[April], come she will...

Discussion in 'News' started by Solar, Feb 14, 2018.

  1. Red Harvest

    Red Harvest Day in, Day out. Day in, Day out. Day in, DAY OUT

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Paint Yu Jing? Working on the BRV Dao Fei right now as part of this month's painting challenge. Hope to finish it this weekend. It will be mini #10. Not going to paint any more Yu Jing after this, or buy anymore. Much hate for painting orange. Plus, no idea where the faction is headed. Have no interest in enduring a hard year, or a dark year, or any such crap. Not a masochist, me.

    In Spain YJ players are Yuchingueros. In France, Yutchinguiers. In USA, Yujingalings. In Australia, Yujingerydoos. Other nations? Don't know. Someone can tell me though :)
    yojamesbo and Aldo like this.
  2. Benkei

    Benkei Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2017
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    Spain is "yuchinos"

    Btw, just to simplify things, i would like someone to rebate the following:

    Yu Jing players just lost a third of their profiles and half of their sectorials, and got nothing in return, so that's a net loss. I don't care if they were good profiles or bad profiles as that's not my point: Yu Ying players now got less variety to play with, are the only "real" faction with a single sectorial, and probably got minis they can't use without starting a new faction (some maybe even bought the new Shikami last month). They got punished and they lost all that just because they CHOSE THE WRONG FACTION, even whey they had absolutely no clue picking that faction would get them punished. How is that fair to the people who are giving you their money? Why is a Yu Jing player's money worth less than a PanO's or Ariadna's just because they picked the wrong faction to play with? Don't they, at the very least, deserve an explanation of what is going to happen to their faction and if or when are they gonna go back to being even with the other factions?

    And please don't tell me Yu Jing player's can still play their old minis as proxies or by buying into a new faction because those are false arguments as following them I'd tell you I could play any faction by buying a single Red Veil box or I could as easily expand into a 300 point box for a new faction for the same price it would take me to start JSA so I could use my old models, and still wouldn't be playing YJ.
    #2162 Benkei, Mar 18, 2018
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2018
  3. Red Harvest

    Red Harvest Day in, Day out. Day in, Day out. Day in, DAY OUT

    Nov 23, 2017
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    No. Gutier changed it to Yuchingueros. The new "fluff" demanded it be changed.
    Aldo likes this.
  4. Teslarod

    Teslarod when in doubt, Yeet

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Rebate this? Sure.

    First things first, no exaggerations please. You're most likely not doing that on purpose but around 15 out of 57 (plus minus one or two) are closer to a quarter than a third. Also Aleph and Tohaa are both "real" factions with a single Sectorial or less. YJ won't be above the curve, but also not dead last or by themself.

    Did YJ get punished? No. However is it very inconvenient? Yes, definetely. CB announced something big was coming and that it would get split reception. They deemed it necessary or good for the game. Still, it was never anyone's intention to screw YJ over. Gutier writes in the article:
    "The other factor in the Uprising equation was Yu Jing. Personally, I always considered it very important to explain the reasons why the StateEmpire could not avoid the Japanese secession."

    Your money isn't worth less, you deserve nothing and you are not entitled to any special treatment. You got an article that ignored your demands and that is how it should be. Sure, you in particular think you've been treated unfairly. I on the other hand am glad it happened.
    Bostria made sure to mention at the Rumble interview that the stats tell a different story than some try to make it appear around here.

    I know, I know, this has been exactly the opposite of what you wanted to hear. But it's true, you're not completely screwed and the Faction isn't done for. YJ isn't the new bottom feeder.

    Big announcements have always been reserved for big events. Adepticon is at the doorstep, so I'd look there for further answers
    After that and the books release, you might possibly have every reason in the world to start this all over again.

    You got it wrong mate. I tire of people pretending they suffer so much more and so much more intensly than others.
    I have an unplayable YJ Vanilla force right here that doesn't reach 300 points anymore. I also have missed the chance to play the Sectorial I wanted to start even once. Haramaki Links will always be something I can only hear others remember fondly. There isn't so much as a shred of spite for YJ or the players in me.

    What I can admit without a trace of doubt is that I do feel nothing but contempt for the level this discussion has to be held on.
    You guys here on this forum are a vocal minority trying to drag the whole thing down with you for the most selfish reasons imaginable.
    There hasn't been so much as a hint that you actually want to compromise or see the bright side of things. There has been no effort to accept that this is in fact merely a minor inconvenience. Instead there has been a continous effort to blow things completely out of proportion without a clear goal. This has long since backfired with you treading water all high and mighty as if your boat wasn't riddled with holes for all to see.

