Today my opponent critted me, in ARO, several times. In key ftf rolls too. To put it lightly, this total bullshit. I think they shouldn't be allowed to roll that well.
I recommend ritual animal sacrifice to hex your opponent's dice. If you're not prepared to invoke black magics, you're not prepared to win.
My opponent had the audacity to even save the successful hits. Very unfun and not sportsmanlike, CB has to change this interaction immediately!!1!
Wrong logic. Your crits don't better over oponent's crits - just equals them. Skill issue. Get better at your opponent not rolling criticals. Some black magic might be useful there... ;)
1's is still a pass in most situations. In some, it is a crit, if you have aligned your modifiers right.
I was recently at a tournament, my Steel vs. his Varuna... Cutter reveals in front of Phoenix. Phoenix crits on a 4 (BS 13 - 9)... Cutter fails two saves... Cutter fails two more burning saves... Crit-happens