Recap news et stuffs. Tactical Awareness - S2 (ITS15) - Ep 07 - ITS Season 15 - As Acheron Falls, so falls Acheron Falls. Bakunin Special Part 1: Kickstarter Madness There's been a very long news item on the state of the KS and what's been done for INFINTIY Acheron Fall. Here are the hot spots: Spoiler: + And this month, last news in comments: From RamPerDesign 01/04/2024 08:08
Some news from gamefound : Statut: Spoiler: + Sculpture: New Sculptures: CA Destroyer Yamato Shasvastii Destroyer Timeline: Spoiler: + Pledge Manager:
News : Actu: Rules: The rules are being finalized, and they're doing a poll to find out if the public would have a preference for the way the rules are presented. Translation will, of course, take place once the basic book has been finalized in English (or Spanish, to see what vanilla is for corpos from the Ramper megacorp). Sculpts:
News: Summary: - Exrah Carrier - PM is coming. - Result for layout of rules : Rules in two parts.
Life and maybe algos are very strange, in my twitter feed, Dofresh released this artwork that has exactly the same shape, some species of bees and wasps have the particularity of making hives around branches and trunks, the exrah vessel also has a hive look that would have been created around a vessel. And exrahs are also insect-like.
News from AF : The pledge manager will open in a few days. New minis (Exrah / Onyx / Ariadna): With a special all-in :
Hey guys, does anyone know if you can play with what you get from just an add on box, like blockade runners? Or if I pick the defiance I get tokens for crew and energy management?
No those they say they have on the box, but I don't know what else they have that the core box also has
I saw this in my artstation feed, it seems unheard of.
Latest news summary for Ramper Design's Acheron Fall. Rulebook: It's in the text-improvement phase, at the moment they're stuck on rule points to explain simply and without illustration. Nevertheless, they are working on publishing a pdf in English next week for popular critique. And also: “In addition, we'll be publishing the TTS module we use for testing and demos. This way, you can play games and give us feedback.” Then the final version of the booklet will be sent to the factory in the next few months. Ships: “We're still working on the budget. We sent out the last ships several weeks ago, and as a result, the budget has undergone some changes. We're working with Unicool to finalize it once and for all and get a production date. Until then, we won't have a firm timetable for receiving the game and starting shipping.” Closing the Pledge Manager: “Our idea is to close the pledge manager at the end of August or the beginning of September at the latest.” Presentation images: Spoiler: +
Rules and TTS module are out : The rulebook is now available. You can download it here: Acheron's Fall module here:
Ramper Design has made a year-end announcement for Acheron Fall. Quick summary of important points: - Development: Everything is going according to plan. - The Pledge Manager will officially close its doors on December 12, and after that date only shipping costs can be paid. - Tutorial videos in January in theory.
Update #23 10/01/2025 17:20 Quick summary of important points: - Current project status: The project is progressing steadily without any major problems. - Pledge Manager closed: As previously announced, the pledge manager is now closed. It only allows backers who have not finalized their pledge to pay shipping costs. - Ship production: Unicool is currently concentrating on finalizing the prototype ships and most of the components.