September>December 2024: Nuclear winter has struck, leaving room for the N5

Discussion in 'News' started by Wizzy, Aug 12, 2024.

  1. Space Ranger

    Space Ranger Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2018
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  2. Darvain

    Darvain Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2019
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    In Infinity, everybody has their own skeletons. Kuang Shi comes to mind.
  3. Space Ranger

    Space Ranger Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2018
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    ah that's why I use robot proxies for them. It makes more sense for me to have robot self-destruct.

    I think YJ should help atek rebellions over Liberto.
  4. Darvain

    Darvain Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2019
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    Robots are expencive, meat is cheap. They are prisoners anyway. The Emperor has the right idea, I see.
  5. xagroth

    xagroth Mournful Echo

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Wait and see... Wait, no, what I meant is


    I see a headless chiken that spent too much time with Warcrow and now is in desperate panic trying to avoid a second instance of the Reinforcements boxes debacle.

    The TLDR is simple: whatever can be shoehorned to justify selling us the same troop six or seven times.

    Looks like linkable daylamis to me. With booty and better statlines for the same price. And linkable, like some morat pets (Hungries: gaki and preta) for an order farm.

    For vanilla PanO she used to be a great pick, not like Wallace in Caledonia, but we are talking like 7-10 irregular troops without extras, 1-2 more with ITS extra troops.
  6. Errhile

    Errhile A traveller on the Silk Road

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Yes. And no, at the same time: N5 Jackals are better stats and Booty for the same price as N4 Daylami.

    We are yet to see N5 Daylami.

    Iwouldn't be surprised to see a smilar layout for N5 Daylami. They were Regular basic Haqq troops in C1 - and while that didn't translate into N4, and C1 is no more, I have a feeling CB kept the idea for further use.
    Giving someone in Hassassin Bahram (and perhaps in vanilla Haqq) a skill like Fireteam Master - which didn't exist in previous editions - is an option to get exactly that, without going for a full -blown Inspiring Leadership.

    We'll see on Monday.
  7. Darvain

    Darvain Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2019
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    I have no doubt, for generalist PanO she is quite good in that regard. But for MO, she is an expensive piece in a sectorial already saddled with a lot of expensive pieces, who lacks mimetism and pay premium for great general stats, which often translates to them getting killed by third FtF roll.

    I liked her in a core link, but god damn is having more than half of your army concentrated in five models feels bad, when they start to die.

    If knights on a regular had arm five or six, okay. I can see that. But the nature of the thing is, mimetism (-6) exists. And even in core link, it means that Joan, in five man core link, against mim -6 trooper, hits on 15+3link+3range-3cover-6mimetism. So on 12s. And more often that not, the targeted trooper aros her at bs 12+3range-3cover. So half your army can be stopped by Ryuken who happens to roll better than you once. Because HRL kills arm 3 dead.
    No, I am not salty, it just happened to me so much I am now onto using a revolver of Crosiers with multi snipers to clear the way. I take three multi sniper Crosiers and just slot them in Crosier core link as they are killed and reform the link. In core link, they hit surprisingly well and can outrange near damn everything and cheap enough to take multiples of them.

    So yeah, Joan in MO... Maybe as a solo piece, but I need to see the stats and costs of other troopers in the sectorial.
  8. Brokenwolf

    Brokenwolf Protector of the Search for Knowledge

    Mar 8, 2019
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    We also don't know if Inspiring Leadership has changed in N5. She seems like a tuned up Asawira for a little more.

    Jackals look wild. I wonder what bording pistols are? They could make a nice order Battery for a TAG Duos. I don't think however they mean a point change to Daylami, as Daylami get armor and more WIP in exchange for Booty. I would love a Minelayer profiles for Daylami as I always used an "Elder Daylami" to proxy for a Libertos.

    I like the FT Master rule as it cleans up so much. I have been happy with all the changes from N4 so far. I really hope that N5 arrives on Monday.
    Urobros likes this.
  9. Urobros

    Urobros Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Totally agree, we don´t know exactly how frenzy will work in N5, but being same as N4, Joan as a "solo" piece in vanilla will not work really well. We don´t want Joana with "impetuous" after killing people: too man points and swc there to be "useful" as a piece attack. Plus the chain of command, plus to be probably loosing Ins.Leadership which will not be a good thing. Better than the current profile: absolutely... useful... we will have to wait a little longer to judge.

