Haqqislam Hopes and Dreams for N5

Discussion in 'Haqqislam' started by tacos, Aug 7, 2024.

  1. psychoticstorm

    psychoticstorm Aleph's rogue child

    Mar 4, 2017
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    Historically speaking, not all factions are in the first book of an edition, and usually it is well worth it.
  2. Cadwallon

    Cadwallon Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    I make some speculation excercise about vHaqq, based of some of the box aviable in the store (action pack, reinforcement and its booster pack and support pack):

    IL (5)
    • Ghulam
    • Najjarun
    • Khawarij
    • Hafza
    • Korsan
    IM (4)
    • Ragik
    • Zhayedan
    • Sekban
    • Hakim
    IP (5)
    • Fasid
    • Hortlak
    • Asawira
    • Ayyar
    • Burtuk
    SK (4)
    • Fiday
    • Tuareg
    • Hunzakut
    • Al hawwa

    Char (3)
    • Tarik
    • Leila
    • Rouhani
    And we can add to the list all the REM (6). Probably one or even both of our Tags and the new pilot profile (3).

    In more speculative, the only WB are now kum and the twins. Warcor is very likely to be in. Saladin only can be playen in vHaqq right now.
    All off the has a total of 35. I think the total of profile in v list is around of 40. What do yo think they will add.

    Errhile likes this.
  3. Errhile

    Errhile A traveller on the Silk Road

    Nov 25, 2017
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    One: please, use the more widely recognizable English terms, rather than Spanish ones, to classify the units.

    Two: we'd need the point of reference. Could you remind us how many entries there are in the leaked N5 vanillas? I have a feeling it is somewhat more than 40 - IIRC, sectorials are at 33-35.

    Three: I'm pretty much sure the HB will stay. Therefore I can't exclude all the troops in Op: Blackwind. Beyond Blackwind making it into vHaqq.

    Edit, regarding #2:
    • vYJ is at 51 entries total.
    • vPanO at 47
    • vNomads at 47
    • vAriadna at 49
    • vCA at 52
    • vO-12 at 47
    • vJSA at 43 (though this one does not really match, as it is a newcomer army, growing out of a former sectorial this edition while vHaqq has a legacy reaching into before N1)
    That makes me think 47 is the lowest reasonable unit count we might expect, and getting a few more is not out of the question.

    Drop in the mandatory "flying bike", as they are coming in to all factions (possibly with a few exceptions, I can't really slap one to the vAriadna listing) this edition. I guess it will have a reckles Flying Kum Biker behind the stick...
    #63 Errhile, Oct 11, 2024
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2024
    Gwynbleidd, Cadwallon and Brokenwolf like this.
  4. Brokenwolf

    Brokenwolf Protector of the Search for Knowledge

    Mar 8, 2019
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    Well, I already was wrong about the assumption that Haqqislam would be in the lore book. But will take some guesses on additions to the list:






    Nazarova Twins

    All those are, in addition to your list, are Haqqislam units clearly by character. Below are ones I separate wish to remain in Vanilla:

    Libertos (I love my little freedom fighters. I proxy them as a Veteran Daylami. My LE Liberto model I use as Monstrucker called Gizmo).

    Azra'il (Hits like a truck)

    But, wow that is a lot of units. 47? Something is going to be cut...
    Gwynbleidd likes this.
  5. Gwynbleidd

    Gwynbleidd Non asto coram malo

    Sep 18, 2021
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    I’m waiting with bated breath as to what. I’m hoping nothing drastic will leave, I am a little nervous given what has been shown of other factions and sectorials so far. Guess we’ll find out Monday. Which is always when I thought the Apocalypse would occur…
  6. Errhile

    Errhile A traveller on the Silk Road

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Breathe, man, breathe.
    It hs been long proven in the most scientific manner that breathing extends life.

