I'm very surprised to see knauf and triphammers. And as QK player IS great to see scarface and yuan yuans. At the end we have 4 aviable Tags!!! Cheers
Sad to lose Druze, but we kept so much. Most of my lists still survive. . I was hoping for Kaysm Beg to return, but no Dice. I am guessing Monstruckers are going to be sectorial only.
So, losing 28 entries comapred to the vHaqq as of the final days of N4. Spoiler: List of removals I've bolded out those I consider to be native Haqq units. Monstruckers Tarik Mansuri Aida Swanson Libertos Hassassin Husam Yasbir Wild Bill Authorized Bounty Hunters Miranda Ashcroft Krakot Renegades Nahab Aeromobile Cube Jager Namurr Oktavia Grimsdottir REM Racers Motorized Bounty Hunters Beasthunters Al Fasid Hassassin Ayyar Hortlak Diggers Hassassin Govad Druze Shock Teams Armand le Muet Kaplan Hakim Samsa Hussein al-Djabel Hassassin Shujae Oh well. I need to get myself the Triphammer now, and keep my eyes peeled for the new flyers. The rest, I guess I have a complete roster of. Unless there come some distinctive new loadouts.
Looking again the video, they include gazi as warbands. That would mean a redone profile again or only change the type of troop.
Ooph. Did not notice the loss of Namurr and Hakim. I leaned on those pieces. I guess I will have to expand into RTF. Hopefully Duos will be more prolific. I hope Kaplan and Korsan get a rework in QK.
It's strange that the Bokhtar and Asawira are in vanilla but Hortlak Janissary is not. Those two seemed like very Hassassin specific, secret units while Hortlaks are just diet Janissaries so they should have been with their 2W big siblings. Oh well.
I am pleasantly happy with the number of Sectorial Only units. I loved using the Hakim, but it looks like I am going to have to replace him with Tuareg Doctor. I hope the Tuareg gets some of the Scarecrow price cuts. Govad HMG was a budget piece and I love the model, but the Djanbazan HMG was usually superior. If Yuan Yuans Super Jump (Jet Propulsion), they might become interesting.
Or they get dropped entirely. ;). I'm somewhat miffed on things now missing, let's just hope the sectorials are worth it.
Here is hoping they increase the AVA of Al Hawwa' or Farzans in VA as we lost a couple of midfield camo units. Or at least some additional minelayer profiles. Does anyone know when the N5 launch is scheduled?
Have we heard anything about Vanilla AVA? I would love another Al'hawwa or Farzan for the midfield. Losing the Libertos is inconvenient.