[N5] Q&A Discord for rules by IJW

Discussion in 'Rules' started by Wizzy, Jan 2, 2025.

  1. Wizzy

    Wizzy Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2018
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    Here's a topic to index the questions & answers that take place on the discord that IJW does also known under the speudo of Ian James 007 Wood and who works on the rules as an English-speaking proofreader/tester/cake taster/..., which may therefore be worth pre-FAQ of Infinity N5.

    I've added the dates of the answers to help you know which rules version they refer to.
  2. Wizzy

    Wizzy Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2018
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    17/12/24 [13:52] Ian James Wood: No it doesn't. A vertical surface is still 'a surface'.
    Q: Declaring climb. It used to in n4 afaik
    17/12/24 [21:54]Ian James Wood: I suggest looking at the N5 Cancellation clauses for Marker States.

    Q: so you CAN sf something and have it rejoin the link in sf at end of turn?
    17/12/24 [22:37]Ian James Wood: No. At least, not rejoin and stay in SF State.
    See rule : "The trooper join any fireteam"

    Q: Speedball + Controlled Jump is a fun one
    17/12/24 [22:39]Ian James Wood: You can assume that I have a list of pretty well all rules issues that have been bought up so far. EDIT and a few that haven't been bought up/spotted yet.

    Q: yall the second bullet of stealth is getting around the second bullet of cautious move reqs to allow stealth HI to Cautious through hacking area right?
    "- When a Hackable Trooper in Model form declares Cautious Movement, it must begin and end at two points on the game table that lie outside of all enemy Hackers' Hacking Zones."

    17/12/24 [13:17]Ian James Wood: If they have Stealth they can just Move instead.
    Q: there are times when you want to cross a gap with repeater coverage
    [13:19]Ian James Wood: Ah! Yes, in that case Stealth will let them use Cautious Movement without triggering AROs.

    Q: discoballer can be used as an ARO in ftf ?
    19/12/24 [20:07]Ian James Wood: It can't create a FtF Roll.
    Q: well same as smoke then
    19/12/24 [20:13]Ian James Wood: No. Template weapons have specific exclusions allowing you to place the template on the table at declaration. Anything else, like a Pitcher, Mine Dispenser, Disco Baller etc. get placed in the Effects step like normal.

    Q: guys all the text there has no bearing on the interaction that creates confusion, you should also read
    19/12/24 [13:26]Ian James Wood: Heletilla is asking for an example where the Fusiliers are in their Active Turn, and the Impact Template Weapon is being used in ARO.
    For example Fennec 2 activating, which results in Fennec 3 being hit without a chance to Dodge.
    And good old 'I'm standing too close to the Active Trooper'.
    20/12/24 [14:00]Ian James Wood: In this particular case, I'd argue that the example doesn't exist.
    The game effects of Impact Templates are different enough between the Active Turn and Reactive Turn that an example for Active Turn shooting doesn't help players understand the implications for Reactive Turn shooting.

    Q: Would you mind weighing in on IMM applying to SD+x or +XB MODs? I assume it can't because SD and Burst are applied at declaration, which is before IMM meets its requirements. Whereas SR etc are applied at Saving throws so work. Right?
    20/12/24 [13:45]Ian James Wood: Exactly. And neither of those are affecting the Immunity Trooper's Saving Rolls or Attributes etc.

    SR-X + PS=Y
    20/12/24 [13:51]Ian James Wood: I assume that SR-X and PS=Y will be FAQed to either both work or both not work against Immunity (ARM/BTS/Enhanced) for consistency, but that's going to have to wait until next year.
    Q: PS=Y is part of the Effects of the Ammunition for Mono and K1
    20/12/24 [13:52]Ian James Wood: That's ARM=0. Not PS=4 etc.

    Q: I dunno. I found it pretty obvious that saying that each dice is compared separately also means that the Main Target's dice will not in any way aid the secondary target
    20/12/24 [14:04]Ian James Wood: It's possible I misunderstood part of the conversation, but I thought what was considered to be missing was bystanders getting hit without a chance to make any kind of FtF Roll.

    Q: Can someone please help me understand silent weapons? It says it imposes a penalty to dodge AROs when the target doesn't have line of sight, but ARO rules only say you get a dodge out of LoG when targeted by a template weapon or comma attack. When you back shoot someone, they don't have a reaction, right? Then what's the point of silent weapons?
    20/12/24 [19:15]Ian James Wood: Or when in Zone of Control.
    Q: Actually Silent does do anything outside of ZoC. So if the target has sixth sense, you might as well get within ZoC to shoot if you can, so you can apply the negatives
    [19:50]Ian James Wood: It's not going to help against Sixth Sense, though.

