Onionknight's Army log - The Foreign Company

Discussion in 'Miniatures' started by Onionknight, Jun 19, 2022.

  1. Onionknight

    Onionknight Well-Known Member

    May 20, 2022
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    Hello, everyone. I'm miniature painter and gamer based on South Korea. I started this game in a few years ago, and recently came back because Steel Phalanx(which is my favorite) is came back. So I decided to practice my painting and gaming skill for Infinity in a meantime.

    I'm huge, huge fan of characters and I always choose an army with as many cool characters as possible. Naturally I became attracted to the Foreign Company which basically all-star mercenary. So I decide to start Foreign for my secnd army.

    I read the RPG book for Mercenary, which said "The Foreign Company’s biggest asset is its all-star roster of mercs. They are supported by an army of publicists, image consultants, WarCors, and Maya journalists. Personal style is crucial, and so the Foreign Company doesn’t have uniforms or standard load outs. Each soldier is encouraged to develop their own image (a distinctive one can even help you get recruited) and carry equipment to match."

    Therefore, I need to make 'every' model in army to unique. It's can be challenge but feel really, really fun. Also I want share my work to other great player in community because that can help maintain my motivation. I plan to upload the photo of models I worked on and attach the fluff if they are my original models.

    I'm careful not to violate fluff of Infinity world as much as possible, but there may be errors of cultural problem because I'm native asian. In this case, if you point it out I will fix it appropriately.

    I hope you like it. Cheers!
    #1 Onionknight, Jun 19, 2022
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2022
  2. Onionknight

    Onionknight Well-Known Member

    May 20, 2022
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    Valkyrie, Elite Bodyguard.
    From her nom de guerre to her appearance—bulging muscles, long blond braids—to her weapon of choice, everything about Valkyrie suggests a shard of Norse mythology come to life under the thick permafrost of the planet Svalarheima.

    Valkyrie is not only an Aristeia! star and a member of the Foreign Company. She is an unstoppable Nordic goddess who slices people open from top to bottom with her enormous axe.

    Valkyrie is one of the reason I start Foreign Company. I loved North myth and Viking theme, so naturally I liked original Valkyrie model(in Ariesteia!). When she came to the game, it's really stunning because the sci-fi reinterpretation was so perfect. Shield, Axe and sunglass.. Who doesn't like that?

    Only problem is the pose. I want Axe and Shield, but it's need to choose axe/pistol or shotgun/shield. So I converted using two Valkyrie models(Normal one + Exclusive one) for dynamic close combat pose.

    In painting, I focused vivid color and clean/matte surface for represent company's luxury and high-quality equipment.
    #2 Onionknight, Jun 19, 2022
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2022
  3. Onionknight

    Onionknight Well-Known Member

    May 20, 2022
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    Hannibal, Mercenary Team Leader.

    Hannibal is the Man with the Plan, the foremost strategic mind in Aristeia! and a natural born leader inside the HexaDome and out.

    This dapper man styles himself a businessman rather than a brawler, which isn’t far from the truth. The only caveat resides in his particular areas of expertise, namely warfare, private security and his latest venture: combat-as-spectacle.

    On the back of his business acumen, Hannibal has lived expansively in every capital in the Human Sphere, indulged every pleasure and even amassed quite the art collection. His greatest accomplishment was his position at Van Orton’s Foreign Company, perhaps the most high-profile mercenary outfit in the Sphere, famous for providing security for a number of showbiz celebrities. As Van Orton’s second-in-command and Chief Strategy Officer, Hannibal was able to cultivate the associations he needed to dip his toe in the Aristeia! pool. Turns out his discerning eye and military experience were perfectly suited to the sport, and soon enough Hannibal was bankrolling his own team, a team of hard-boiled mercenaries in his own image.

    Despite his success as an Aristo and team owner, Hannibal has maintained a working relationship with Van Orton and his Foreign Company. Since Hannibal isn’t adverse to actual field work, Van Orton has been offering him noteworthy jobs to raise his team’s public profile or, alternatively, covert operations with iron-clad confidentiality clauses and extortionate rates.

    Hannibal is main reaso I started this army. His background on Aristeia! catch my eyes because I loved tactcian character, and very enjoyed A-team movie. When he came to main game, I know I will start this army someday.

