Hey all So I've got some old Infinity minis to get rid of, and if they don't sell, I don't want to just send them to landfill. They're metal after all, sand could be melted down, possibly cast into something else - like fishing weights, or terrain gubbins? What has everyone else done, when they've had metal minis that just aren't wanted? I'm talking models from N2 days that have been superceded, and that never looked any good anyway, like a lot of old Shasvastii, old Chirontid, and a bunch of Bakunin (Moderators & Moiras Thanks!
Some players like the old Combined Army ascetics, I know one guy that prefers the older styles especially the old alien remotes. Somebody light want them especially if they are going to trash. The other option is find somebody learning to paint because its much easier to strip a metal mini than a plastic one
I give them away, hack them up for bits or melt them down to use for "tactical crap" ballast (especially for the plastic TAGs). I have some heat resistant moulds for metal casting (crates and such) and a small metal casting setup (that will do white metal and up to bronze casting ). I did use a chunk of older "surplus" minis from several of my factions to start a new "Army" back in 2020 during the covid lockdowns, when gaming shops were closed and most of what I wanted was out of stock locally anyway. My O-12 army uses a chunk of Haqq, Aleph, PanO and some Nomad stuff with a bunch of conversions.
Ask CB if you can send them back to them. As far as I know they're able to melt and reuse the tin. Might be wrong though.
Depends on the era, older miniatures have different alloy mixtures from the newer and may not be mixable.