    To use your own analogy, you're pretending to be victims of a warcrime demanding reparations.
    And that my friend is the most pitiful attempt at barefaced extortion I've hand the pleasure to witness in my entire life.
    Cothel, Knauf, saint and 4 others like this.
  5. zagdag

    zagdag Split box orphan

    Jan 9, 2018
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    So I own Yu Jing, about 75 percent JSA models and I am one of the people who will miss some things in vanilla (aragatos will be missed, keisotsu too but the extra points for zhangshi are not insurmountable). I also now have a huge number of JSA models painted in Yu Jing imperial orange and green color scheeme which is now... awkward. Oh, and I have 5 Haramaki imcluding some conversions and they are just gone.

    To me, this is less of a huge deal. I can use my JSA in a cool new sectorial, or Ikari sectorial too.

    Then again, I have also been playing wargames long enough that I have seen many companies drop models, units, or whole armies with little or no warning or explanation. This loss sucks, but it is also the coolest plot change in years and advances/deepens the whole setting. They made an entire book full of missions just to justify the break, and though it is a tragic story, its still a story about Yu Jing. And doing so was a dangerous decision for the company. They have to know they will lose some players even in the best circumstances and if they screw it up? They could start and exodus that totals the game. I respect that kind of commitment to narrative and creative risk taking. Its Kodali 2. I do hope to hear more about how they came to this decision next conference. I would hope army data and ITS lists were consulted and that the loss of in faction models is rare for most players. And yeah, it had to suck for the guy with red veil who just bought some shikami no matter what. I wish they had waited on that release until after uprising.

    I understand that this may be an overly rosey view, but what i am saying is: I sympathize with the players who feel they lost something, but I respect CB for continuing to try new/crazy ideas and staying true to their story. I hope that people can have room for both ideas.
    #2165 zagdag, Mar 18, 2018
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2018
    Belgrim, Abrilete, oldGregg and 14 others like this.
  6. Dragonstriker

    Dragonstriker That wizard came from the moon.

    Dec 3, 2017
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    To be honest, it’s all about the fluff for me - I play ISS and had no truck with the JSA traitors named to glorify war criminals anyway. Kempeitei soured me on the whole sectorial.
    So, I argue that the loss of jsa units has hurt other players without caring for myself.
    What does bother me is the presentation. I won’t reiterate my argument there, since it’s been made clear that I’m just an entitled crybaby.
  7. The_Evergrey_One

    The_Evergrey_One Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Where is this Shikami some people are complaining about? The new one that were painted in JSA colours and not yet released? It is not available for purchase in any store yet is it? So what's the problem? Preorders?
  8. berynius

    berynius Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    No this was the first shikami released 2-3 months ago or there about and painted in the Yu Jing color scheme
    Abrilete, Pierzasty, xagroth and 2 others like this.
  9. FishKing

    FishKing Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2018
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    Many of the people here would be over the moon at the prospect of a compromise. There has been no compromise, the only "bright side" for vanilla Yu Jing is being told to go play different armies. YJ players aren't wickedly twirling their mustaches and laughing maniacally about how they've derailed a few discussions, they're angry and even a little panicked because a large number of units are being taken away from them with not even a whiff of potential future recompense, and CB has given no indication that they give a shit (other than casually insulting anyone unhappy with the situation).

    As for "special treatment", none is required. I'd expect the same kind of courtesy for any faction if a large number of units were ripped out of it, even ones I have no interest in like Ariadna. If all the CHA units were removed then I believe that vanilla Ariadna players would deserve something in return, even if it's just promises for the future. Nobody should encourage PR incompetence like CB has displayed.

    The first Shikami model came out months ago. It was painted in YJ colours, which is very rare for a JSA unit (I think the RV Ninja is the only other one).
    chaos11, Pierzasty, Aldo and 3 others like this.
  10. Benkei

    Benkei Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2017
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    @Teslarod, someone should teach you how to debate: rebating arguments is done with other arguments, not with opinions. But I think you are beyond any help, you made your stance in this clear many posts ago: you are clearly a toxic and spiteful individual, and the worrying thing is it seems there are people like you at CB's HQ, which it's not good for the health of no business.

    Still waiting for someone to refute the facts with other facts.
    #2170 Benkei, Mar 18, 2018
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2018
    Pierzasty likes this.
  11. sarf

    sarf Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    I guess you`ve missed point of a joke. FTFY means Fixed That For You. This is used to return insult to sender.
    Apparently some people think that using these words about Corvus Belli staff (who actually produce game) is ok but using same words about SOME players (who produce a lot of insults) is not ok because they have FEELINGS.