    Ok, let's give the listings some structure:
    Light Infantry (5)
    1. Ghulam
    2. Najjarun
    3. Khawarij
    4. Hafza
    5. Korsan
    Medium Infantry (4)
    1. Ragik
    2. Zhayedan
    3. Sekban
    4. Hakim (Errhile's note: they are a rather specialized unit, and I wouldn't be surprised to see them lmiited to RTF only)
    Heavy Infantry (5)
    1. Fasid
    2. Hortlak
    3. Asawira
    4. Ayyar
    5. Burtuk
    Skirmishers (4)
    1. Fiday
    2. Tuareg
    3. Hunzakut
    4. Al hawwa
    Characters (3)
    1. Tarik
    2. Leila
    3. Rouhani
    1. Fanous
    2. Rafiq
    3. Shihab
    4. Shaytanyah
    5. Kameel
    6. Nasmat

    1. Maghariba
    2. Shakush
    3. Haqq TAG Pilots

    Makes for 30 entires.

    adds to the above:

    Light Infantry:
    1. Mutts (Errhile's note: I think they are rather going to be relegated to HB only)
    2. Namurr
    3. Mukhtar
    4. Daylami
    5. Najjarun
    6. Monstruckers (Errhile's note: I think they are rather going to be relegated to RTF only, or QK only)
    7. Odalisques
    Medium Infantry:
    1. Saladin (Errhile's note: definitely should be counted-as a Character entry)
    2. Muyibs
    3. Djanbazan
    4. Druze
    5. KTS
    Heavy Infantry:
    1. Jannisaries

    1. Maggie
    2. Shakush

    Skirmishers: (Errhile's note: I think these two would be relegated to HB only)
    1. Farzan
    2. Al-Djabel

    1. Kum Bikers
    2. Zuleyka Nazarova
    3. Zamira Nazarova

    All those are, in addition to your list, are Haqqislam units clearly by character. Below are ones I separate wish to remain in Vanilla:

    Libertos (I love my little freedom fighters. I proxy them as a Veteran Daylami. My LE Liberto model I use as Monstrucker called Gizmo).

    Azra'il (Hits like a truck)

    Adds further 18 entries, of which at least 5 are, IMO, better suited to be Sectorial-only.
    #66 Errhile, Oct 11, 2024
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2024
    Cadwallon, Brokenwolf and Gwynbleidd like this.
  7. Brokenwolf

    Brokenwolf Protector of the Search for Knowledge

    Mar 8, 2019
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    I am hopeful for the Farzan to remain in vHaqqislam for sentimental reasons: the original boarding shotgun Farzan got me into Infinity. Such dignity. It is also such a great variety of profiles. I love my old vet.

    Yasbir has just been re-released and should also be available.

    Below is the list of the units in Vanilla Haqqislam by popularity in ITS 15 (from ITS Stats with percentage of lists with at least 1). I assume most of the popular ones will stay if the Vanilla Combined can be used as a baseline (bolded the ones I think may be sectional only or removed from Vanilla in N5. I also removed the reinforcements and ITS free profiles):

