Thanks for the great batrep, informative as always! Black Spot is a really cool take on kill-missions, where non-nominated troops don't matter at all... like that quite a bit. Does make taking chaff like a Warcor more of a risk too though, as well as plentiful hard-ARO units, as some of them will end up Blackballed. Cool balancing effect. Holomask on the Maya Pirate is a nice touch as well. BAMS looks awesome. The rules patches are really good, and the other missions look super fun. I would 100% attend a BAMS format tourney (within a 3.5-hour-drive radius of Seattle, terms and conditions may apply, warranty void if anyone plays double bears or the fucking Avatar, ask your physician before ingesting).
@Savnock Glad you like BAMS and Black Spot! <3 @YueFei23 really nailed it with that missions design. @HeadChime really nailed it with this following one too, though: The Longest Skill
Sad to hear you are not liking N5 @WiseKensai . Understandable about losing some sectorials. I hope CB learn from it and manage production of miniatures accordingly. I like N5. Only a few games so far but the game plays more balanced now. I have stopped playing Corregidor due to the fireteam options. I was looking for duos of mobile brigada, wildcats, alguaciles. Instead it looks more like a prison or TAG sectorial now. I am having more fun with Nomads faction. I think the idea of making factions limited a good decision. Nomads now have the vibe (fluff) correctly presented on the game table. It captures the heart of vanilla Nomads, not just an overbloated faction. Sleep deprivation is probably adding to your experiences of the game. Once you child grows up, it should be better when playing Infinity. I have the same expperience with my little one. Less time for infinity. It is still early in N5. Things will level out in 12 months. While the game has balanced out, new mechanics have changed the game, i.e., speedball, <10 order lists untouched, may shake things up a bit. Which i think is good. The typical smoke & msv shoot tactic was prolific and made the game predictable and stale. With new possibilities, i think the game is more fun. The let down is some sectorials need a rework. Hopefully CB does this slowly over the course of N5, with N5 lasting more than 5 years before a new edition comes out. If anything, bring changes to ITS missions each year.