Dismounting to CC

Discussion in '[Archived]: N4 Rules' started by vsvoboden, Jan 5, 2024.

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  1. vsvoboden

    vsvoboden New Member

    Dec 4, 2023
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    Couldn't find the case, so it might be interesting

    We have a TAG , enemy model in 28mm or less and a mine

    The trick is, when I declare dismount, I'm placing the pilot figure in btb to my tag and.. to the enemy model, so the model appears without making any movement in CC with enemy model and the mine is not triggered?
    So it's not clearly stated in general movement rules do the pilot actually make a move or appear from nowhere

    If we look for the motocikles - it stated - that declaring dismount - you just place a miniature on the table in base contact with motomarker, there is no restriction to make it in btb within ene,y model (that's a bit weird cause you can not do the same trick with hidden or combat jump)

    Would be nice to get explanation on this (and of course it's understandable that enemy model will aro, but what is about the mine placed nearby)
  2. Diphoration

    Diphoration Well-Known Member

    Aug 9, 2018
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    To dismount you need to declare Move.

    "Mounting and dismounting: By declaring the Move Skill as the first Skill of the Order, a Trooper may mount or dismount a Motorcycle, TAG, Vehicle, etc."

    You are executing Move even if you move 0". (Just like whenever you don't want to move a trooper and then shoot as a second short skill, you declare Move->Shoot, but move 0")

    Template Weapons placed on a group of Troopers who were engaged in Close Combat during the Activation phase of the current Order will always affect every Trooper involved, even if, due to the Template’s placement, it contacts only some of them. Players must take this into account, since Attacks cannot be performed against Allied Troopers.

    So in your example, your trooper will trigger the Mine and they (and most likely their TAG) will be hit by the template.
  3. vsvoboden

    vsvoboden New Member

    Dec 4, 2023
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    the thing is, even your move=0
    where is it starting? If you dismounted in base to base to enemy model, so the mine can not effect engaged troopers with allied
  4. vsvoboden

    vsvoboden New Member

    Dec 4, 2023
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  5. colbrook

    colbrook Grenade Delivery Specialist

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Interestingly the rules for dismounting a TAG don't have the step of placing the pilot in Silhouette contact, so you'd measure from the edge of the TAG's base, this means the mine could detonate as the pilot moved into contact.
  6. Diphoration

    Diphoration Well-Known Member

    Aug 9, 2018
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    That's irrelevant, you Mines only affect friendly trooper if those were engaged in Close Combat during the Activation phase of the current Order, which is not the case here.

    And regardless of the amount of movement you spend, you're still executing the skill Move.

    And regardless of this, even if you didn't execute the skill, you still declared the skill, which is also a condition for Mines triggering.

    And REGARDLESS OF THIS, even if it somehow didn't trigger on the first skill, you'd still need to declare a second short skill, which would also trigger the Mine.

    (all of those are applicable anyway, so you trigger the mine)
  7. colbrook

    colbrook Grenade Delivery Specialist

    Nov 23, 2017
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    In OP's situation the mine won't detonate because there's no point in which the template can be placed to affect the pilot without also affecting the friendly trooper.

    > A Mine never triggers if the Small Teardrop Template would affect an ally, even if that ally is Unconscious.

    Though this is dependent on being able to place the pilot in Silhouette contact when dismounting, which is not explicitly allowed for Pilots.
  8. Diphoration

    Diphoration Well-Known Member

    Aug 9, 2018
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    But the Mine doesn't affect the ally.
    I explained why in my previous response, which you quoted, which I'll repost again with extra emphasis.

    Template Weapons placed on a group of Troopers who were engaged in Close Combat during the Activation phase of the current Order will always affect every Trooper involved, even if, due to the Template’s placement, it contacts only some of them. Players must take this into account, since Attacks cannot be performed against Allied Troopers.

    OP's trooper was not engaged in close Combat during the Activation phase of the current Order, so the template does not affect the model who's friendly to the Mine.

    So the Mine triggers, hits the TAG and the Pilot, doesn't hit the friendly.
    colbrook likes this.
  9. colbrook

    colbrook Grenade Delivery Specialist

    Nov 23, 2017
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    An excellent point, and a slight change from N3>N4 I'd missed. Your style of random capitalisations and colour shifts makes your posts hard for me to parse.
  10. Diphoration

    Diphoration Well-Known Member

    Aug 9, 2018
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    It's from the latest FAQ, very easy to miss :)
  11. vsvoboden

    vsvoboden New Member

    Dec 4, 2023
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    Where is it stated that it's not explicitly allowed for Pilots? haven't found it neighther on pilots, nor on bike drivers
  12. colbrook

    colbrook Grenade Delivery Specialist

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Umm, it's not stated, that's what makes it not explicit.

    The motorcycle rule has text allowing you to place the rider next to the bike or measure from the base as normal. This is explicit and a change from the general movement rules (measure from point on base)

    The pilot rules do not have any text allowing you to place the Trooper next to the TAG, so you would follow the general movement rules (measure from point on base)

    So the pilot rules don't explicitly say you can place the pilot before measuring, but they also don't explicitly say you can't. In this situation you'd generally fall back on more basic rules for movement.

    On other words:

    The motorcycle rule says you can dismount in a way that is different from the general movement rules.

    The pilot rule does not say you can dismount in a way that is different from the general movement rules.
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