January>Avril 2024: A new Infinity year full of "magic"

Discussion in 'News' started by Wizzy, Dec 5, 2023.

  1. psychoticstorm

    psychoticstorm Aleph's rogue child

    Mar 4, 2017
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    Snapped? no, continuously bend? quite often, while on visuals I prefer the more proportionate swords, for practical reasons I prefer thicker swords more, even if they are sometimes a bit extreme.
  2. Bignoob

    Bignoob Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2022
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    Mystery solved then! ;)
  3. Lesh'

    Lesh' Infinity LATVIA

    Mar 19, 2018
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    bit on the fence with their looks. I can see why it looks appealing to some, and disliked by others. but oh boy do those swords look dumb regardless of that.
    Modock and xagroth like this.
  4. TenNoBushi

    TenNoBushi Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2017
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    I can see a Roman inspired theme but I also see a blend with the Steel Phalanx Greek theme.

    Rover Helmet :

    Prime Helmet:

    Strider Helmet is a Rover one without the rebreather, googles and the "crest" (Hellblaser being the opposite with the rebreather only) and looks close to a Thorakites or Hoplite Officer one.

    Hellblazer's shield are the same design as Maximus.

    So, more than Ultramarines, I can see Minotaurs :laughing:

    Joke apart, I really think the colour schem is heavily biasing the view we can have about their design.
    Stiopa, saint and burlesford like this.
  5. Bignoob

    Bignoob Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2022
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    Colour scheme definitely doesn’t help.

    But WH40K or not, that isn’t even what is really making me dislike TB…

    I’d like to preface that I don’t hold universal truths, and that it’s only my opinion and CB owes me nothing. If their design decision is increasing their sales, then they hold the truth.

    What I dislike, and will ultimately drive me away from this game I invested so much time, love and money in, is that up to the Bakunin release, CB managed to hold a somewhat mature/serious cyberpunk/manga design in their lineup.

    Sure with a bit of skimpy models, sure with some funny/cute models here and there, but the design remained consistent.

    Now I’m starting to see a double trend:

    - one where miniatures hold to the design philosophy of Infinity, like all PanO units, HI ones, CA ones. Even the Nimrod and the Gladius reinforcements.

    - one where miniature are completely drifting away from the standard design, having ridiculous, even comical and cartoonish design. Like Lobos, Marspiders, ridiculous swords, ridiculous shields, and most of TB.

    It’s completely out of place. It’s so inconsistent.

    And it’s also quite difficult to foresee where Infinity is heading to in terms of design.

    But what is certain, is that now, with any future announcement, it’s completely impossible to foresee “will the minis be in the Cyperpunk / manga / Macross design style, or will they have wacky Looney tunes style helmets, weapons, shields or whatnot?”
  6. xagroth

    xagroth Mournful Echo

    Nov 23, 2017
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    I have had several CB swords COME bent (even arms for 2-hand gripped weapons), that part is not an urban legend.

    As for the swords breaking, no, but thin gun muzzles have break on me over the years (Atalanta's rifle, for example) just because of transport (I grab my models from the base or hear, not the gun muzzles...).

    Let's remember the Romans had no problem with stealing whatever they thought was cool or worked, so... xD
    Cadwallon likes this.
  7. Cadwallon

    Cadwallon Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    I suffer that bendin swords with the yuan yuan limited edition, khawarij's ones (wich was so dificult to clean) or female bashi for telling some.

    #407 Cadwallon, Mar 2, 2024
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2024
    xagroth likes this.
  8. UpirLihi

    UpirLihi Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2021
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    I actually found both Lobos and Marspiders rather infinity-ish. Lobos are the quintessential heavy-armored cops that exist in every cyberpunk and they hail to the lore of Corregidor as a former prison ship. Marspiders - extra limbs and transhumanism go hand to hand. The spider theme going on with them is better than the generic extra arms power suit we have been seeing so much.

