ALEPH N5 Wishlist

Discussion in 'ALEPH' started by VonKrolok, Oct 3, 2024.

  1. VonKrolok

    VonKrolok Member

    Aug 12, 2019
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    Thank you Methuselah
    Yeah a greek hero would be very interesting, that's why I was fiddling around with the idea of Leonidas. Some sort of experiment to bring back Achilles that results in actually creating something of similar prowess, but different. Ulysses/Odysseus is another interesting choice and it should delve into the trickster kind of character, some sort of Impersonation that expands to a Duo/Haris making it look like a team of different things.

    Regarding the third sectorial I have been thinking about the fact that Aleph was betrayed. In order to find the treatment reserved to traitors one should read the Divine Comedy and so: why not a sectorial themed around Dante's Inferno for the names, designed for tracking down and eliminate rogue AI's, traitor operatives and the likes. At the end of the day a sectorial is a flavor of something, looking at the 3 ships of the Nomad nations they all have cheerleaders, they all have some sort of HI, their own TAG
  2. VonKrolok

    VonKrolok Member

    Aug 12, 2019
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    Here's another item for the wishlist:
    Riksha and Dawon with Dakini keyword to join Dakini link teams without breaking purity
    Space Ranger likes this.
  3. Tool81

    Tool81 Well-Known Member

    Oct 15, 2022
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    We lost a lot of characters, but guys we got back Thamyris! Amazing! I knew I had to trust CB! They know what they do! In CB we trust!
    ...I was ironic! Now all the CB fanboy here in the forum can start their toxic behavior and shut down every criticism.
    Hecaton and Cloud like this.
  4. xagroth

    xagroth Mournful Echo

    Nov 23, 2017
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    So we lost Thamirys to get Pandora, who got no regular model, only the preorder one in Blackwind, and now that Pandora "defected" with the rest of Team Achilles (nowhere to be found in Onyx, so only for generic CA lists...) we get Thamirys back... Oh, and a single K2 auxiliar. Prolly in the same box with the new sculpt of a model we all old-timers already have anyways.

    Color me surprised at the foresight and preplanning behind this move.
    csjarrat and Cloud like this.
  5. Daniel Darko

    Daniel Darko Well-Known Member

    Feb 17, 2018
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    I like Thamyris. Love to have him back.
    VonKrolok likes this.
  6. VonKrolok

    VonKrolok Member

    Aug 12, 2019
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    Thamyris is not bad, but Aleph needs so much more love (pointing at you CB!!!) with the coming "Human Sphere" book, so better get starting on designing the new Sectorial!
    Cloud and ZlaKhon like this.
  7. HokutoAndy

    HokutoAndy Active Member

    Apr 25, 2022
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    Does N5 Aleph (Steel Legion.... maybe OSS too?) Still do a Big Boyz list well?
  8. Benkei

    Benkei Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2017
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    How will a new sectorial help the existing sectorials?
    Cloud, ZlaKhon and Stiopa like this.
  9. VonKrolok

    VonKrolok Member

    Aug 12, 2019
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    Existing sectorials are being taken care of. One thing that Aleph needs is a way out of stagnation: either a dakini team/posthuman support or thorakiti/myrmidons... it's a "rinse and repeat" (which now is extended to Vanilla since they still have Dakini). OSS is the one with hacking options and ASS is the jackhammer... is that all that Aleph is about? Existing sectorials don't need much at the moment. Sure Achilles is gone... about time we get over it and we start looking at what Aleph can be. Also "Factions will have 3 sectorials plus Vanilla cap". Since N3 SB has done close to ziltch to Aleph except repack and resculpt. To me that screams for at least one release of Aleph per monthly release leading to Human Sphere which was already announced as the "big thing for Aleph and Haqq (in line with the series)".

    All the quoted lines are from Bostria, maybe paraphrased, but pretty much on point.

    Plus Benkei: do you have suggestions? This isn't a closed forum, you can post anything that pops into your head
  10. Stiopa

    Stiopa Trust The Fuckhead

    Feb 21, 2017
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    The thing is that right now there's little space for a new Aleph sectorial, unless CB will come up with something completely out of the left field. Kosmoflot is an example that it can be done, even if I'm not a fan of the end result. Right now I don't have spare brains to try and figure it out :/
  11. Darvain

    Darvain Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2019
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    Honestly? REM sectorial. Everything is Rem.Presence. Aleph has enough units to do that. Fluff wise - disposable division that operates in the most hot of spots where the threat of cube curruption is too great.

    Big guns, cheap profiles, rems in spades, extremely expensive LT options like Marut and everything is hackable.
    Basically think bots with big guns and superhuman reflexes, but who lacks tactical awareness and need a direct guidance from the LT to perform well.

