Trying to consolidate the ITS game start sequence in one place, where have I got the below wrong? Infinity Game start sequence Assuming pre made map or table learn what mission is being played Learn what faction your opponent is playing Draw Classified Objs as per mission. Intelcom cards Initiative Roll. Initiative keeper announces the turn order. Deployment keeper announces who deploys first & in which deployment zone. Check Mission for “before deployment phase” items e.g. QAZ creatures, turrets etc. “Deploys first” places HVT at least 4” away from any deployment zone. “Deploys first” place all models bar reserves Other player places HVT Other player deploys all models bar reserves. “Deploys first” places reserves Other player places reserves.
I have created a small sheet to print off and take with me. Feel free to use it. It includes Civilian and Designated HVT profiles.
IIRC fireteams can be created during the deployment phase, including the reserves deployment as that’s still the deployment phase? secret Zone of Control measurements sounds new though!
Yes, fireteams can be created anytime during deployment but you can intentionally move your troopers if you create them at the reserve phase. Secret ZoC measurements are done to hide the identity of camo troopers when you have multiple mines and decoys.
It only talks about the last figure not last figure step. I would argue that RAW doesn’t explicitly deny other figures from adjusting. If you have a different opinion what’s the RAW or RAI in this most perfectly written rule, you should talk it through before the game.
We've had clarity on this from the rules team. You are incorrect there's many postings on the forum confirming it