    Q: They really should fix it. It was like this for the whole of N4 at least. Maybe before that as well.
    Some websites explain the rules RAW which as above clearly says equals don't cancel. Bit confusing.
    Examole :
    Active rolls: 10, 8, 6
    Reactive rolls: 8
    With equals cancels: The 8's cancel and active only gets 1 hit through.
    With successes only cancel lower results: The reactive 8 only cancels the 6. So active gets 2 hits through.

    21/12/24 10:56]Ian James Wood: Could you give me a specific example of a FtF Roll where this changes the result?
    Aaaah! I see where the mixup is.
    The green box is talking about a tied FtF Roll. The text for cancelling lower successes is talking about individual successes within the FtF Roll. Your example isn't a tied FtF Roll, that would have been 10, 8, 6 vs 10. Or 8, 8, 6 vs 8.
    I can put it forward for an FAQ or to be tweaked in errata to make it clearer, but it's likely to be given a low priority given how infrequently it gets asked about.
    If the FtF Roll is tied (the highest rolls are equal), the whole roll gets cancelled.
    Quiet Professional likes this.
  3. Jim the third

    Jim the third Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2022
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    Not sure if it's the lack of context or I'm still in my post-xmas food coma but I'm struggling to understand most of these. E.g. the last one, is the question actually answered? Should the active roller get 1 or 2 hits through with 10, 8, 6 vs 8?
    WarHound and xagroth like this.
  4. Papa Bey

    Papa Bey Clueless Wonder. Still.

    Nov 23, 2017
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    So another platform to keep up with. Yey.
    xagroth likes this.
  5. Wizzy

    Wizzy Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2018
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    That's the discord problem.
    #5 Wizzy, Jan 2, 2025
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2025
  6. wes-o-matic

    wes-o-matic Meme List Addict

    Dec 22, 2019
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    Having been on both, Discord is better for almost everything except rules questions, and it’s only worse for those because you can’t find the content via search engines like Google. (There’s a persistent thread forum feature in Discord and it works just fine, but the big server doesn’t use it for rules questions for whatever reason.)
    Henshini likes this.
  7. Wizzy

    Wizzy Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2018
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    23:30]BTSherman "I won't read": Cuz it's the tag doing it through the peripheral. Might be wrong there since these things have their own profile
    [31/12/2024 23:44]Ian James Wood: That's Servants. In this case it's the Ancillary that's the one performing the Skill, and rolling on its Willpower.

    Exemple : Interraction Attaque BS x Mine
    [02/01/2025 18:55]Ian James Wood: In this particular case, MSV3 isn't adding anything new, as it's almost identical to trying to attack the camouflaged Mine via Intuitive Attack, or shooting another nearby target with a template weapon.
  8. xagroth

    xagroth Mournful Echo

    Nov 23, 2017
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    So many problems could be solved by making all mines be prone S2 markers... sure, you couldn't bait the opponent to think it's a sniper in camo state ready to ARO, but that only works with really new players (not to mention the troops that have unique Mimetism values with a camo state, like the Proxy 2 or the Agema HRL for example).
    Quiet Professional likes this.
  9. psychoticstorm

    psychoticstorm Aleph's rogue child

    Mar 4, 2017
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    That is true.
  10. iKon

    iKon Not Very Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2018
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    Just make Mines S2.
  11. Wizzy

    Wizzy Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2018
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    TAG & Fireteam
    Q: How do TAGs work in fireteams if they pop out their peripheral. Are they even allowed to declare that?
    [04/01/25 13:02]Ian James Wood: Last sentence of Peripheral (Ancillary):
    If the Controller deploys their Peripheral (Ancillary) ... the Controller automatically stops being part of the Fireteam.

    Q: Autorepair cancels the Unconscious state.
    [07/01/25 13:36]Ian James Wood: It may well get an FAQ or errata to say that at some point. Currently it removes a Wound, and then you check to see if removing a Wound cancels Unconscious State.
    Q: I disagree that the rule as written conveys the message that Unconscious, if still present after removing one wound token, is NOT removed.
    [16:18]Ian James Wood: Thanks. Is this more about AutorepairS, or Unconscious Cancellation bullets?
    The Unconscious cancellation bullet requires you to remove a Wound Token and have fewer Wound Tokens than your VITA/STR Attribute.
    Q: Autorepair's "if applicable" sentence
    [16:20]Ian James Wood: Right, but that has to be present as a reminder to the player to check if Unconscious State has been cancelled.
    Q: Huh. Spanish doesn't have that line at all
    [16:31]Ian James Wood: Yeah. The Spanish version of the text doesn't work, because cancelling Unconscious State doesn't remove the Wound Tokens, so the Trooper would immediately enter Unconscious State again.
  12. Wizzy