    1. Hassassin Barids 68%
    2. Ghulam Infantry 66%
    3. Hassassin Fiday 60%
    4. Fanous Remotes 60%
    5. Nazarova Twins, Kum Enforcers. Zuleyka Nazarova 60%
    6. Muttawi'ah 56%
    7. Mukhtar Active Response Unit 54%
    8. Daylami Infantry 54%
    9. Al Hawwa' Unit 46%
    10. Asawira Regiment 40%
    11. Libertos Freedom Fighters 40%
    12. Shaytaniyah Remotes 38%
    13. Hassassin Nadhir 32%
    14. Rafiq Remotes 32%
    15. Hassassin Farzans 31%
    16. Nasmat Remotes 31%
    17. Saladin, O-12 Liaison Officer 31%
    18. Special Deterrance Group Azra'il 30%
    19. Hunzakuts 25%
    20. Hussein Al-Djabel 22%
    21. Nazarova Twins, Kum Enforcers. Zamira Nazarova 21%
    22. Hafza Unit 20%
    23. Kameel Remotes 18%
    24. Knauf, Outlaw Sniper 17%
    25. Hassassin Bokhtar 14%
    26. Hassassin Lasiqs 13%
    27. Kum Motorized Troops 13%
    28. Djanbazan Tactical Group 13%
    29. Nahab Aeromobile Team 12%
    30. Namurr Experimental Operative Group 12%
    31. Diggers, Armed Prospectors 11%
    32. Beasthunters Free Guild 11%
    33. Armand 'Le Muet', Freelance Killer 11%
    34. Sunduqbut, Covert Heavy-Support Unit 11%
    35. Hassassin Ragiks 10%
    36. Najjarun Engineers 9%
    37. Murabids Tuareg 9%
    38. Fiddler, Aristeia!'s ex-toymaker 9%
    39. Shihab Remotes 8%
    40. Maghariba Guard 8%
    41. Warcors, War Correspondents 7%
    42. Naffatûn 7%
    43. Freelance Operator Samsa 6%
    44. Zhayedan Intervention Troops 6%
    45. Tarik Mansuri, Khawarij Amir 5%
    46. Hassassin Muyibs 5%
    47. Husam Operative Leila Sharif 5%
    48. Yara Haddad, Intel Ops Mutafawiq Officer 5%
    49. HAKIMS, Special Medical Assistance Team 4%
    50. Al Fasid Regiment 4%
    51. Bashi Bazouks 4%
    52. Medical Specialist Rahman Rouhani 4%
    53. Monstruckers 4%
    54. Shakush Light Armored Unit 4%
    55. Aïda Swanson, Submondo Smuggler 3%
    56. Motorized Bounty Hunters 3%
    57. Khawarijs 3%
    58. Sekban, Naval Special Unit 3%
    59. Hassassin Shujae 2%
    60. Authorized Bounty Hunters 2%
    61. Hortlak Janissaries 2%
    62. Hassassin Áyyār 2%
    63. Hassassin Govads 2%
    64. Krakot Renegades, Morat Fugitives 2%
    65. Wild Bill, Legendary Gunslinger 1%
    66. Odalisques 1%
    67. Janissaires 1%
    68. REM Racers, Mercenary Hacker-Pilot 1%
    69. Hassassin Husam Yasbir 1%
    70. Triphammers, Repurposed Industrial TAGs %1

    70 - 20 suggestions equals 50 units. Maybe a Pilot profile and a new unit for 52 in total.
    Barrogh, Cadwallon and Errhile like this.
  8. Cadwallon

    Cadwallon Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Probably, warcors would be spread in all list.

    Hortlak and Rouhani are in some booster packs, this is why i include in vHaqq. Is something that a warcors noticed in vNomads.

    #68 Cadwallon, Oct 11, 2024
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2024
    Brokenwolf and Errhile like this.
  9. tacos

    tacos Well-Known Member

    Aug 15, 2022
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    I really, really hope they do not cut Mutts from vHaqq. I kinda doubt they will since they have a fairly highly play rate in vHaqq, but Mutts imo are the keystone unit that makes the faction work in a competitive context. They are the key defensive unit, and irreplaceable - especially with the shotgun changes which shifts the power of that weapon over from defensive corner guarding to more offensive roles.

    I also really hope we keep some decent long range gunfighting and AP gunfighting. I think there's a high chance that Knauf is going, and if that happens I really hope we hold on to Azzy as well - without those two, we might be back to the N3 days of having to smoke trick for Djanbazans for 32" gunfighting - I guess unless our TAGs get buffed.

    I'm kinda spooked a bit - I think there's a surprising number of units in vHaqq that are very load bearing for the faction as it is right now competitively, and even just cutting one of those without adequate compensation could hit us very hard.
    Brokenwolf likes this.
  10. Brokenwolf

    Brokenwolf Protector of the Search for Knowledge

    Mar 8, 2019
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    Personally, I don't want the Libertos or Sunduqbut to go from Vanilla Haqqislam as the both work so well with our camo game. The Sunduqbut, however, is so load bearing in both Hassassins and Ramah Task Force, I think something has to give. It is such a influential piece that is only let down by the fact that the model is difficult to get.