    Infiltrator option isn´t better than daylami, camo marker state is far way superior to non camo and 11 vs 8 points.

    Cheap ones... could be better than daylami, but as a ARO piece, if the 6 points panzerfaust is alive after 2 shoots, something is going really wrong for the other player, plus, panzerfaust has more % to kill something in return. As an active piece, yes, they are better than non infiltrator daylami. About being an oders pool... well, 6+6+19 points are pretty much the same as 3 fusiliers or almost 3 fugazi, so... nothing special but indeed something new for Pano players. And we will be using the haris option to "have a 3 orders pool", I´m not sure we will want to use the haris for that.
    Azakel likes this.
  10. xagroth

    xagroth Mournful Echo

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Flip it around: The Daylami as irregular troopers did not translate to C1 because there was no rule for irregular ordes in C1 (neither was any loss of Lt)

    Unless we get yet another resculpt of the Daylami, I'm not sure we will see a change in their profile, since their stats are better (+1CC, +1WP, +1ARM, a regular pistol instead of a boarding pistol, etc...)

    Again, I'm not sure we will see this skill in all sectorials, even if it would be interesting for some characters (Saladin comes to mind, so he has some guards). This skill seems to me the Oznat+Hungries fireteam rule, normalized. We'll have to wait if it shows up in old troops ported to N5, or only into new ones or relaunched sectorials (I can imagine this being a new option for the Antipodes in USARiadna if the sectorial gets a relaunch, which seems to me quite probable considering their lineup hasn't changed much in 10 years).

    If only there were any croissant model besides the three ones in the box...

    I bet on BSG as pistols: pistols with a fire mode that places a circular template on impact.

    I'm of a mind more in the way of the "we won't bother with already sold and amortized models". But considering how wild the Booty chart can be, I don't think those costs are equivalent.

    I do hope so too, but so far I'm not very happy with so many new rules when CB has a history of messing the wording and failing to uphold their promises. For me, they have exhausted all earned trust and went into debt, so I won't preorder anything until I see it completely.

    Remember, new fireteam rules gives +1k0 to hit, instead of +1k1, so the math are not so skewed towards defending fireteams anymore. If you go second or leave them for late ARO, having a Camo state is golden, but if you plan to go first or deploy the non-camoed infiltrators in a way that forces the enemy to burn 2-4 orders to reach and shoot them they already have fulfilled their mission as roadbumps, so I would not discard a 10pts roadbump piece so readily.
    As for the haris/core cost of using them as order battery, that will depend on how many haris will the sectorial be able to use (vanilla was confirmed to be able to have haris, I think... and pure duos get that extra dice to hit, which is the haris bonus anyways, since the new one is +PH...) and how many other options are available. Plus if CB is consistent, that would mean the AVA 4 is for vanilla, not for sectorial... In theory they are not in vPano, so dunno, but the magisters are listed as AVA1, in the Kestrel preview they had AVA2 (jackals had AVA4), so I can't trust the vPano list.
    As for their cost being equivalent to other cheerleaders, they won't replace the flashbots so you could have both options at the same time, and there are no Fusiliers in Kestrel, only Fennec Fusiliers (can't remember if they are 10pts too).
    Also, Booty real value depends on its options, so of course we can't really value the whole troop, but I feel it more loaded than the Daylami.
    Abrilete likes this.
  11. archon

    archon Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2017
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    Joan looks totaly fine to me. Sure in MO she is another expensive trooper but a very good one. Even without visor, she aims for 11 vs ODD and she is killy in every aspekt and provides good Lt skills - if Inspiring Leadership stays like it is, she also got a free CO every turn.

    The Jackals and their master are something new in Pan O. Cheap orders for 6 pts that can shoot. Fluffwise I would like to see more CC and PH. Together with Pan Os new CI that can be paired with CoC or Strat1. But I don´t know if you want him in a team that wants to advance when he is your Lt. Anyway they are chap and unusual for Pan O.

