Shhhh let the man cook... But Seriously - Weather has the right of it. Even just recently I had a Squalo Mk2 knocked unc by dropping shots to a Zhanshi ML of all things and took 6 saves. Rolled the engineer into action spent 3 orders got it back up to full health stepped out of cover on the next order with it to get me into good range pressed the trigger again against the Zhanshi ML - The Zhanshi died after that. I proceeded to have unobstructed access to the battle field cause my TAG was able to take 6 rounds to the chin fail 3 of them and be recoverable and proceed to lay the boot in again. By comparison a HI with only 2w that third wound would've killed him with no option to recover. For example - Squalo Mk2 laying the boot into a Prime in reactive - Prime only needed 2w to go unc and then I'm laying the boot in unopposed to finish him off. At 2w on my TAG my mentality is to prep the machinist prior to going into another engagement and pre-position him in a way to respond. As opposed to recovery.
TAGs are great cos they let you establish firepower dominance. They are fast and generally can mow down AROs and if they fuck up, suck up the damage. If they are facing non AP or anti-BTS attacks most TAGs in cover are very safe to engage with, and they also bring extra orders and so on Most competitive players will tell you, if a faction has a good TAG, that faction is often in a great spot. Hacking and smoke+CC is there to balance TAGs, and shouldn't be weaker!
I just came hear to complain that the Gorgos is still the only non-repairable TAG. Please, CB, give me reasons to use it.
While this is true, Iguana and Anaconda also share an element of this "cannot be repaired" and Triphammers also cannot be fully repaired once they enter their battle ravaged stage. Quite an interesting selection of TAGs.
A model that costs up to 125 should never be easily checkmated by a model that can cost as low as 15 points afaik. That's the opposite of balance. Things have changed now that every hacking device has default Oblivion and Total Control. No matter how good the BTS on a model is that's only a defense instead of a protection, and many hacking attacks use ammo that manipulates BTS. I would agree with you wholeheartedly if it was just an expensive Hacking Device + that was a threat or like in the past when the only answer Hacking Device had to TAGs was Carbonite since Carbonite is way less of a threat to a TAG than Oblivion or Total Control. I do applaud this change as it gives KHD a special niche in the game as the only hacking device you can use to get rid of hackers. It just has the unfortunate side effect that the BTS that TAGs used to count for a lot and against hacking attacks with DA or AP that effectively takes TAGs out of the game it's an issue. It has also led to some funny effects like Bit frame CA having Oblivion as an upgrade on her Hacking Device despite having it by default now. Anyway, I should be able to bring a TAG and have it be an absolute terror to deal with, the point investment certainly is one, without having to worry about a low-cost model effectively taking it out in one action and easily being able to do so due to repeaters and such. I think you have bigger issues regarding Tohaa than the viability of the Gorgos :p [ The CA player can then move a model up to save it, and you can technically do the same for a 1-point model if you use a Pupnik. Doing so requires considerably more effort as it needs to reach the Avatar which requires it to get in base contact with it. A 15-point Fusilier can effectively take it out of the game with one Order with a lucky Oblivion merely by being near it. No, I just think you need to use different terrain as there are many things you can hide an S6 model behind while advancing while an S7 model can be seen, and if it's stationary behind good terrain then it's just an expensive ARO piece.
You have a fundamental misunderstanding of how Infinity works as a game. Your time and thought would be better served not on baseless and wholly incorrect postulation here, and rather in playing the game a couple times to get to know it.
Well, the Iguana, Anaconda and Triphammers can have their first point of lost STR repaired. Thay cannot be brought back from Inconscious, but they still have some form of repairability that the Gorgos lacks.
The problem isn't that TAGs are bad, it's that Warbands and Hackers are way too good for their price. N4 made cheap model spam less bad, but it's still a very powerful strategy, and best countered by having your own cheap warband units and trying to trade templates in reactive. They're also generally the best class of unit to counter Hackers. Hackers, meanwhile, are a low-risk high-reward unit that can get coverage over most of the board far too easily for how little risk their is in doing so. Heavy Infantry suffer even more than TAGs from this; they are often seriously threatened by flamerthrowers (which are cheap), and generally have lower armor and BTS aginst templates. They also don't have RemPres like a lot of new TAGs, which means they only need 3 units to be unrecoverable with medical support, instead of 5. For all that, they're still generally worse than TAGs in a battle between honest lists. TAGs still generally dominate regular infantry of all types; outside of individual problems, they don't need a categorical buff unless maybe you were just increasing the Hackable discount globally. And even then, you might want to do that to benefit HI and some REMs, or do it by raising the cost of Pitchers, Moans/zeros, etc.