Hello! I am very happy to be part of this amazing community and play this amazing game. Came from Warhammer, and one of my favorite aspects of the game was to film, edit, and publish video battle reports. Sadly with Infinity doing video reports is much trickier and I would want to wait with them and focus more on me learning the game. But since I really love sharing pictures from the games I figured that it might be time for me to start doing written reports. I am going to post the 1st two reports that I wrote, 1st being more a prototype while the second a full fledged one. Let me know what you think of them! I know on what I need to improve on and will try and do that with each report I post :) Yu Jing vs Svalarheima 300p N5 03.02.25 https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?vanity=TerrasChampion&set=a.1042492344579462 Tohaa vs Svalarheima 300p N4 03.10.24 https://www.facebook.com/share/p/rK2RGDKBt4SfWabF/ White Banner vs Svalarheima 300p N4 01.08.24 https://www.facebook.com/TerrasCham...tEuo7Zc5xqtf6MoWH832t4bN7YhbL2HfvcCB2SdzaLSgl Tatary vs Svalarheima 200p N4 27.07.24 https://www.facebook.com/TerrasCham...movCdGW76QtSCXKyWdjCW82eRZk475BYhuqMDbZKsrsUl
Tatary vs Svalarheima 200p https://www.facebook.com/TerrasCham...movCdGW76QtSCXKyWdjCW82eRZk475BYhuqMDbZKsrsUl
White Banner vs Svalarheima 300p https://www.facebook.com/TerrasCham...tEuo7Zc5xqtf6MoWH832t4bN7YhbL2HfvcCB2SdzaLSgl
My latest game was versus Tohaa! Was really exited to play against them and I have to say, they feel wired xD Tohaa vs Svalarheima 300p https://www.facebook.com/share/p/rK2RGDKBt4SfWabF/
Thank you :) In the next one I would like to add short commentary from both players on what went wrong and what went right.
Both on a summer vaction in Bourak Nice report. I have both armys so I praise the win of WB. Only one Fusilier ML for ARO is not much, maybe you should put out the Nisse MSR too - try to lapping firelanes. Also not enough doctors for Supplys. Thought about a haris with Hospitaller?
Last game I played was vs Ariadna with two bears. Put the Nisse sniper in aro and he won me the game :D Killed 1st bear and two Spetsnaz. The rest was done with Liang Kai and fusilier core. And I play with only painted models :D So no Hospitalers yet, instead I will have some Karhu action!
Good paramedic loadout also! So do I. Because of that, I have to prox Karhu with my Spec Op until they arrived. But I also avoid to proxy very much, so most of the time he proxed the Para loadout.
Very happy to say that I finally had time to do a written battle report! We have a new member of our local Infinity community here in Estonia and he was down for a battle report game