Now that all hacking devices have both Oblivion and Total Control have any one you noticed some oddities in the rules? I've noticed two (Combined Army) Bit with Hacking Device has Upgrade: Oblivion and Upgrade: Trinity. She has had those for ages and she still has them despite Hacking Devices now having Oblivion by default. Have any of you noticed anything similar? On a related note, the Dartok hacker is really versatile now.
Here we go again... Neither of Bit versions has a Hacking device. One has a Killer Hacker Device + Oblivion (meaning Trinity + Cybermask + Oblivion), the other one has no hacking device at all, just two programs as upgrades (meaning only Oblivion and Trinity). And the Dartok came out in N4. So he is not "really versatile now", it was always like this and it is by design.
You need to actually look at Bit's profile. She doesn't have a standard Hacking Device, the profile just has the hacker rule, and two programs on their own. That profile's KHD was removed to prevent KISS from going into impersonation, because CB do not want repeaters to be hidden under any marker state. The Moran had the repeater removed from a Camouflage profile and the Lu Duan from their profiles because of Holoechoes at the same time Bit was changed.
I am fully convinced that Quaade has never actually played a game of Infinity in their entire life at this point. Some Wuji tier shit going on. I can't wait to see the next thread be a poll about discontinuing Karakuri or something.
If you really want to talk about unintended consequences of the hacking change, I'd look at the supportware programs going to EVO. Changing the way standard hacker were supposed to behave and getting rid of assault hackers was obviously the main goal, but along with the 15-troops limit, the change to supportware pretty much forced most attack bots out of lists overnight when they used to be go-to attack piece. Playing a rui-shi or a bulleteer just impose a ridiculous logistic strain on your lists nowadays: an otherwise useless S4 baggage bot, an engineer, all that to make a 20pts 1STR model that'll die to a shotgun around a corner function properly? Yea no thanks.
Once again I reiterate, AHDs never left the game they just got renamed to trick everyone into using them. Standard hacking devices were the ones that got deleted so AHDs could be renamed and trick people who could not understand how to hack to save their life to use them instead of just complaining about them.
Incorrect. The ordinary Hacking Device had a Dam 12 attack to hackers and something else I forgot. They now have Oblivion, Total Control, Spotlight, and Carbonite. 'Total Control' was exclusive to Hacking Device+ and 'Oblivion' was an upgrade. Thinking it was always like this is a Mandela moment. It's a fairly recent change within N4 that the programs were changed, and the Dartok existed before this. The main difference between a Darktok and Bit was that Bit had Oblivion, which is a lot more viable as an ARE than Carbonite since it's in that context is a better choice since it completely removes the ability for the target to act unless they have a Tactical Awareness they can use. With Carbonite they can reset it and then be on their way if they win the F2F. With Oblivion they need an engineer to reach the target and boop them. Now a Dartok effectively has an HD+ without Cyber-Mask and White Noise with Oblivion and Trinity as an Upgrade. It's one of the few HDs that's dangerous to all targets.
What are you smoking the Dartok was released in 2022, well after the N4 edition change 2 years earlier in 2020. The Dartok did not exist prior to the 2022 Morat redesign.
Spoiler: N3 Hacking Programs chart Spoiler: N3 Hacking Device types Spoiler: N4 1.0 Hacking charts Yeah, I'm gonna go with "this guy plays Infinity without reading the rulebook" :P
You must not reload Pitchers very often. I find Baggage bots quite helpful for Pitcher spam. EVOs are nice when you can converge 2-3 different uses for them in a single list. An attack remote, a Combat Jump unit, and some disposable weapons worth reloading is about perfect.
I'm mainly Yu Jing so the best candidate for Marksmanship is the Rui Shi and that's not enough value to me. If I also have a Tiger Soldier or a HI link without a Tinbot maybe. I will sometime have one in White Banner to marksmanship and reload Long Ya which also fakes out the presence of a Tiger Soldier. I might consider using one for Marksmanship alone in ISS when I get some Dakini though.
I definitely have lists in white banner where I have both a Dokkaebi for pitchers and a rui-shi (pretty good start against Steel Phalanx I think), and even there the troop slot taken by the EVO barely feels justified, there's just so many good stuff you can fit in a slot in white banner.
It's honestly entertaining. Every day I find a new thread with suggestions to completely change another core part of the game because "reasons". Maybe I should start doing the same. How about: Every Skirmisher should get Hidden Deployment. They're way too easily discovered otherwise. Come on, CB, you know you want to.