Stay mad then I guess. I'm gonna continue enjoying casual events with my local group. If there comes a day where this gets enforced cool. Also attributing this akin to serial killers is pretty weird.
In general submitting lists for a tournament would be highly encouraged as it helps CB with statistics about units usability and faction statistics.
And prevent cheating, like said above. I can go to a tournament with plenty of saved lists and use the one i need in that moment. But TO and CB should start penalizing. No access to prizes, no ELO gained... even a ban for the next organized event.
Do not pass go. Do not collect 200$. Since we witchhunting here might as well also put up for charges on having some casual events were we don't even bring physical lists for the day.
Look I can see the want for data collection and I understand the benefits to the tracking with the ITS system. I'm not saying it's correct to not submit your lists. What I am saying is, it's technically against the rules to not submit decklists to FNM and some stores enforce this. However you don't see normal players whinging and screaming at players who don't.
To be fair the data initiative that showed that 30% of tournament lists are missing is a relatively new development, at least to the general knowledge. I do not think a witch hunt would be productive, at the moment we are thinking a few ideas to incentivize list submission or mitigate the loss of data.
Does that data include leagues? Because submitting lists for leagues is actually impossible, assuming the TO isn't running a league where you are locked into the same 2 lists for however many weeks and months! I'd love to see OTM brought up to date a bit, it's very creaky. Chief among this would be a division between tournaments and leagues.
I do remember not uploading lists for half my tournaments, but that's because it took me two events to figure out how on earth to work the software. Definitely would like a more up-to-date, intuitive and effective design.