Does a camo hunzkanut have a deployable repeaters before its deployed?

Discussion in '[Archived]: N4 Rules' started by Cypherkk, Jun 19, 2024.

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  1. Cypherkk

    Cypherkk Member

    Dec 17, 2017
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    • When the player declares the Place Deployable Common Skill, the Trooper places a Deployable Repeater Token (REPEATER) on the game table.
    • The Deployable Repeater is a piece of Equipment that contains a Repeater.
    The second point seems to say while a deployable le repeater is on a model I is still a repeater as it contains a repeater.

    I recall this interpretation in 3rd. But, I'm not sure now. And there is no GFAQ for this.
  2. Tristan228

    Tristan228 Bakunin's best Morlock trainer

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Well yes, they're listed in that Hunzakut's profile.

    But I guess hat you actually want to ask is:

    "Can my hacker use the Repeater of a not deployed Deployable Repeater?"

    To that the answer is:

    No. Deployable Repeaters are not on the game table whilst carried by the Trooper equipped with them. Therefore the Repeater in those deployables is not on the game table and can thusly not be used. To be of use the Hunzakut has to declare Place Deployable first and put the Deployable Repeater on the game table.
  3. Cypherkk

    Cypherkk Member

    Dec 17, 2017
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    But, there are two separate bullet points. The first says how to deploy and when it is deployed you use the Repeater token.

    The second gives no timing. Just, a deployable repeater contains a Repeater.

    So unless has and contains, are vastly different meanings to the English definitions. Here is the logic map.

    A hunzakut has deployable Repeater (equipment) > a deployable Repeater contains ( or has ≈ contains - in every way I could think of), a Repeater (coms equipment) > Therefore: a hunzakut has a repeater.

    Why else would isolating a Hunzakut disable a repeater on say an ARO*? There's no, for lack of a better word firewall or shield protecting it from the affect transferring down.

    (And this would work for any model with Deployable Repeater. Maybe not 8n camo? That's a separate discussion.)

    * According to the thread on deployable repeaters I. The search function. Side note, I couldn't find and answer for this in the 10 pages of topic post containing deployable repeater.
    #3 Cypherkk, Jun 19, 2024
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2024
  4. tox

    tox SorriBarai

    Feb 21, 2017
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    As long as you have your toy in hand, it is not running.

    To be functional, a Deployable Repeater need to be (surprise) deployed.
    Once the Token has been placed on the Table, the Weapon or piece of Equipment is activated, and can be used in subsequent Orders/AROs.

    As long as you don't declare the Place deployable skill and deploy it, it is not working.
  5. Brokenwolf

    Brokenwolf Protector of the Search for Knowledge

    Mar 8, 2019
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    That is why it is called a "Deployable" repeater: it has to be deployed first. Non-camo Morans have Repeaters, which are on until the model is placed in a null state.
    chromedog likes this.
  6. archon

    archon Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2017
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    If a model has a (functional) repeater on it, it is cleary stated in the rules/equipment of the model. Take a look at: Moran, Securiate (Repeater) or Chief Jeong for example (or Iguana TAG, it has it since N2 or earlier). DepReps have to be deployed to work. Mines also do not explode before they are deployed .... or coalas but like hacking devices DepReps suffer from Oblivion even before they even be deployed.
  7. QuantronicWombat

    QuantronicWombat Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2021
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    It says in the Place Deployable skill: "Once the Token has been placed on the Table, the Weapon or piece of Equipment is activated, and can be used in subsequent Orders/AROs." The implication is that deployable weapons and equipment remain inactive until a skill or rule otherwise activates them.

    Otherwise, by your logic, mines would always be active regardless of whether they've been deployed or not because the rules for mines don't specify otherwise. So as soon as someone walks within ZoC of a mine-carrying trooper, all three mines simultaneously detonate.
    chromedog likes this.
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