    This seems to be irr = reg notice in the N4 FT charts as skill.

    But the Jackals can actualy kill opponent models while their master is clicking buttons.
  12. Errhile

    Errhile A traveller on the Silk Road

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Gentlemen, once again: we are seeing N5 Jackals. We are not seeing N5 Daylami yet. Therefore saying one is better than the other is exactly saying that apples are better than oranges.

    There is no fair comparing between an N4 and N5 unit. Not to mention we know at least some of the sectorial context for the N5 unit in question. And totally no sectorial N5 context for the other unit.
  13. Daireann

    Daireann Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2020
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    Oh, I am sure, they are working in this direction. And I remember, that atek rebellions happens from time to time on Neoterra (From Modiphius Infinity RPG book if I remember it right). Upper classes fear of ateks. For a reason, I guess...
    But I hope for more peaceful end of the conflict with helots. May be not the end, but at least futher development of situation. More helots units in Varuna 2.0. Regular one. (I can dream)
    Space Ranger likes this.
  14. Darvain

    Darvain Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2019
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    Funnily enough, I proxy my Crossier snipers by models I picked here and there piecemeal. I have Hexa sniper, Knauf and Trinitarian sniper as stand ins. All three have sniper rifles, all three are unique.
    xagroth likes this.
  15. archon

    archon Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2017
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    But they are: Less acid, you don´t have to peel them, they contain flavionides, you don´t have that white fiddeling things, their odor is not biting the nostrils and after you cut them you have less waste:grinning:

    PS I wouldn´t compare Jackals with Daylamis because camo
  16. TenNoBushi

    TenNoBushi Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2017
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    Yeah, Oznat/Hungries, Taskmaster/Morlock, Liang Kai/Shaolin...

    It opens possibilities like having Jayth FT Master Taigha, Connolly FT Master Zellenkrieger...

    You can even imagine units currently Regular becoming Irregular to add more relevance on FT, like Diablos becoming Irregular and Lobos having FT Master Diablos, Kuang Shi with Celestial Guard Monitor, the various little Tohaa dudes (Kaauri, Reex...) and a Tohaa handler...
    xagroth and Brokenwolf like this.
  17. Bignoob

    Bignoob Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2022
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    She's definitely NOT an auto include, and the KotHS is still a better pick, and by a huge margin, but the TacAw and Stealth (and AP Spitfire) is definitely a huge buff. She clearly moves from an auto-exclude to a "considered for pick up" situation

    I still prefer the KotHS though
    Urobros and Cloud like this.
  18. xagroth

    xagroth Mournful Echo

    Nov 23, 2017
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    I will laugh hard on monday. Unless CB has suddenly changed their modus operandi, in which case I will be delighted. So thank you, I will feel good either way, even if one option will be pure schadenfraude.

    My bets are: numbers, impredictability, technological invisibility and being out of the system. I was quite suprised to not see of any atek hitmen or smugglers as example characters, agents or whatever.

    Sure, it's allowed, and funnilly enough the Hexa sniper is one of the few PanO models I have. Yet for some reason people don't look kindly on me if I show up with YJ models posing as PanO ones... xD

    I do the comparison. Time and again, I enjoy both, but I prefer apples if I must choose. That is, I already have six different daylamis from two different starter boxes XD.

    Me too, it's a more normal piece to deal with compared to Mendoza, which I have in the same category as the infiltrating jackals, which is "too dangerous to leave alone if I go first"... which I don't really like because it conditions my first turn if the other player was good enough, and had a nice place, to deploy him as his last model while I was the second in deployment.
    Daireann likes this.
  19. fari


    Feb 21, 2017
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    if jackals cost 6 points, i want to see Galwegians or Keisotsus...
    Cloud likes this.
  20. Space Ranger

    Space Ranger Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2018
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    At least po gets options. She's very similar to Adil but there's only two options for him. Lt or not. Also it looks like there will be another version of here again. YJ is loosing MI Adil.
    I thought of Daylami at first but being able to be in a team and become regular is big.
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