.

    I'm staring at profiles and finding it difficult to pick models for a force not because everything is mediocre and I need to just select something to fill a gap but because there are just so many intriguing and cool options.

    What happened to the bad old days when it took six months to a year for the big bad murder monkeys to be functional.

    This brave new world scares me.
  2. Stiopa

    Stiopa Trust The Fuckhead

    Feb 21, 2017
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    Right? I get the same feeling with every army. Morats were already N5-ready, so I'm not as surprised with them partularly, but it does feel good. What did surprise me were changes like Vanguard HMG getting BS(-3) all of a sudden.
    Brokenwolf likes this.
  3. David Dolan

    David Dolan New Member

    Jul 15, 2019
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    The lowly BS 11 HMG vanguard did need something to stand out in a world of Morats that can select from a lot of good guns.

    I'm still trying to get my head around the idea of Rodoks being good.

    Being N5 ready is spot on, I dont think anything about the core Morat smash mouth game has changed, they just got more ways to do it.

    My only bugbear is that Kornak still feels like the de-facto Lt pick but at least the presence of NCO on models I want to actively use means I will look at other options more closely before returning to the gig guy.
    Stiopa likes this.
  4. infyrana

    infyrana Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2019
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    Killing off (do we actually have any supporting fluff?) two characters (one MAF) and removing them from the game was bad enough for me. Glad the rest of them was left without the same treatment.
  5. Stiopa

    Stiopa Trust The Fuckhead

    Feb 21, 2017
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    Eh, I'll miss Kendrat, but at least the model will do fine as a Krakot. More difficult to figure out what to do with HI Sheskiin or Sargosh.

    Regarding Lt's, I think that the best alternative for Kornak is Sogarat HMG. +1CT is a rare and useful resource, as is SWC discount.
  6. David Dolan

    David Dolan New Member

    Jul 15, 2019
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    It did strike me as odd at how shallow the LT pool is and that out of the five options only the vanguard and yaogat can be shell gamed/made less 100% obvious because the the Kornak, Sogarat and Suryat LT options all affect the order and command token pools in distinctly different ways.
  7. Child9

    Child9 Well-Known Member

    Feb 16, 2018
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    You Morat. Ape don't hide.
  8. David Dolan

    David Dolan New Member

    Jul 15, 2019
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    You make a very compelling argument.
  9. Stiopa

    Stiopa Trust The Fuckhead

    Feb 21, 2017
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    Not much point in hiding the Lt when most of your army can ignore LoL. In this regard Morats play very different than any other army, save for vCA with Mnemonica.

    One change that is extremely welcome is Raktoraks getting NCO on all profiles. Will make using non-Kornak Lt's easier
    Wizzy and bladerunner_35 like this.
  10. David Dolan

    David Dolan New Member

    Jul 15, 2019
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    Hang on lists not using Kornak as an Lt are a thing outside of theory-crafting? Next you are going to tell me I should play to the scenario and not just invent my own scenario goal called "Kill everything".
    Wizzy likes this.
  11. Keith

    Keith The Raven Lord

    Aug 31, 2018
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    I was equally shocked by this. I totally understand the appeal of using a Vanguard for its cheap cost. But back in N3/N4 paying that SWC tax hurt. I heard a lot of people say they really didn’t like Kornak at all. I think the Suryat with Lt+1 order is better than a Vanguard because of the NCO tags. But I think 2 extra green orders on whoever I want plus holding back an extra models and no SWC is better. And the only other BS14 too. :)
    Wizzy likes this.
  12. DaRedOne

    DaRedOne Morat Warrior Philosopher

    Nov 23, 2017
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    I've said it once, I'll say a million times: Kornak can't take a punch. Arm 3 and NWI does not substitute for a proper 2nd Wound.


    He's cheaper now. Between him, the Sogarat and the Suryat I feel we have three valid LT options now, whereas in N4 we had only two (it was either Kornak or the Suryat). I'm also using Kornak more because of the SWC changes. It's a surprisingly good start for the Monkeys
    Wizzy and bladerunner_35 like this.
  13. bladerunner_35

    bladerunner_35 Well-Known Member

    Dec 11, 2017
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    I've played mostly with Suryat HMG LT+1, some with Kornak and occasionally Vanguard LT even in N4. Vanguard was a choice when I specifically didn't want to invest the points in Kornak or Suryat LT (although sure, situational and probably not competetive).

    I played a lot with Suryat LT in one group and Raicho NCO in the smaller group. I felt it spread out the orders better and gave both the main group with the Core and G2 with Raicho NCO plenty of orders to do stuff.

    I prefered Kornak when I wanted to maximise a Rasyat strike or on certain order intensive missions.

    I also felt that Kornak was to much of an investment in a package that could rock n roll only in T2 or T3 (compared to Suryat LT for instance).

    I agree completely that the Supremacy is in better shape than ever. I was a little worried that we would struggle loosing +2 BS but so far it seems fine. We still have an amazing flexibility in our FTs and with Duos gaining power and boosted profiles across the board list building is better than ever.

    Kyosot AP Marksman rifle is an absolute beast that just kills stuff. And AROing with B1+2 is amazing.

    Rasyat getting SJ AND BSG profile only costing 25 pts feels like a crime. In a good, diplomatic way. The Taryot is also interesting though it will be a hard sell besides the BSG Rasyat.

    Kaitok Chain got a boost with Baggage. I already almost always took the chain since Flammenspeer worked well enough for a fraction of the cost compared to the beefier profiles and now with a free reload and 3 points cheaper....simply amazing.

    Raktorak getting NCO on all profiles opened up some space to get a secondary striker or more choices. CoC completely removes the main drawback of Hungries link.

