The update yesterday didn't really give us a lot, but we still got a few things to play around with in vHaqq. In terms of units, we got the Burtuk and Korsan. It's also worth mentioning we did not get the Azra'il reinforcement profiles (HSG, AP Spitfire). Our duo options also got improved - we can now duo the Azra'il and the Sekban. Maggie also got a very minor change, removing Courage and leaving her with just Religious Trooper. I was originally rather salty over this since it seemed like a rather random nerf to an already pretty bad unit, but I misunderstood the interaction between Religious Trooper and Courage (I thought the later overruled the former, but the opposite is true). So really a bit of a nothing change, just cleaning up a redundant rule I guess. So what do you guys think of these changes? Personally, I don't think it does that much for us. The Burtuk might have been interesting if it could duo, but without that... maybe it might be worth taking for objective room missions where it's kit might be nice for clearing and holding a room. If you need an engineer to support a TR bot or Shakush, the Monstrucker and Najjarun are probably more cost effective. The Korsan is pretty redundant in vHaqq. As an offensive warband, the Kum Sisters and even base Kum are way better. If you want a warband type unit that is also a regular, the Digger is right there. This is a tangent, but I really wish there was a Korsan profile around 13-15 points that had a Rifle and LSG - I think this would have made for a really unique and interesting warband that can leverage it's lack of impet/frenzy, mobility and rangebands to pick off common midfield rooftop dwellers like Morans, camo hackers and so on. For the new duo options... ehhh? I do like the Azra'il, but it's a DZ bound long range gunfighter that is rather immobile. I can't see myself duoing it in order to push it up the table. What I think is more likely is that you might duo it up so you can get some free moves with your Rafiq/Mukhtar hacker/duo'd specialist of choice while your Azra'il blasts something. The Sekban duo is more interesting of an idea to me, since vHaqq doesn't have a lot of ways to spend the LT order in most lists. Still, I'm not sure if it's something I'd run - maybe the doctor or the specialist operative AP rifle profile? It's just so expensive for how mediocre it is.
I don't mind the added units, but like you said, they don't add much. The new duos could have some use. A linkable doctor with NCO could be useful. I just wish it didn't have Sekban doctor didn't have the boarding shotgun (AP rifle and LSG is more flexible). But I don't mind dragging a doctor with the Azra'il.
Honestly, I'm not impressed with the attention to Haqq. Seems low effort compared to some of the other factions.
I kinda agree tbh. The most interesting unit in the lineup is the Burtuk, but everything else is p boring. None of them strike me as being able to change up Haqq list building (outside of QK, Burtuks are p cool there).
Yes, Burtuk have featured in my QK lists, but their close range and low burst weapons relegate them to a support role when unlinked. But Dam 14 rockets in a fireteam is something to talk about.
I really like the Burtuk, a combat engineer to go forward to help with missions or to support troops. But needs link options to be useful. A duo with the AP spitfire Az'rail would be great.
I like them both. They are both also not universally applicable to every game, and thus will be met with limited approval.