    In painting, I draw the Foreign Company symbol with freehand on side of the box. I assumed the box is well-placed supply for Hannibal which already foresee the situation while ago. I focused the clean color for bright cream coat and contrast between crean and orange. Oh, of course - and his cigar too!
    #3 Onionknight, Jun 19, 2022
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2022
  4. archangeleong

    archangeleong Deadly Ninja Assassin

    Jul 7, 2018
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    Nice work. Smooth blending. Respect :-) Also fan of Foreign Company and hope to paint them one day (keep getting pushed aside by other projects sadly).
    Onionknight likes this.
  5. Onionknight

    Onionknight Well-Known Member

    May 20, 2022
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    Laxmee, Hacker of Fortune
    The infohacker Laxmee conjures up programs like a Maasai laibon calls down the rains.

    Laxmee took to programming early, and her abilities grew as she met other underground hackers on her travels and constructed a network of contacts. Maya, the interplanetary data network, became her only true home. Soon, breaking encryptions and stealing secured data became routine. Using counterfeit qualifications, she was able to quit dock work and get herself a cozier job as IT at a recreational cruiser, which left her plenty of free time to moonlight as an information broker. Her new job also gained her access to multitude of high-value targets such as megacorp executives and travelers with suspiciously high-security comlogs. After getting the data, Laxmee only had to sit on it for a prudent amount of time before hawking it in the black market. It was a solid, profitable system, but the sensation of impunity was too heady for Laxmee, and she became overambitious.

    One night in particular, she broke into a portable data vault owned by an eccentric-looking businessman. It was a clean job, quick and traceless, but then again all her jobs were clean. Only when she opened the decoy data did she realize her mistake, but before she could react the door came crashing down. A gigantic blonde marched into her cabin and pinned her against the bulkhead. The bogus businessman sauntered in after his associate, smiling appreciatively.

    “Outstanding job, kid. My name’s Hannibal, as you might have deduced,” he said, nodding toward the screen. “I’ve been looking for someone with your kind of talent. I’m gonna make you an offer you can’t refuse.”

    Laxmee is a not my favorite character, but I really enjoyed her painting. I focused the "Cyberpunk-ish" color to make her more look like futuristic hacker. It's quite bold color to me, but I really satisfied the result.
    anubis, zapp, burlesford and 18 others like this.
  6. Onionknight

    Onionknight Well-Known Member

    May 20, 2022
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    Graham, The Big Game Hunter.
    Graham was born into a poor family in the southern frontier of the USAriadna. In a remote place where few people lived, he had to fight for survival every day. He spent his childhood fighting against smugglers, bandits, and Antipode, and can't enjoyed the benefits of the quantronics revolution. When Antipord finally killed his father, Graham who had just become an adult, decided to escape from this terrible neighborhood.

    The next day, he headed to a nearby city on a bike close to scrap metal. But he didn't have many choose for new careers because he has nothing. Eventually, he chose what he was most familiar job for making money - hunting. Fortunately, Dawn had a lot of businesses that needed hunters, and a lot of game that needed to be removed. Since then, Graham has worked as a hunter and bodyguard for mining cooporation, traveling to and from various mining areas.

    His rise to fame was thanks to a carmera team who came to film documentaries about the mining industry. During the team's stay, a huge dragon attacked the facility, and Graham and other security members use all their weapons to fight the dragon. It was the incredible gut that made him stand out on the chaotic battlefield. He's had nothing but gut and grit since childhood. Even in front of the roaring dragon's maw, he pulled trigger of Feuerbach without blinking an eye. The highlight is the interview was that after the dragon fell, he don't have a cube. The documentary received an explosive response, and Graham - jumped to stardom. People called him 'Man without Fear'.

    The fame attracted the attention of Van Orton and Hannibal. To see Graham's potential in more detail, Hannibal led him to Hexadom through an offer can't refuse. He wasn't the best Aristo, but the unshakable gut, which became stronger after the cube transplant, was a sufficient box office factor. Not everyone can just walk into the rain of supressive fire and shoot at the enemy's head calmly.

    But Graham was a better match for mercenaries than sports stars, and now he works as a star mercenary for the Foreign Company. Graham is the Hannibal's fixer on call for when operation going bad or need to deal heavy target like TAGs. He's a bad actor for dramatic productions unlike Senor Massacare or Hannibal, but the title 'Big Game Hunter' tells why he's so popular.

    This is my first model for my 'Unique Foreign Company' project. Graham is my Orc with Feuerbach. In fluff, I try to be immersive as much as I can(I refer many RPG book), but since I'm not a english user, there can be some error or not-immersive part. In these cases, let me know so I can fix it.

