Meme cover for mini-game Crazy Koala Rampage Indexing of infinitythegame meme I made for the french translation of the Crazy Koala Rampage mini game by Uncle Premium on the dark net. French version here :
First times of the first forums Infinitisation of this meme and an first origin story about two users (and since then it has been forbidden to talk politics) : Spoiler: +
Misleading advertising? You're more likely to find geeks in their forties than in their twenties! I noticed that Corvus Belli had reworked its logo to make it a character.
CB becomes Lucas Terrible affair of retouches, funny to see the yujingyu symbol in JSA.
On the french forum, I've embarked on a series of colourisations, and with a bit of luck the core of Alexander's comic strips will be in colour, but I haven't managed to correct the imperfections with the tools I know, and then when I move the tint it goes freestyle, I get the impression that the AI feeds its dominant colours with a bunch of colours at an imperceptible level but which become imperceptible if you touch them. Example :
Comic: The battle for truth begins Human Edges. In a daring raid aboard a fleet flying false colors, Cassandra Kusanagi, the silent shadow of Bakunin, has nabbed the controversial journalist Stringer. Stringer, the former whistleblower, is now suspected of being a double agent, her ties to the enigmatics Tohaa raising eyebrows. Is Stringer a traitor or a pawn in a much larger game? What is the Church of Saint Mary of the Knife hiding? And will Cassandra, the woman who never laughs, finally find something to smile about? Pdf: Preview page 1 I've doubled the volume of my latest comic, which was used to announce my next fancomics recap, so that it looks more like a prelude than an advert.
Announcing the release of infinitythegame fancomics pdf recap volume 7 in english PDF BD FANCOMIC Vol.7 : ANTHOLOGY OF TALES FROM THE HUMAN SPHERE Link to the FANCOMICS STRIP Infinity shared folder in French/English : Planning 2025
The horror at a faction... the Corvus Belli casting department! English and French language: a love story in spite of themselves! The false prophet of the N5!
Unofficial answer from ALEPH... A comic strip in the context of an analysis of Panoceania's history, rewritten in a nomad protest tone for french forum : [ Investigation ] PanOceania: an authoritarian, supremacist nation?