    The rest - I can definitely quite agree with you.
  9. Bignoob

    Bignoob Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2022
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    They DO come bent. That I’m not saying. But it literally takes half a second to put it back straight. And then with just a bit of care they remain straight, or worst case they need after some games a bit of readjustments at hand level.

    That isn’t for me an excuse for “going big ass swords so they do not bend”

    I mean… who cares since it takes half a second to correct?

    And again, I have all MO and Shasvastii that all have thin swords. Where’s the problem?
    xagroth and UpirLihi like this.
  10. anubis

    anubis sarcastic exaggerator

    Oct 25, 2020
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    Not that i want to ignore some resemblance to the good old Sci-Fi Tabletop no one in hear dares to leave any good word for, but "Looks like inspired by the games workshop original idea of space marines" is quite a stretch. It´s not like GW is not taking advantage of everything historicaly and cultural popular on its own (space crusader, space vikings, space romans, space orks, football, violance, facism,....), and on the other hand everyone and his mum taking the "ideas" of GW to feel inspired for their very own stuff. Let me just give some breef examples of "space marine inspired designs":
    2024-03-02 13_27_26-Window.png 2024-03-02 13_27_40-Window.png 2024-03-02 13_27_53-Window.png 2024-03-02 13_28_15-Window.png 2024-03-02 13_28_48-Window.png 2024-03-02 13_29_16-Window.png 2024-03-02 13_29_32-Window.png 2024-03-02 13_29_45-Window.png 2024-03-02 13_30_16-Window.png garen-lol-champions-rework-pbe.jpg Gears-of-War-Collection-und-gears-6-sollen-nicht-existieren-scaled.jpg GW-Warhammer-40000-Primaris-Marines-8.jpg imagoues.jpg WhatsApp Image 2024-03-02 at 12.11.08.jpeg

    I know, some of them are pretty far stretched, but so are the designs from Space marines from anno 1987 to the present time.
    ME, as already mentioned do not dislike the overall design. I imagine them beeing fun to paint (for examples, as Salamders, or Iron Fists :-D ).
    But I am not sure if I like them in the Infinity universe.
    burlesford likes this.
  11. UpirLihi

    UpirLihi Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2021
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    If sword damage was of any concern, siocast would have not gotten any swords. Because they will snap if you look at them the wrong way. And CB employees have claimed that bendy swords are not an issue, because they are easy to fix. So big bulky swords is purely a design choice.
    xagroth likes this.
  12. TenNoBushi

    TenNoBushi Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2017
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    Get ready to set the Hell ablaze.
  13. Lady Numiria

    Lady Numiria Cyberius TaskForce

    Sep 12, 2019
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    While I think CB is very hesitant to O-12 in general because the faction undersell for no logical reasons at all, the free bashing online following said trailer will probably not helping... ^^'

    I like them and will pre-order them as soon as their available to my retailer, but while some criticisms are valid (like the official paintjob that never made O-12 looking right to most people, too "fantasy" for hard scifi), I cannot count on hands the silliest critics I've seen for the pure joy of joining the bashing crowd... Where were you from when new Bakunin and Morats were released? Because they are way more sillier than these.
    Drakefall, Daniel Darko and saint like this.
  14. Knauf

    Knauf Transhumanist

    Mar 3, 2018
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    Where were you? Both have had their fair share of criticism at release. Observance cosplay swords, cartoon pupniks, the rindak debacle, Bultrak pogo stick, McDonalds paint scheme etc. There was plenty of "bashing" around.
  15. Bignoob

    Bignoob Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2022
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    Exactly. Here as a proof. I voluntarily bent my Speculo and Sheskiin swords, just to put them back. Operation? 1 minute.


    Imgur: The magic of the Internet


    Not Bent

    Imgur: The magic of the Internet

    So: pure design choice.

