TAG Raid - game FAQ?

Discussion in 'General' started by Norlin, Dec 15, 2023.

  1. Norlin

    Norlin New Member

    Oct 5, 2018
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    The rulebook is really hard to follow, would have been nice to have a sample turn or some setup photos. If anyone knows of better answers to these and where it is in the rulebook, our gaming group would be very appreciative!

    Some examples:

    What equipment does your TAG start with? We looked at the following two sections:
    Setup p12 "...taking the Miner cards of their Corporation, their Initial Equipment..."
    p37 Initial Equipment
    In the end, we figured by process of elimination that we just start with the Rattler card, because we saw that the automatic CRG matches a spot on the Engineer card, and other matches to the other miners in the game. But nowhere in the rulebook does it seem to provide any clarity on this which meant we spent about 15 minutes looking through the rulebook before just figuring it out ourselves by looking at all the cards and trying to match things up.

    Which TAG do you start with, there are 8 possibilities. Without looking in the campaign book to see the progress tree on p.30, we just decided to all use 1A without knowing that's the initial card. We hadn't planned on doing a campaign game for our first learning game, so figured the campaign book shouldn't be necessary.

    p43 Loot or Tool Cards
    If you move into contact with a loot token AND a tool container, can you loot both? The rules say "...finishes their movement in contact with a Tool Container or Loot Token..." and not sure if the OR means they are exclusive since it doesn't sand and/or

    Turning to face the attacker. I don't see anything in the rules that say if you fail an Evade but survive the hits from an attack that you get to turn to face the attacker so am assuming you cannot do so. In N4 you have the "Alert" rule that allows you to turn if you are the target of an attack, so was curious if there's something similar I'm missing in TAG Raid.

    p32 Death - each player that caused the loss of wounds if the target dies in that order gains a Teseum for each would caused. However, in the Corvus Belli demo video the miners seem to gain a Teseum each time they do a damage. I'm assuming that the video is just older and perhaps the rules changed between then and final production?

    p46 Extraction Points - we assumed "Extraction Tokens must be placed completely with a Hexagon, which cannot be in contact with an Access Point" to mean that the hexagon can't be in contact with the access point, not just that the Extraction Token can't be in contact with the Access Point. I think it's probably pretty clear, but caused a second of hesitation that could have been cleared up by showing an example of Extraction Token placement on any of the maps.

    While I think we figured things out ok in the end, getting started with the game was pretty rough compared to starting many other games without prior knowledge of how they're played. We love buying a game off the shelf and just playing it on the spot, working our way through the rules and TAG Raid was definitely not very straight forward in our opinion. The game seems great, just needs an FAQ and perhaps a better walkthrough of the initial setup process. Just figuring out which corporation was which when referenced on the Unique Contracts cards was rough, since from what I can tell you have to refer to the fluff section of the Campaign book to figure that out.
  2. Vaulsc

    Vaulsc Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2017
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    Hey man, I do apologize for coming across as a little negative in this reply but I don't think you can expect an FAQ from them.

    After they released Defiance via Kickstarter, the people who bought it and played it had a number of requests for FAQ/errata support so that their experience could be improved, but CB didn't help them out on that front.

    I think it's safe to say that given the backlash was fairly minimal, and hasn't stopped people lining up to support newer projects like Warcrow, Remracers, and Acheron's fall, that ongoing support for TAGraid will be non-existent.

    They already got your money.
    Alfy likes this.
  3. deep-green-x

    deep-green-x Well-Known Member

    Apr 25, 2017
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    In contrast to Vaulsc I'm going to point tout that CB did in fact release an FAQ for Definace as well as providing free fixes for the items that were mispacked misprinted in the original boxes. All of which can be found in the link below.


    If you're having issues with the TAGRAID book, I'd encourage you to email CB directly and they may make a quick FAQ or directly address your questions.

    I personally didn't have any issues with the TAGRAID rules and found everything well described and intuative. I did read both the main Rulebook and Campaign book before starting to play which cleared up which cards and items were for the Campain game and which were for regular games.
    HellLois and Daniel Darko like this.
  4. deep-green-x

    deep-green-x Well-Known Member

    Apr 25, 2017
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    In fact since I've got some time I'll answer your questions Norlin.

    On Page 37 it talks about the initial equipment cards and how the space at the bottom of the card lists the Requirement for each card. The 37 Initial Equipment cards all have a different backing image to the loot cards and they all have text witch matches the card to the unit that can take it.

    The 1A card is the basic profile for the Miner TAG units, the campaign book spells this out more clearly than the regular rulebook though.

    I believe its both, there's nothing in the rules that says otherwise.

    It's each time you cause a wound to an opponents Miner or to the Megabeast.

    It can't be in a hexagon that has an Acess Point along its edge.
    Daniel Darko likes this.
  5. Lucian

    Lucian Catgirl Nation

    Nov 27, 2017
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    Mmm... no, there's still a lot of questions about Defiance rules left unanswered (like that Revenant mission 2 reward - there's no such items). And it took waaay too long to get some answers, and somehow every new faq was released around time they were putting out new Kickstarter. Coincidence for sure.

    Regarding mispacked/misprinted items - yep, big thumbs up to them. That really felt like going above and beyond, some other devs would just put out a pdf and be done with it.
    Robock, Alfy and Croepoek like this.
  6. Alfy

    Alfy Well-Known Member

    Jul 11, 2019
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    Yeah, there's a whole bunch of questions that were simply never answered for Defiance, you’re either ready to house-rule or the game is not playable. Also, the latest but still heavily incomplete FAQ was released more than 2 years after the game’s release.

    It’s hardly news that CB does not know how to write rules, there’s always something broken in there, and it does not provide comprehensive FAQs or errata. Heck, when N4 came out, there was still a long list of N3 questions that had gone unanswered here on this forum. If you’re still buying CB stuff, at this stage, you should know what to expect. “Fool me once…”
  7. HellLois

    HellLois What the Hell...Lois?
    CB Staff

    Apr 25, 2017
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    Firts of all, thank you for your support!

    Sorry of the delay of the answer, my teammate is on a medical leave and I was on a paternity leave. But now, I'm back, so... we can work on a TAG RAID FAQs

    Thank you for your questions. If you have more, please write them here, to collect them and added to that FAQ document.
    kesharq, colbrook, burlesford and 3 others like this.
  8. Brokenwolf

    Brokenwolf Protector of the Search for Knowledge

    Mar 8, 2019
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    Congratulations on the new baby!
    HellLois likes this.
  9. Wizzy

    Wizzy Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2018
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    Daniel Darko likes this.
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