    Wizzy Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2018
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    cc with no LOS
    Q: Hi, wasnt there an announced of N5 rules that hitting in cc with no LOS from the victim, the attack automatically crits? In addition, CC does not require LoS, so the victim can always ARO with CC, I really dont know why I had this in my head....
    [14/04/2025 18:49]Ian James Wood: You're probably thinking of the -3 MOD for Dodging if the Active Trooper is in ZoC and outside LoF. Now that Silhoeutte contact no longer grants 360° LoF.
  13. Wizzy

    Wizzy Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2018
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    Restrictions are for the Place Deployable skill regarding the placement of game elements
    Q: Cool, thank you. Can you clarify what the restrictions are for the Place Deployable skill regarding the placement of game elements?
    E.g.: Can you place Deployable Cover in silhouette contact with an allied Trooper? Would this grant it cover, if applicable?
    Can you place a Drop Bear or Armed Turret in silhouette contact with Deployable Cover? What about in silhouette contact with a neutral or enemy Trooper, Objectives, and Tokens. Would this put them into an engaged state, if applicable?

    [20/01/2025 22:07]Ian James Wood: The restrictions for Place Deployable are in Place Deployable, mostly in Effects bullets 2-3. Drop Bears etc. aren't going to cause an Enemy Trooper to be in Engaged State as they aren't Troopers and therefore won't trigger the Activation clause for Engaged State.
  14. Wizzy

    Wizzy Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2018
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    Jump and Hacking
    Q: If the active hacker activates while an enemy hacker is within ZoC of the active players repeater, yes they would get an ARO and could dodge, although then they'd eat normal rolls on any incoming hacking attack
    => Vaulting is free movement, but beware of extra AROs without having Partial Cover because of it, images confirm vaulting works on the flip back to horizontal for Climb

    [22/01/2025 18:33]Ian James Wood: Vaulting is part of the General Movement Rules :
    Quote rule :
    Jumping movement must follow the >General Movement rules< as well as the Moving and Measuring rules.
    Some Troopers have the Jump Skill listed in their Unit Profile with a distance shown in round brackets. These Troopers can Jump the listed distance, instead of 6 inches.
    Declaring Jump cancels automatically Prone State.

    I'm hoping it will be explicitly spelled out in an FAQ, as it's very easily missed. As it's not shown in any of the Jump diagrams.

    Measure distances
    Q: By the by, while you're here, have any input on whether we measure distances between unit independent of scenery or the closest scenery-free LOF?
    [22/01/2025 13:52]Ian James Wood: It's unchanged from N4. You measure in a straight line from the closest part to the closest part.
    The closest scenery-free LoF might not be measuring from the closest part to the closest part.
    And yes, the example diagram (N4 and N5) is misleading.


    Q: I am reading Speedball right now. You are wrong. It literally says "they must automatically remove a wound"
    And the example doesn't contradict the rules. Don't confuse examples that add stuff that's not in the rules
    . That's shitty rules writing. But it is not a contradiction. Maybe. But the example doesn't touch that
    The speedball rule says "if applicable, this will cancel their Unconscious state" which is weird phrasing
    [12:29]Ian James Wood: We've been through that one. It's required, because the Trooper might not be in Unconscious State, and even if they are, removing a single Wound might not be enough to cancel Unconscious State. See also the equivalent phrasing for Regeneration.
  15. Willen

    Willen Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2017
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    Perhaps I missed this, and dont really want to go to another platform for rules clarification, but has it been clarified if the Thunderbolt (+1B) TR bots intend to apply that burst bonus in reactive? RAW it doesnt but a lot of people seem to take it as a yes RAI.

    Also the topic of order count / army orders towards use of a CT to strip to orders (restriction of maximum 10) has it been clarified if it means order on the order pool count, or total army orders? Thanks!
  16. Wizzy

    Wizzy Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2018
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    Everything he said on discord about the rules is indexed here, he also seems to talk on the facebook group but I don't have a facebook account and access it.
  17. Mahtamori

    Mahtamori Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    The last one about Speedball isn't a question as such, it's just Ian catching the tail end of half an hour of... discussions. It isn't providing anything that isn't more clearly read here: https://forum.corvusbelli.com/threads/n5-q-a-discord-for-rules-by-ijw.43302/#post-480946
    Wizzy likes this.
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