Well, basically what the title says. Using k1 ammo is enough? You guys go for the other troops and leave the TAG alone? I'm starting playing more seriously with tohaa, and still strugle to find the answer to them (ppl love playing with sphynxes and things like that around here).
Drop Eclipse on it and ignore it, tie it up in CC with an Igao or Makaul, D-charges from a Greif Operator, Sukeul Missile Launcher in ARO, Sakiel E/M Grenades, Kosuil/Sukeul K1 ammo, Draal AP Marksman... If it's one of the ones with only 6 BTS (which is most of them) then Viral or Breaker ammo will also chip away at it in a decent amount of time, especially if you can outflank it and deny cover bonuses. And if it's not one of the big expensive ones, a Sukeul HMG with Haris bonuses should be able to dissuade it from trying to stand out on ARO. Against a Sphinx in particular you should be able to Eclipse up to it and then beat it to death in melee. A Makaul or Igao would be CC 26 while dropping the Sphinx down to 14; a Makaul will be dealing 0.84 wounds/order while taking 0.14, while an Igao would deal 0.94 and taking 0.15. Either should be able to comfortably take it out in ~4 orders or so with relatively little risk of dying. Or Flamethrower it; with a B2 Heavy Flamethrower it's looking at a 55% chance to die unless it dodges. So your opponent will have to be a bit careful with how close they get their TAG to the action. You're not going to have the tools to outgun a TAG like PanO, but you've got *lots* of ways to make it an 80-point paperweight.
Eclipse and ignore it, the TAG are as poor vs Tohaa as Tohaa is poor versus them, as long as you play cagey and don't let them see your trooper from out of 11"~, they're not going to come into the template range of your B2 Heavy Flamethrower. And if you want to destroy it, Delta covered the options.
Generally a good approach in infinity is shoot the stabby stuff, stab the shooty stuff. You're not gonna reliably outshoot a prime battle tag, especially one with mimetism -6 so look to CC as a better option. Tohaa have a slew of good CC options in Jaan/igao/makaul/kerail preceptors. Marker state/smoke/eclipse can get you to where you need to be. If you have to shoot one, use something like Armand with a 'mate on him and try and outrange your enemies
Tohaa also have amongst the best K1 gunfighters in the game if you want to take a direct approach. I've killed two MBTs top of one in a game once before with a mix of short- and long-range sukuels (a feat I've never repeated, nor do I expect to, but it shows what we can do). This isn't an approach that works on the Sphinx specifically but it's not really like other TAGs and it is own unique beast. It's a rapid offensive unit and you want to just avoid taking damage from it in active. Aim to just make its attacks inefficient, which you can with symbiomates and threatening hot flame death at short range if it closes (a sphinx really doesn't want to take a pair of HFT hits from a linked makaul, it can straight die to that).