    Have hackers, evo hackers, FO, repeaters, engineers and paramedics, but lacks any camo, any impetsonation, any smoke, any holoecho, any holomask, any decoy. Has mimetism, albedo, and msv in spades. No CoC. Overwhelm the enemy with bigger guns and faster reflexes or throw in your super soldier LT but when it goes down, you are irregular forever.

    To me, sounds like fun.
    Stiopa likes this.
  12. Benkei

    Benkei Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2017
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    I'm not the one saying a new sectorial will somehow rescue the dumpster fire that SP is at the moment, so I'm not the one having to suggest anything.

    And how are existing sectorials "being take care of"? SP got nerfed to the ground, OSS stayed more or less the same, vAleph might as well not exist, and meanwhile everything else in the game(except Ariadna) for pretty big buffs. Tell me again how that is "being taken care of" and how a new Sectorial is gonna change how OSS and SP work (or don't)

    And all that cope about Aleph somehow getting new releases every month is just laughable and totally made up. Haqqislam is not in the first book neither and still they got stronger, I guess they are getting releases every month too because reasons?

    Just to put this in perspective: vAleph has 39 profiles including a duplicated Maximus, White Banner has 45 and Bakunin has 47
    #32 Benkei, Dec 18, 2024
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2024
    sephyr and xagroth like this.
  13. Tool81

    Tool81 Well-Known Member

    Oct 15, 2022
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    Well I understand your frustrations, but you know they need to sell their new toys! ;-)
    I saw many times the Infinity fansbe proud that CB is different from a UK based company that produce a very important sci-fi game! Well in the end we see that there are many commonalities:
    - the fact there are some factions that get more "love" (to use the work of our ambassador) than others. Usually the ones that sell better
    - the fact that they squat/cancel or make so dated armies after few years they release them (Varuna, NA2).
    Just to give two examples
  14. Hecaton

    Hecaton EI Anger Translator

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Could be the Aaronic sectorial then.
  15. xagroth

    xagroth Mournful Echo

    Nov 23, 2017
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    I have 2 questions here, just in case.

    First, what happened to the Posthumans? Proxy mk3 is absolutely absent from both the web and android army.

    The second one is quite simple... how is it possible that the whole of Aleph has THREE PITCHERS max, with the danavas (now ava 3 in OSS), 2 in SP (Thamirys and Scylla, and while you can make a Haris of Scylla FTO with Thamirys, you need either a Makhe or a Hoplite). And the only repeaters are the common remotes, the Rudras, and the Apsaras KHD has a deployable repeater (and doesn't link unless reinforcements... at least the danavas can link...)... sigh
  16. Stiopa

    Stiopa Trust The Fuckhead

    Feb 21, 2017
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    Proxy Mk3 was most likely removed entirely. Which is a shame, I always liked it, but I think Mk4 squeezed it out.
  17. VonKrolok

    VonKrolok Member

    Aug 12, 2019
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    Aww, somebody can't play without Achilles? LOL
    A new sectorial means new models and models, not always, can be shared and model counts grows for potentially all sectorials. Even some British company understood that penalising a faction results in penalising the game... far from being perfect (light years in fact). What can you expect though: when somebody looses the tip of the spear they just cry forgetting you still got the pole, while all the time not suggesting (in fact flaming those that do!).

    Is it possible that I was the one to open a page for Aleph in N5 while all other factions already had one page open (even more in some cases)?
  18. xagroth

    xagroth Mournful Echo

    Nov 23, 2017
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    It's quite the foolish assestment to consider that the removal of Achilles from SP is a problem for SP. Flashnews: it's not, it's a problem maybe for certain lists in Vanilla, where blondie had much less competition as a missile.

    The problem there is, mostly, the slap in the face that is moving the poster boy from one faction to its opposite, the one said posterboy was designed to fight. And to move four other characters from a sectorial designed as a character-a-dime from the ground up, without getting anything in exchange (even if it's given back in the future, the problem is here now).