    I just want the Horlak to either get the AP Sniper model or a new AP Marksman profile. It's just rude to give such a great shooting platform limited weapons.
    #70 Brokenwolf, Oct 11, 2024
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2024
  11. Wizzy

    Wizzy Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2018
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    Info from newsletter for Korsan, Corsairs of the Gate Pre-order Exclusive Edition :
    Available in armies: Haqqislam / Qapu Khalqi / Ramah Taskforce
    Cadwallon and Brokenwolf like this.
  12. Brokenwolf

    Brokenwolf Protector of the Search for Knowledge

    Mar 8, 2019
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    Well, the videos from today make me feel more hopeful for N5:

    The new Fireteam rules makes Duos the new hotness. Basically getting one reroll in shooting is a nice bonus. Pairs of Muyibs, Lasiqs, Khawarijs, seem much more viable.

    It also means less firepower in the reactive and active in general. Smoke shooting got a boost in power as Sixth Sense will be rarer and Surprise shot is no longer countered.

    All and all, this should fit well with Haqqislam.
    saint, Barrogh and Errhile like this.
  13. Cadwallon

    Cadwallon Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    For me, the Dúos fireteam appear the good choice for aro duty. Good for my djamba Sniper or for hortlak Sniper.

    I'm surprised about korsan in RTF. I'm very impatient to know the rooster for all haqq armies.

  14. Brokenwolf

    Brokenwolf Protector of the Search for Knowledge

    Mar 8, 2019
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    I also wonder if we will see in N5 more Sectorial army lists that will take advantage of unlimited duos. Very little reason to not pair up if you can.
  15. psychoticstorm

    psychoticstorm Aleph's rogue child

    Mar 4, 2017
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    Currently there are many sectorials that can field interesting Duos there is just no incentive to do so, with a quasi reroll because they are pure this can change drastically.
  16. kesharq

    kesharq Lucky Dice-Roller

    Feb 9, 2018
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    I used Duos in N4 with vHaqq for my Asawiras (to get rid of frenzy state) and Mukhtars (only to advance them with the first 1-3 orders and then dissolve the Duo Team). Maybe I should give that a try in N5 again with the new bonus
  17. Brokenwolf

    Brokenwolf Protector of the Search for Knowledge

    Mar 8, 2019
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    From this JSA video:

    Frenzy, when triggered, will give the model Impetuous and Limited Cover (no BS mod from Cover). I feel that Fireteams will not affect this. I think this will be a good change and keep Frenzy from just being a cost cut.
  18. psychoticstorm

    psychoticstorm Aleph's rogue child

    Mar 4, 2017
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    Oh, I got it slightly different, that they get Limited cover with the skill and only get the impetuous order after the first kill, so a in between impetuous.
  19. HokutoAndy

    HokutoAndy Active Member

    Apr 25, 2022
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    What I'd want to see in N5 for Haqqislam...

    *More S5 based on the new style Azrail smooth 'organic' but still artificial muscle strong limbs. It's distinct at a glance from Yu Jing muscle cords and PanO plates
    * Malay themed unit would be nice, monofilament keris! Silat, head hunters tattood with flowers, syncretic native shamanism and daoist beliefs, there's a lot to draw from. When Red Veil came out a lot of their art was done by a Malaysian artist.
    * Kaplan are the most future tacticool dudes in Infinity, they could throw smoke grenades while tactically operating.
    Cadwallon likes this.
  20. Errhile

    Errhile A traveller on the Silk Road

    Nov 25, 2017
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    That would mean the Azra'il fluff underwent a significant adjustment: they were, since their instroduction in N2HS, meant to be using bulky, outdated armors.
    Also, we have two S5 HI now, I think it is enough. HI aren't traditional Haqq strength.

    Malay... it could be interesting, but definitely not shamanism or daoism. Haqq stems of the islamic traditon, and while other People of the Book are welcome to Bouraq, I don't see space there for folks who, by Haqq standards, would be considered pagans. Not as a coherent military force.

    Kaplan and smokes - dunno. They weren't, apparently, considered to be apporpriate troops to have that ability in CB's eyes.

    Seriously, not to rain on your parade, but... the fact something seems cool doesn't automatically mean it will fit the rest of the faction.
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