    In painting, I focused the rough-textured black armor to emphasize the veteran vibe. Also I painted his armor with N7 pattern of Mass effect series. There is no reason except I love that franchise. I assumed some 'old culture mania' manufactured this type of armor for tribute..?
    Sangarn, StephanDahl, zapp and 23 others like this.
  7. Modock

    Modock Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2017
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    Drop-dead gorgeous paint job....amazing!
    Onionknight likes this.
  8. archon

    archon Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2017
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    Super clean paintjob - awesome :smiley: and very characterful Orc-conversion :sunglasses:
    Onionknight likes this.
  9. Onionknight

    Onionknight Well-Known Member

    May 20, 2022
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    Senor Massacre, The Blood Spectacle

    Mercenary and showman, Señor Massacre is as violent as he is chatty.

    In his heyday, Señor Massacre led a brilliant career in the underground fighting ring of Corregidor. He was legitimately good, an agile, intuitive fighter and, for a long while, a safe bet in the ring. But fame went to his head and drugs quickly followed, and Señor Massacre lost his edge and, with it, one too many bets. To shake his debtors, he dropped the luchador persona and enlisted in the Nomad Military Force. He volunteered for a forward outpost, where he learned proper teamwork and regained his combat senses. During the NeoColonial Wars he was the only commando to survive the boarding of the Sun Jiao battle cruiser and the subsequent shipwreck. He lived, but not unscathed: radiation burns, and military-grade assault viruses disfigured him beyond the help of even the most experimental regenerative treatments Bakunin could offer.

    Once discharged from the NMF, Señor Massacre became a freelance military contractor under his old pseudonym. Records show that he led a corsair boarding crew off Human Edge, worked for the Puños Rojos guerrilla on the jungles of Central America, acted as saboteur for the ecoterrorist group Eco-Aktion, and had a brief stint as a bodyguard for a Tien Shan drug lord. For a while he even went back to the fighting rings, but this time on the major leagues: Aristeia! Underground, where his bravado and showmanship earned him as much praise as his spec-ops brand of hard-boiled viciousness.

    His team has performed so well this season that this year will be one of the best of Aristeia! His nerve and shamelessness in front of the cameras have earned him a lot of fans throughout the Human Sphere.

    The Last ForCo fireteam member. As a hero comics fan, I loved this guys. This became even more since my last 2 games because he do spectacle job. Once he dodge every bullets from full HMG shot with 16 BS. In next game, he throw E/M grenade for 14-inch and killed enemy lieutenant! What a amazing guy.

    In painting, I focused on shiny red armor. And on the side of the boxes, I draw the logos of the two companies in the Infinity world. One is the Grupo Securidad, Security System company on PanO. Second one is Moto.tronica which is one of the big ten company for specialise in TAG, REM, and vessels. I imagined the narrative which is he hitting illegal smuggle scene.
    Sangarn, StephanDahl, zapp and 20 others like this.
  10. RattlerNxt

    RattlerNxt We are Bad, but We could be Worse.

    Feb 21, 2017
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    That Orc has so much personality! Great job.
    Onionknight likes this.
  11. nehemiah

    nehemiah Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2018
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    Excellent work all around. I especially like how you incorporated the Orc. It really looks like it is part of a mercenary force.
    Onionknight likes this.
  12. Onionknight

    Onionknight Well-Known Member

    May 20, 2022
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    Avicenna, Mercenary Doctor

    Abū ´Alī al-Husayn ibn Sīnā (979-1037), was known in the West as ‘Avicenna’. An important Arab philosopher and doctor, he was called “Prince of Physicians”. Author of the Canon of Medicine, his work served as a primary medical education text in Europe and Asia for around four centuries. His reputation provided him with honors, fortune and even political power. He was also known for mixing study and pleasure throughout his life.

    The real objective of Project “Hakim” remains unknown. The effort required to develop a Re-creation doesn’t justify its use for merely experimental or scientific purposes. There is a rumor, running through the gossip shops of Intelligence agencies and conspiracy theory forums, that Project “Hakim” was the spearhead of an operation developed by ALEPH to win the hearts and minds of Haqqislamite society. The objective was to make Haqqislam more open to ALEPH’s presence, as is the case in PanOceania or Yu Jing, with the Re-creation of Avicenna as an ‘ambassador’. True or not, the danger to the independence of the philosophical Haqqislamite culture was enough for the Hassassin sect. In partnership with the Black Hand, the Hassassins kidnapped Avicenna, simulating his death in a terrorist raid. His body, disconnected from ALEPH, was translated to one of the Praxis Black Laboratories where it was studied and analyzed. All hardware, software, wetware and nanoware that linked the Re-creation with ALEPH was wiped and new and esoteric components were implanted, taken from the HelloBoxes of the ArTechnoDivarius.

