Greetings! I couldn't find an answer for this rare interaction and while it is rare I wish to know the proper game mechanics for it. So Continuous Damage. Some profiles (Azra'il, Padre Mendoza and in N5 Adil HI variant etc) have the special skill to make all of their BS / CC attacks cont. damage too. Will their successful Attacks cause multiple cont. Save rolls with DA ammo or make it a BTS roll? In practice: if I fail a single save roll from an Azrail Feuerbach shot (AP+DA) what will I roll for the cont damage? - A single full ARM roll (basic continuous damage)? - A single half-ARM roll (basic cont +AP)? - Two half-ARM roll (AP+DA for the cont. dam.)? If so when I fail both initial Save rolls form Feuerbach will I have to roll 4 half-ARM additional cont damage rolls? (That could be hilarious on a TAG)
I remember it 2nd one. Ap+Da makes you 2 saving rolls with arm halved. Continuous damage makes failed saving roll again. So it’s another saving roll with arm halved. I could be wrong but I am sure 3 is not correct.
You have n Saving roll to to. 1? 6? 57879? Whatever. If you fail x saving rolls, you keep rolling x saving rolls. With the same values.
You keep making the same saves until you pass or are dead. So if you get hit with an Azra'il Feuerbach, you make two saving rolls at half ARM for the DA hit. For each one of those that you fail, you make an additional half ARM save, and you keep doing this until you pass or are in dead state.
Thank you guys. So the fire keeps the AP but it won't exponentially quadruple, and by the same logic Adil with Cont damage nanopulser will keep rolling BTS saves after each fail. Correct?
Correct! There is one exception to this rule: crits. If you crit with a weapon that has or has gained the Continuous Damage trait, the extra save that comes from the crit does not apply the Continuous Damage rule.