    I don't know who you're referring to, but I clearly expressed my discontent for Bakunin. A bit less for Morat.
    Second, O12 is my second main after PanO (see crappy pic below. I still lack of them though but they are next on my purchase list), so yeah... I feel a bit "entitled" to express my discontent because they are (TB aside), imho, the best looking sectorial along with PanO. And on top of that, they are WAY more funny to play with than PanO

    Imgur: The magic of the Internet
    xagroth likes this.
  16. anubis

    anubis sarcastic exaggerator

    Oct 25, 2020
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    And did it any bad to the release? (i am questioning honestly) I never saw more Bakunin and Morats on the fields. So it seems there was bashing, but its (like most of the time) some rare voices but very loud ones.
    Time Bandit likes this.
  17. Knauf

    Knauf Transhumanist

    Mar 3, 2018
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    We have no way of knowing that. Calling criticism "rare but loud voices" is a deflection of the actual arguments though.
    xagroth likes this.
  18. Wizzy

    Wizzy Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2018
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    Infinity Gamer has released a video.

    O12 Torchlight video reaction
    The launch video for the new O12 sectorial Torchlight just dropped and having not seen anything I thought I'd take you along on my journey of discovery!

    And some illustration of units for new sectorial:
    bladerunner_35 likes this.
  19. Wizzy

    Wizzy Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2018
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    From quotes of Bostria into last video by Gravitypool.
    burlesford and xagroth like this.
  20. xagroth

    xagroth Mournful Echo

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Bashing the new morats because of how little I like the new design (I have N2 & N3 morats, and I prefer them to this new... bastard amalgamation of HALO and japanese Oni style, not to mention Kornak's new tuning fork blade...), and bashing the troop choice in the Bakunin box (filled to the brim with resculpts, and two absolutely irrelevant models - reverend healer completely obliterated by Wabara, and Custodian not long ago squashed flat by Uhahu, in the end the only real reason to get that box as an old player are the two cenobites...).

    My latests buys for Infinity have been... lemme see... Fiddler general release, Bakunin expansion pack alpha (orphan & 2 initiates), Yara Haddad, a 50% off Blackwind (I had the old sculpt of all units from that box, so I got just 4 new models & scenery...) and a 40bucks ITS14 box, gangbuster hacker (blister with the small goats), Hundun Ambush unit...

    "I confirm that all Gladius Team troops are playable on deployment for Torchlight" (I assume he means he has been told all the reinforcements box are regular troops for Torchlight, let's hope it doesn't happen like with the Sophotect's linkability in OSS).
    "The Action Pack adds up to about 268pts" (I would assume it includes the ABH, which is at least 12pts, but he's carrying something bigger, so I'd say 15-20pts at least...).

    Considering the reinforcements box is 141pts, it would mean that the 9 troops from the starter are cheaper, 100-110pts or so... :S (unless we assume that "Action Pack" are the 9 miniatures, not the whole pack of 2 boxes +1 blister, which I see more congruent with the intention of a Invincible 2.0 sectorial)


    JACKBOOT REINF. (Engineer) Submachine Gun(+1 Dam), Light Riotstopper, D-Charges ( | GizmoKit) / Pistol, CC Weapon. (0 | 25)
    JACKBOOT REINF. (NCO) Spitfire, Light Riotstopper / Pistol, CC Weapon. (1 | 30)
    JACKBOOT REINF. (Forward Observer) Combi Rifle(+1 Dam), Light Riotstopper, Flash Pulse / Pistol, CC Weapon. (0 | 23)
    VIDOCQ REINF. (Doctor) Boarding Shotgun ( | MediKit) / Pistol, CC Weapon. (0 | 23)
    VIDOCQ REINF. (Multispectral Visor L1) MULTI Marksman Rifle ( ) / Pistol, CC Weapon. (0.5 | 25)
    MENT REINF. Light Shotgun / Pistol, PARA CC Weapon(-3). (0 | 15)

    1.5 SWC | 141 Points

    Open in Infinity Army
    #420 xagroth, Mar 2, 2024
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2024
    Bignoob likes this.
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