Requirements Update PDF 2.1, July 2023 The user of this piece of Equipment must have LoF to the target. Deactivator can only be used against Enemy Deployable Weapons and pieces of Equipment, that have deployed on the game table, and never against Camouflage Markers. Effects Deactivator allows the user, by passing a Normal WIP Roll, to deactivate Enemy Equipment or Deployable Weapons (Mines, FastPandas, CrazyKoalas...) within LoF. The WIP Roll only applies MODs for Range, but not those from Special Skills (for example Mimetism), or Cover. If the user passes the WIP Roll, the Enemy Equipment or weapon is removed from play. My question is does deployable equipment like repeaters and ammo for pitchers fall into this category or not. I’ve seen deployable repeaters far into the category as equipment. Does the deactivator work on repeaters?
You cannot target an enemy model with the Deactivator, only against "Enemy Deployable Weapons and pieces of Equipment, that have deployed on the game table"
Yes, they are deployable equipment. Not sure what you mean with "the ammo for pitchers" pitchers shoot deployable repeaters.
#1 candidate for beeing just bloat on the rules. In my meta(s) I never hear anyone that have used this skill - just shoot the piece and good.
It's only for equipment on the game table. Or to put it another way, you do not have LoF to the deployable repeater that's still in a troopers pocket.
Meeeeeh. It really depends Let’s take the standard Pathfinder trying to get rid of a repeater in cover that is between 8 and 16 inches, it has 80% chance of deactivating it. You’re better off deactivating it over shooting at it with the 3B of the combo. You still need a good gunfighter with a good gun to have 80% chance of killing a repeater under cover in one order.
Well I wasn’t thinking about equipment because it would open a whole new realm like hacking devices, holo mask and such. I was more wondering about repeaters that deploy because it would make baggage bots more useful at a range between 8 to 16 a +3 which gives them a WIP 16. The item there aiming at gets no cover and no min bonus too.
Then can you please explain the second bullet in the effects for the deactivator. And you are also telling me that Fast Panda Gaming is wrong when they used the rule in this video: this takes place about 26 minutes in the video
We already explained that to you, different times. Deactivator targets only DEPLOYED EQUIPMENTS/WEAPON, not generic enemy troopers. You cannot target a Moran. But you can target a deployed Past Panda, Crazy Koala, (only the Deployable) Repeater, Dazers, Mines...
You (and the Fast Panda crew) are correct, Deactivators ignore all MODs except those for range. So no cover in this instance. Equipment does, otherwise, get cover. I think wires are getting crossed between you discussing Deactivator rules and others discussing whether combi rifles "deactivate" just as well as Deactivators. Equipment gets cover against combis.
If the question is does equipment gets cover the answer is Yes. You cannot ask "does equipment gets cover" and expect the answer for "does equipment viable to be targeted by a deactivator gets cover"