    But yeah, apparently this is coincidentally happen to be quite an argument. Too bad that community is toxic enough to fall into these pits.
    TAKEZO and A Mão Esquerda like this.
  12. Hecaton

    Hecaton EI Anger Translator

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Why should we? There's no indication that anyone else wants to compromise with us, least of all you. "Fuck you, also do what I say" only really works if you're holding a gun to someone's head.
    Triumph, FishKing, Pierzasty and 3 others like this.
  13. loki

    loki Active Member

    Mar 11, 2018
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    Just curious - what compromise would you like? I keep hearing people ask for a compromise but then the complaints boil down to not liking the loss of the profiles.

    Loss of the profiles is what’s happening, so aside from ‘roll it back’ I’m not sure what compromise the affected party would be happy with.

    SKOZZOKONZ Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2018
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    Info on yu jings future.
    Hecaton, Aldo, Pierzasty and 2 others like this.
  15. FishKing

    FishKing Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2018
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    Rolling it back definitely isn't going to happen, I think everyone is resigned to that.
    I'd at least like CB to mention incoming replacements of some kind, preferably with a piece of concept art or a couple of unit namedrops. Even something vague like telling us that they're working on something Yu Jing (or alternatively that they're not, if it truly is a dark year with nothing good for YJ on the gameplay front).

    An early profile release of an Invincible would be another, much nicer, possibility, though I can understand if CB is hesitant to release untested beta rules. Closed Battle Lists have been mentioned by others and I think a few of those could work as well, but the key is to do something. CB may not intend it, but saying nothing is a statement in and of itself. And it's not a pretty statement at the moment.
    Hecaton, Solodice, Stiopa and 2 others like this.
  16. xagroth

    xagroth Mournful Echo

    Nov 23, 2017
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    To be fair, YJ has not loss a third of their profiles, but nearly all of their characters.

    Promises kept. Like an actual article that reveals something, instead of a pure self-promotion and waste of very good bytes. Written, incidentally, by whom is the main architect and writer of the game.
    So I have little hope those promised 100 pages of background in the NA2 will contain even 10 pages worth of data, with everything else being just wasted ink.
    Hecaton, Paris, Dragonstriker and 2 others like this.
  17. Shiwen

    Shiwen Commissar, Yu Jing Political Work Department

    Dec 31, 2017
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    I think the 'compromise' is less related to some sort of barter for keeping JSA profiles in Yu Jing, that ship has sailed, the books are printed and the boxes are being unpacked, whatever anyone's opinion might be.

    It is more about a compromise between the two extremes of this spectrum, vanilla YJ players position of 'Please give us something to fill the holes in our lists' and CB's position of 'Yum, Yu Jing tears are delicious.'

    There's a lot of differing opinions on WHAT the compromise might be, from 'release Invincible Army now!' to 'give us one profile' to 'drop some cool concept art so we have something to be hype for' to 'acknowledge our tears are a bad thing not actually delicious'.

    I don't think CB is going to change their plan, so whatever compromise we get is never going to be more than a slight shift from their current position (we'll get IA when they want us to, dropping profiles for it in the midst of this doesnt build the right sort of hype for selling more JSA army boxes). But even something essentially symbolic, like an article with top-level musings on the direction Yu Jing is going to take going forward, would probably go a long way.
    Hecaton, FishKing, Usashi and 4 others like this.
  18. deep-green-x

    deep-green-x Well-Known Member

    Apr 25, 2017
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    @psychoticstorm can we get this thread closed and bring in the hazmat teams, this has gotten to toxic for the environment
    zagdag, oldGregg and DukeofEarl like this.
  19. Aldo

    Aldo Spare 15

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Get a thicker skin kiddo.

    This. A lot.
    Paris likes this.
  20. sarf

    sarf Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    3 out of 6 in particular but please, continue. You know, ALL are watching.

    4 of 7 as I war corrected.

    You seems to be quite bold on knowing what CB position is, completely ignoring "I`ve bought $20 worth of miniatures that are now could be used only with another profiles as proxies so CB owes me a goddamn Ferrari car" position vocalized here by some YJ players. Well, seems to be it`s not enough extreme for you))) But you know, we could always wait for death threats to appear here and see if it change your opinion on YJ players as humble ones)))
    #2180 sarf, Mar 18, 2018
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2018
    A Mão Esquerda likes this.
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