    However, to develop the second phase of the operation, it was essential Avicenna was untraceable by ALEPH. So, once laboratory investigations were complete, the Re-creation was sent to the Witness Protection program of Black Hand, the most secure in the Human Sphere. They implanted a new and perfect identity chip and partially induced amnesia was used to erase the most controversial aspects of his identity. Finally, they made some slight adjustments to his personality software to facilitate his adaptation to a new body: an advanced feminine Lhost provided by the Hassassin sect.

    Avicenna’s new sense of self was not yet complete. She lived for years using the identity of a young Doctorate student in the University-Bimaristan of Medina, under the close observation and surveillance of Hassassin and Nomad scientists. It is believed a huge amount of information was obtained by this study. However, the effects of the amnesia slowly wore off and different aspects of the real character of Avicenna emerged. Gradually, the false personality provided by Black Hand absorbed and fused with remnants of the original personality re-created by ALEPH. The final integrity of Avicenna’s character was so jeopardized that it will never be the same again.

    When the investigation project ended, Avicenna was liberated from Hassassin and Nomad surveillance, being free to choose her destiny, as a small vengeance against ALEPH. Eager for experiences, she decided to leave Bourak to explore human space and visit those places that her original personality could only dream of. Impelled by her desire for knowledge and freedom, she crossed the Sphere under different identities, offering specialized medical services. Her sense of adventure drove her to enrol as Medical Officer for various Mercenary Companies, changing her identity continually to avoid ALEPH’s pursuit.

    Avicenna is a tireless voyager but, like her original, a lover of comfort, luxury and mundane pleasures as well. For this reason, she is obliged to make stops in her continuous wandering, to carry out contracts as personal or crew doctor, contracts which serve to pay the next stages of her incessant voyaging and indulgence in luxury. She recently practised as a campaigning doctor, fighting successfully against the engineered fevers that ravaged the colonists of Nimatan Island. However, her accusations against a pharmaceutical conglomerate attracted too much attention, forcing her to vanish again into the nebulous underworld of the Mercenary Companies. Of course, currently it is practically impossible to know under which identity Avicenna hides - or if she really exists, because there are no official documents to support this story, that could be only an urban legend, maybe just another product of the numerous conspiracy theories that surround ALEPH…

    I'm not a fan of backstroy of Avicenna, but as I'm huuuge fan of characters. So there is character in my army, I can't resist to build her..
    But I really enjoyed her painting because her sculpt look really great. It's astonishing consider she is quite old model.

    I focused in her tight dress and pantyhouse. This tight dress gave me a great idea for my next painting, Tanya.
    I hope you like it.
    StephanDahl, zapp, wendigo and 13 others like this.
  13. Onionknight

    Onionknight Well-Known Member

    May 20, 2022
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    Tanya, Combat-Streamer

    Every teenager goes through a storm and stress period. And some get on that storm.

    Tania Caso Violeta, also known as Tanya on Maya was born the youngest daughter of a wealthy family in Varuna. Her father was a executive of Paramacomp, and her life was full of abundance. Her parents gave her whatever she wanted, but they didn't give her one. Freedom. Tanya's parents, who had already experienced the death of two daughters even include the Cube in a terrible spacecraft terror, took every care not to expose Tanya to any danger. All classes were conducted at home, and face-to-face to be safe from the danger of hacking. In front of a dozen bodyguards.

    Unfortunately for her parents, Tanya was a girl who carved for thrills and adventures. She is a very smart and since childhood, she has been out of surveillance with many creative strategies. Eventually the bodyguards caught her every time, but her methods have become more advanced and diversified. By the age of 12, she already found dozens different way to get out the house, and crack the protect software her parents had put on personal network so she started dive freely into the depts of Maya. It was around this time that she started often streaming her life on Maya. Of course, people weren't very interested in the story of a rich teen girl trapped in a house.

    The only way out of a stuffy life was through combat training. Her father wanted her youngest daughter to learn how to protect herself from the same accident as her sisters. She learned shooting training from experts from an early age, and by the time she was 14, she was better than most soldiers. But the shooting exercise was exciting, but it didn't last very long.