    Haven't used the Sogarat yet but seems like a very valid profile and LT choice to boot.

    Vanguard LT is a really valid choice now without SWC tax and the HMG profile seems to be a great back-up gun.

    Dartoks felt like they needed a bit of a smack down and with Baggage I feel it's a wash.

    I had a hard time bringing Kurgats a long, even together with my Raicho but now with Turrets they seem to have more utility. They are also easier to fit in when we don't have to rely on a full core.

    And Datz....say no more...

    The most interesting "new" profile is the Rodok. I always struggled with the balance between shooting and pushing buttons but no more! Not only can they zoom across the table at break neck speed but the hacker profile is on par with the Dartok!! Probably together with the Kyosot the best glow up for us. I am looking at a Rodoks Duo of Spit + Hacker. The Hacker not costing SWC, having BTS 6 and Trinity is just too good. The SWC cost has to be a mistake (just don't tell anyone).

    I landed on a list I'm happy with to try out the new stuff and so far it feels great. MAF is the complete package now.

    With an even better synergy and flexibility I also think it will be a bit easier to seriously experiment with some solo pieces like Zerat or Tyrok.
    Wizzy likes this.
  14. David Dolan

    David Dolan New Member

    Jul 15, 2019
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    A Rodok haris with a spitfire, hacker and something else fun is high on the list of things I want to try out because they will take a lot of attention away from Kornak and Anyat or whatever 5 monkey fireteam I have tag-teaming in the centre of the board.

    I kind of feel taking a Yaogat with multi sniper rifle is still a necessity but the urge to wrap them in a fireteam for the good buffs is no longer there freeing up room for things like the 3 monkey Rodok party.

    I also want to do a Raicho focused list but am not sure how to make that work yet, its a lot of model but it also costs a lot of points
  15. bladerunner_35

    bladerunner_35 Well-Known Member

    Dec 11, 2017
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    A Hungries FT frees up a lot of points. They can also get some work done.

    I usually take a Yaogot. Never got the Suryat to work right but tried out a Suryat HRL again in N5. I immediately regretted not having sniper ranges. Infinity is so board dependent I’ll likely won’t leave home without a Yaogat in a while.
  16. Wizzy

    Wizzy Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2018
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    I saw this Russian video for morats for beginners, I quickly turned it into an article format and did a review/complement of what AI found to be the video's strong points.

    Infinity the Game N5: Morat Aggression Force
    A subjective story about the fighters and fire departments of the Morat Aggression Force faction for beginners.

    The conversation in Russian is about the Morat faction of the Combined Army for Corvus Belli's Infinity game. Here is a detailed and lengthy account in English:

    ### Introduction
    The author of the video begins by explaining that he has an annual tradition of creating videos about the armies he has played. This time, he focuses on the Morat faction at the request of Denis, a returning player after a long break. The author points out that he played with the Morats for a year, winning several local tournaments and reaching respectable positions in larger competitions.

    ### Experience and recommendations
    The author insists that his advice is based on personal experience and that each player must develop his or her own understanding of the army. He mentions that he has seen winning lists that seemed counter-intuitive, underlining the importance of experimentation and personal adaptation.

    ### Characteristics of the Morats
    Morats are an army that can easily be formed into Fire Teams thanks to the compatibility of many units. The author explains the different fire teams available, including:
    - **Morat Fire Team**: Comprising Morat Vanguards, Kurgats, Yaogats, and other main units.
    - Tarok Fire Team**: Made up of Taroks, which can be transformed into regular units at low cost.
    - Haris Fire Team**: which can also include Kornak and Raktoraks.

    ### Key units
    The author reviews several key Morat units:

    1. **Dartok Hacker**: Considered one of the best hackers in the game, with solid characteristics and unique skills such as Trinity and Warhorse.
    2. **Raktoraks**: Although not as powerful as the Dartoks and not playing the hacking game, they can be useful nonetheless in certain situations, and above all they provide a good backup lieutenant.
    3. **Kornak Gazarot**: A very powerful lieutenant with skills like Trinity and Warhorse, making him difficult to isolate or eliminate.
    4. **Kurgat**: Engineers with mine deployment and repair skills.
    5. **Yaogat Sniper**: A formidable sniper with good range and camouflage skills.
    6. **Katok**: A heavy unit with close-combat and ranged skills.
    7. **Rodoks**: Rapidly deployable units with parachuting skills to threaten opponents with setbacks and close combat.
    8. **Ikadron Bagage**: Among the support units distinguished by their repair skills, here this unit supports weapon reloading and provides a cheap regular order.

    ### Strategies and Advice
    The author offers several strategic tips:
    - **Use of Dartoks**: Dartoks should be used for their hacking and close-combat skills.
    - Forming Fire Teams**: It's crucial to form effective fireteams to maximize unit benefits.
    - Resource management**: Use support units such as Ikadron Bagage to reload weapons and med-tech to repair damaged units.
    - Tactical Adaptation**: Be ready to adapt strategies according to combat situations and opposing units. Since morats are less subject to the Lost of lieutnant problem, they will be more resilient on this point, making them good for more direct strategies.

    ### Conclusion
    The author concludes by emphasizing that Morats are a powerful and versatile army, but that thoughtful, strategic play is crucial. He encourages players to experiment with different units and formations to find what works best for them.

    ### Reference List
    The author shares a list he calls “Ultimatum”, which has helped him win many games. This list includes units like Kaitoks, Yaogat Snipers, Kornak Gazarot, and Ikadron Baggage, forming a balanced combination of firepower, support, and mobility.

    In short, the video offers an in-depth analysis of the Morat faction, with practical advice and strategies for both novice and experienced players. The author stresses the importance of experimentation and personal adaptation to maximize the potential of this powerful army.
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