Hello fellow artichokes, mercenaries and all around scum of the human sphere! I'm trying to make the jump from tohaa to spiral corps, and, overall, I'm enjoying the ride. The draal are so annoying to my opponents that, that alone is worth playing them lol. Anyway, I'm toying with the ideia of a double anaconda list in reinforcements, for an ITS in april we're playing here in Brazil, for supplies and unmasking. I think the tricore linked TAG is so unique that I'd like to give it a shot. Has anyone runned the link? Is ir worth it? Thank you all in advance!
It's pretty quirky. That's for sure. It's also quite a lot of points and swc, I'd recommend trialling it in some friendly games first before committing to it in a tournament as there's lots of common counters to light tags out there
are you looking for fun or effectiveness? For fun....dual Anaconda is a lot of fun. For effectiveness....not so much. They'll die pretty quick and are over 1/3 your total points.
The opportunity cost of not getting Sixth Sense on a hard ARO unit (Sukuel ML, etc) because you used your Tri-core on the Anaconda seems high.
There aren't really any good hard AROs in Spiral, though? The Sukuel is in Tohaa. Anaconda B2 PF with a surprise sixth sense is probably one of the better options.
The best I can think of would be the brawler HRL and the multisniper. I like the taagma viral sniper as well, but he is really fragile. Helots are really, really good for their price, and are almost an autoinclude in all spiral corps lista, I think.
I have tried the single Anaconda in a tricore, but the Anaconda was blown up before it was able to really do anything, so results are inconclusive.
Probably. I have used the Anaconda solo to better effect, but my bigger take away was I don't think the Tricore is really worth taking since the fire team changes.