@Quiet Professional congratz, hope life stabilizes soon! October 2024 Summary And for what it's worth, the reference is to Blade Runner.
I enjoyed both the original and the new one quite a bit. Worth the time if you're into slower paced cyberpunk things. The hunt, the hunt, and the hunt.
I read conflicting views of the latest one. Many praise the original for its themes and cinematography. The newer version seems to be an even split 50/50 for like and dislike. But I will watch them later and form my own opinion.
Hahaha, I was thinking about doing one final mission for the year and the end of N4, by doing a capture of Samantha MH. It was not meant to be part of the lore or game results. But since the memo is now released to capture said target, I may as well continue to play the game. Great minds think alike.
Thank you to everyone who participated. Operation Edgelord has closed, well, operations. Here are the wrap up posts: The Phyre and the Phraud One Man's Finale is Another Man's Beginning If you'd like to hear us chat about it on Late Night Wargames, have a watch here:
Wow, great lore write up. I like how it all comes together. Quite nicely too. Perhaps some will spill over into the next operation. Thanks for running the campaign @WiseKensai, it was fun to be a part of it. Good to see Combined Army were not the overall winners. Take a break and relax. You earned it. I look forward to the next one in the future. Well done to everyone who participated.
Oi! The Omni Cultural Friends worked tirelessly to integrate Morat TAG manufacturing to the human sphere mining industry supply chain, for the mutual benefit of all. And we would have done it too, if not for those pesky Tunguskan anarchocapitalists!