    Now, the REAL problems for the Greeks are as follows:
    1. Changes to Fireteams means ABSOLUTE loss of Sixth Sense for the whole sectorial, thanks to CB "fantastic" idea to move it to pure fireteams with 5 members while keeping SP capped at 4 members per fireteam.
    2. Changes to fireteams allowing all Duo (unilimited amount for those available) get the +1k0 "burst" dice, meaning the "more than one haris/ 4 men core" advantage goes down the drain. Tohaa also suffers from this, but it's been mitigated from their extremely improved pure linkability, and some well-deserved buffs to some troops (like the Gorgos, I may take it out from storage now...)
      Consider this as if all other sectorials go up 1 slot in the ubiquitous "F to S Rating" apps, while SP has not moved.
    3. Changes to Smoke Grenade ranges has taken most smokers from 16 to 13, thus reducing order efficiency, and further nerfing the survibability of the troops (which had been nerfed already in N4 by allowing MSV1 to ignore Smoke Dodge).
    4. Changes to ARO burst (you now keep 1 single dice) make multiwound troops more resilient to ARO, specially the heavier ones like TAGs which no longer can be killed in a single volley, at the same time reducing Phoenix's ARO capabiolities
    5. Changes to frenzy mean most units lose effectively a -3 to the enemy after doing damage, regardless of being linked or not; while this affects all units in the game with Frenzy/Impetuous, SP was build around this exploit, and as such it is a nerf (even if deserved for balance, the relevance here is to show how many nerfs have been hammered into the faction...)
      • On the same vein, Eudoros has been nerfed by losing all grenades (instead of being downgraded to regular smoke ones) and made a full hackable HI, further making him a discount Achilles (I frankly think the most problematic skill was Specialist Operative, but oh well).
    6. K2 auxiliars, the "fireteam filler" unit is capped at AVA 1...
    7. Agema ML downgraded to Camo 1 use from Hidden Deployment. While a nerf was needed, the fact that it's mimetism 0 makes it obvious, and not all that worthy for 27pts and 1.5SWC. I would have preferred for it to loose the MSV and get perhaps biometric and/or XVisor.
    8. Phoenix being the only Warhorse in the faction (Netrods do not count, they can't shoot...) while BS Attack -3 is being given like popcorn to other factions, at the same time no unit in SP got BS Attack -3.
    9. Elimination of ALL Eclipse Smoke sources but for the Myrmidon Officer. While not a reduction in capabilities, it is a reduction in list variation, since now the Officer is an autoinclude in every Myrmidon link. This is not as bad after thinking about it as it may seem, since units over 30pts have received a cost reduction of 1-4pts.
    Now, on the up part:
    • Ajax (smoke grenades), Penthesilea (Immunity ARM with a second wound and smoke grenade launcher) and Thrasymedes (decoy, emitter, xvisor...) got some interesting buffs
    • Thramirys is back, and it's quite interesting, for now he has lost the "reset -6" program, but carries a pseudo double hacking device (normal and killer) thanks to getting Trinity and Cybermask as upgrades, he aso keeps Dodge-3 from Pandora's iteration, and gets an Emitter or Flash Pulse+1B. This ironically couples with changes to the Thyreos (got camo 1 use) and Thorakitai ("cheap" hacker), coupled with the reduced ARO risk for heavy troops, making hackers more valuable to "soft kill" strong enemy units.
    • Ekdromoi no longer being Impetuous means they are now useful with all the profiles, even if they would get more mileage from getting BTS 3 by paying extra points.
    #38 xagroth, Jan 11, 2025
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2025
    RolandTHTG, Tool81 and Wizzy like this.
  19. VonKrolok

    VonKrolok Member

    Aug 12, 2019
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    You are giving me case and point: if nobody posts for Aleph where do you think this faction is going to go? Obviously if I post and get nuked by some "I would like the british approach" kiddo, PanO-fanboy et similia and nobody that cares for the game itself even bothers to chime in Aleph will go down the drain, period.

    That being said onto more productive discussion:
    - named Myrmidons are Myrmidons. You don't get 6th sense, but you get everything else with Ajax, Machaon, Phoenix and a myrmidon in the same team... it ain't so bad when you consider that the other link can be Alke with Discoball.
    Is this the best there is? Not by a long shot when you consider that there are Regen troops out there and other shenanigans. In my hometown we say "if you don't cry you don't get fed" (original is a bit ruder to be honest) and guess what? We still got some time for Aleph since the big modifications are due in the future so better start typing if you got ideas
  20. archon

    archon Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2017
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    I don't. While he is better ruleswise, I liked him much more in his female form :wink:

    There are REMs out there which bring Holo-skills and probably also decoys (can also be holos). Also smoke GL can be mounted on Rudras or loaded to Dak GL. It also should have a REM special Lt option (or a non rem alternate LT or a special rule, thst allows for a (or some) REM to allocate LT if in LoL) bc a fixed TAG lt would make it too boring.

    I would like to see more repeater options for Aleph. We lack Pandas, Pitchers or troops with inbuild repeaters (Garuda). I mean Aleph IS hacking.

    I miss MK3 :cry:
    RolandTHTG, Spinnaker and xagroth like this.
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