Second to last: Valkyrie, proxying as Hippolyta. I basically tried to copy @Onionknight's version. His is still much better , but I'm happy with mine as well. I think it's the best gold NMM I managed to pull off so far. Massive props to Mr. Onionknight for the fantastic reference. Bonus Fun Fact If you magnetize her and a Fuzzbot and put both of them on the same base, you get a very cheap and inauthentic Andromeda proxy :P
this paintjob looks great! Unfortunatly i am not a big fan of Valkyries modell (not one design of hers realy hits me, which is sad, for i realy want to like her), but what you made out of it looks amazing. Apart from the great looking nmm shield i fancy the blue of the design most. Magnetizing her to get an Andromeda proxy is a smart idea, although i cannot find a reason to not play the original modell, since it is one of the most beautiful modells of the whole game imo. Still a great idea =)
I wonder, have you tried taking photos of your models against a black background and compare? I would say your Valkyrie paint job is on par with Onionknight's. The only difference is different backgrounds causing the eyes to perceive colours differently.
Thank you! I did in the past, but I found the results with my new lightbox very disappointing, so I'm sticking with the white background for now. Someone once suggested using a black t-shirt, so I might try that at some point. Thanks! You're right about the original Andromeda model, it's great. The reason I'm not using it is because it's been turned into a Zondnautica and a Roadbot, and I'm not a big enough fan of the profile to warrant painting her a second time ;)
Hey guys, I know I still haven't posted a full group shot of my finished O-12, but here at least is a group shot of everything I painted for my space UN last year: That's 21 models, which isn't too bad, especially since that means my O-12 backlog is completely gone. Let's see if the new sectorial CB teased for this year's Adepticon will have me come back to this army or not...
Not really painting anything O12 right now, but I did recently take a little scenic group shot of my finished collection:
Me :D Thank you btw! I found one more thing I haven't shared yet. I added two Madtraps to my collection last year after I found out my Gangbuster kinda needs them. Gave one of them a shield so I can use it as a Tinbot. I stupidly forgot to photograph the front of the shield, but it says "99", in honor of the funniest cops who ever appeared on TV :)
It's been a long time since I painted anything for my O-12, but I recently finished my converted Zeta. Mounted his HRMC on his shoulder to make him easier to use (and better looking) on the table and gave him one of the Copperbot weapons to represent his Heavy Riotstopper:
That is amazing, now I found the inspiration to paint my O12! Thanks! Care to share the paints/colors used for inspiration as well? Especially on the black/greys and creamy tones.
Sure! Beige Base: Citadel Base Rakarth Flesh Shade: Citadel Contrast Snakebite Leather Shade: VJ Brown Wash Highlight: VGC Bonewhite Edge Highlights: VMC Ivory Note: I used the Directional Glazing method from Dimity Bogdanov's LazyPainter site for my cream colors. Black Base: VMC Black Highlights: VGC Dark Grey Highlights: VMC Stonewall Grey Edge Highlights: VGC Wolf Greay Edge Highlights: VMC White Dark Blue Base: AK Interactive Dark Sea Blue Highlight: Dark Sea Blue + VMC Blue Grey (2:1) Edge Highlights: VMC Light Blue Green Edge Highlights: VGC Verdigris Yellow Base: VMC Orange Brown Highlight: VMC Medium Fleshtone Edge Highlights: VMC Ice Yellow Red Base: VMC Flat Red Shades: VMC Black Red Edge Highlights: VMC Flat Red + VMC Light Fleshtone
Seems like I'm actually adding a lot to my O-12 this year. Here's a Raptor Boarding Squad. I used a variation on my color scheme where I made the Dark Blue the main color instead of the Beige: