Glad to hear! So what would a coordinated order that is likely to kill a Prime in one attempt look like?
Two critical firepower elements (like missile launcher and multi sniper rifle) and a flash pulse should be sufficient, but with the availability of panzerfausts and Blitzen one can try to strike harder. What is important is Silverstar Prime is only ARM 5 and 2 W and against a coordinated attack it can select only one target to defend giving the others uncontested rolls that are unaffected by his BS Attack (-3) skill.
Nah, eliminating the unit shouldn't be that much of a problem. But I'm with those who dislike BS Attack (-3) for being the uncounterable mechanic it is.
Or shoot him with something that doesn't really care. Core linked Vostok with Marksmanship from EVO is on 4 dice hitting on 13s, and if it gets within 16" getting hit back with 2 dice on 10s. Pretty sure you can just gun it down or at least force it to hide and then I'll send a warband in to beat it up
Killing a model with the rule in your own active isn't a problem, mostly it's just annoying in reactive as the rule tends to just throw most of the game's best hard ARO pieces (already in dire straits in the current meta) in the dumpster.
For most ARO it is like it has mimetism (thought everybody not shot by it is not affected by it), and for the few that have MSV it is like an Albedo light.
Well... We all know that rules must not be multiplied beyond necessity. Lots of them were cut or optimised at the beginning on N4. Now it looks like we are making step back.
We could've used some rules back, but this one I'm not really fond of. In the end I doubt it'll cause any massive balance issues, it'll just force change in how people set up AROs against TLB specifically, and even that only if it'll get used with any significant frequency. We'll wait and see.
In terms of the Prime on ARO duties, it's basically a TAG gear check imo. I can't see anything else being able to safely shoot it down aside from maybe mim-6 HI like the Hac Tao. Maybe some factions will try and white noise/smoke shoot it (MSV1 vs MSV2 smoke shooting specifically) if it's not core linked for 6S, but that feels somewhat niche to me. In theory it's vulnerable to CC, but MSV1 complicates things, and the rest of TB can screen close assault threats pretty well from the looks of things (Strider/Moonraker minelayer, Hellblazers, Raveneye). The most common response to it is prob gonna be hacking and specifically GML. Having the Prime sit behind a tinbot -3 is nice, but not enough to totally kill the efficiency of GML in the way that it does for tinbot -6. In terms of the Prime as an active turn gunner, I think it's gonna be pretty fantastic at killing everything short of TAGs where it's lack of AP starts to become the limiting factor. I'm not sure how much I like BS Attack (-3) conceptually, but given the context of the Prime and TB as a whole, I don't think it's gonna be problematic balance wise. I think the big thing is gonna be if you take a Prime, you will have to choose between have good anti-TAG guns or having good tools to punish a null deployment - you don't have the points for both, or at least that's my impression from tinkering.
what psycho says is true nothing is stopping you to eclipse granadeing the model and beat it up in melee combat or using templet weapons
How many saves would it take from an MSR would it take to make effectively an armor 8 (5+3 for cover) model fail 2 saves? By my count 6 saves. That would require 3 MSRs be part of that coordinated order to put the prime down, and that is ignoring that shooting at BS 13 unopposed you would expect on of those MSR to miss. Alternatively 2 missile launchers. So dedicating anywhere from 3 to 4.5 SWC and a limited resource to *maybe* put this model down in one go. Also one more model that the prime is shooting instead of these supporting weapons. Also, flash pulses? Against a BTS 9 model? If it has cover then it will be effectively BTS 12. It fails against a flash pulse on a 1.
why would you use flashpulse when we have cheap boarding shotguns chain rifles and heavy flamethrowers ?!!!
Because it's one defence roll with below 50% chance of causing a wound combined with a high chance of attacking unit biting it at the same time. Now, if we could combine templates with AP... :P
and as i said plan A was eclipse granade them than send one of our billion martial arts level 3 guys to finish the job templet weapons are plan B and sacrificing a 6-15 point model to finish of a 30 points models is worth it most of the time PS: Ap templets sound like a war crime no way the nomads would resort to dirty tactics like this unless...
The thing to consider when you are sending close assault units to go after hard AROs - regardless of what kind of LOS blocking you are using - is how many orders you are spending to actually get there, which is something that depends a lot on the table and deployment. Big 'universal' long range gunfighters like a Tikbalang, Hac Tao or Zeta are great in no small part because they are fairly agnostic to tables and deployment. Regardless of the table, if your opponent has posted hard AROs, you can count on your Tikbalang to shoot them down in a similar number of orders. But it's very easy to find yourself on a table where in order to execute a good attack, even superlative close assault units like the UFK will need to spend more than 3 orders just throwing (eclipse) smoke, which is when things start to become really inefficient and you start running the risk of stalling out in the middle of the table.
Not to mention you need to have access to Eclipse in the first place. It's not exactly the most widespread of weapons ;)