    A turning point in her life came when Tanya was 16. One day, she saw a broadcast that the FCS Modern Wife, the famous transport ship of the Foreign Company, arrived in her city. She is huge fan of the Foreign Company's star-mercenaries so she sneaked out of the house to meet her starts in person. A hours later, Tanya stood in front of a famous ship that appeared in numerous dramas with streaming on. Of course, among the fans in a long line. Perhaps because of her long experience of avoiding the eyes of bodyguards and surveillance, she saw an opportunity to hide into the ship. Why would you be tangled up in the fans, if you can see the stars in person? She decided to seize the opportunity.

    Tanya hid among the cargoes, and infiltrated the ship. She climbed up the vents and watched the Foreign Company prepare to leave. When the famous Hannibal and Soldiers of Fortune team appeared, Tanya was at a loss for words. She saw both their personal conversations and private appearance that had never been opened to the public before. With streaming on. The video soon hit the viral, and the number of views rose like a rocket. The problem is that Tanya missed the timing to get off. As soon as the soldiers got on board, the ship took off, and a few minutes later, it was in space.

    It took less than an hour for Tanya to be discovered. It's VaudeVille Rose, who was always watching Maya's trend, found her broadcast. She was grabbed by Valkyrie and dragged out of the ventilation shaft. When Tanya said "I can explain..." in a hurry, all of sudden, ship shook loudly. It was an attack by pirates. After watching Tanya's broadcast, the pirates realized that the ship had not many troops than usual and that an expensive "hostage" was on board, and they attacked the FCS Modern Wife. Fierce battle was started, and boarding combat is followed.

    And Tanya surprised everyone with unusual calm decision and shooting skills. At the end of the battle, Tanya defeated five pirates. Hannibal smiled as he recalled the moment he found a young Valkyrie in the Defiler. Beside, the whole process was broadcast live on the Maya. The audience's response was explosive, and VaudeVille Rose felt a new star was born. The kind of star the Foreign Company want to use to the public.

    Since then, Tanya is living a life full of thrills and adventures as she wished. As a youngest member and combat-streamer for the Foreign Company. Usually, she watches the scean on the field, steram the perfect execution of the operation, and add commets. Interestingly, if things go wrong(or if Hannibal wants to 'show' viewers as if it were wrong), she often takes on the role of chain of command. It's because she knows each member's style and always looks at the big picture for broadcasting - part of it is the concept of a genius girl who directs the scene is popular. Of course, she is ready to pull the trigger herself if necessary. The girl who shoot the gun is more viral than the girl with the gun. And it's more thrilling.

    This is my second character for 'Unique Foreign Company' project. She is my Bolt(Chain of Commands) or regular Bolts.

    She is based on one of NPC for my D&D team for few years ago. In that time, she was a rich girl who left home to be an adventurer because she was inspired by grandfather's adventure story. Actual purpose of her is supporting for my players when they don't have a clue, so she is kind of jack-of-all-trade character.

    Anyway, when I bring her in Infinity world, I wanted to combine the existing characteristics(overly adventurous) with the elements of a more modern unruly teenager.

    In painting, it's is one of the most difficult models to me. I wanted to bring out the atmoshpere of a teenage girl who likes funky things, so I draw many patches on her backpack and sack. It's sooooo small but I did managed it somehow. I imagined she is filipino descent(why I choose spanish name) so I painted like an Asian rather than a Western.

    Whole process for building and painting her was tone of fun to me, I hope you like it too.
    #13 Onionknight, Jun 22, 2022
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2022
  14. Knauf

    Knauf Transhumanist

    Mar 3, 2018
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    Incredible paint job that completely turned around my perception of the octavia sculpt. Guess I'll have to get her now, maybe as a fiddler proxy...
  15. Antares

    Antares Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2017
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    All these are beyond amazing! Thanks for sharing your talent with us.
    Onionknight likes this.
  16. Lady Numiria

    Lady Numiria Cyberius TaskForce

    Sep 12, 2019
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    Your paintjobs are so good, you can really make any sculpt shines through a new light with your original ideas!
    burlesford and Onionknight like this.
  17. archon

    archon Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2017
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    Of curse. Its very impressive. Far away from the original mini in good way. Goal accomplished. The gun looks a bit like a nerfgun ;-)
  18. anubis

    anubis sarcastic exaggerator

    Oct 25, 2020
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    Well, this is some astonishing work you show us here. The modells are a joy to look at, damn Tanya is so detailed it is a shame she is in 28mm scale! The color of the hair, the little buttons on the bag, the weapon.... You can find so much details that add personality to her, I would watch 2 seasons of a Cartoon with her and a spin off with laxmee. Looking at them without a magnifying glass cannot do them justice.
    burlesford likes this.
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