A Joint Statement from High Commanders

Discussion in 'IC [In-Character]' started by DPA, Oct 13, 2023.

  1. DPA

    DPA Active Member

    Jul 20, 2022
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    Good afternoon. I am Commander Telemachus, probably better known by my callsign "DPA". I am a Strategos, second-highest ranking of the Aleph High Command assigned to the "Shattergrounds". I'd like to deliver my part of a joint statement.

    The ongoing crisis on Concilium has seen every power in the Human Sphere rush to utilize their clandestine operatives to accomplish selfish goals. This much has been covered on Maya and Arachne. Of those actors, one has stood above the rest in attempts to force its hegemonic control in unlawful ways. The Combined Army. Their actions at the Bois Bleu Gate at Lorena and the Terraforming Campus at Bhai violate the treaties the Oberhaus signed when the Quantum Anomalies first began.

    Two very different sets of public servants stepped up to oppose the Combined Army agents. The Special Situations Section of Aleph congratulates The Sword of Allah armed forces from Bourak on joining them in successfully repelling the overreach of the Ur Hegemony during the initial phase of this crisis. The commanders should be commended for their expertise and patriotism towards humanity as a whole, and not merely their states or creators. Whether humanist or posthumanist, when these men and women are assigned a job, they stick to their tasks.

    Aleph High Command's Polemarchos, "Captain" Jag Kara, has issued a statement of diplomatic neutrality for the remainder of this crisis. However, Aleph will show her appreciation for Haqqislam's continued efforts to protect the sovereignty of human regions. The S.S.S. offers full amnesty for agents of the Sword of Allah who participated in Operation: Blackwind during the Durgama Crisis. While full analysis of cause, effect, and fault are still highly classified, we at Aleph High Command agree that forgiveness for actions taken during past crises will allow for less rigid diplomatic relations in the future. We encourage all nations to consider amnesty policies like this.

    We will continue to repel intruders at Bhai and Lorena as lawfully assigned. Interlopers be warned.

    Please save all questions and comments until Haqqislam High Command completes the joint statement. Thank you.
    Dujiaoshu, Kortz, Wizzy and 6 others like this.
  2. tacos

    tacos Well-Known Member

    Aug 15, 2022
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    On behalf of the Haqqislam High Command, the Sword of Allah and the people of Bourak as a whole, I would like to echo the sentiments of the message from our ALEPH counterpart. These are troubled times, with the hyperpowers and even O12 itself seemingly unable to take the reins of the situation, and act for the common good of the Human Sphere.

    ALEPH, however, has always acted towards that very goal. Our two powers may have a history of violent clashes, but we hope that this joint statement of non-aggression, forgiveness, and cooperation shines as an example to the rest of the Human Sphere. We may not always see eye to eye, but I believe we have earned each other's mutual respect.

    In accordance with that respect, would like to issue an apology for the damage we inflicted and lives that we took and risked during our actions in the Durgama Crisis.

    I have been informed by the Hachib that in step with this declaration, we will be offering to ALEPH the services of a team of unparalleled biomedical experts, alongside with high quality Lhost construction materials for any personnel who require new Lhosts as a result of Operation Blackwind.

    HHC Intelligence Coordination Officer TACO
    Dujiaoshu, Kortz, Wizzy and 3 others like this.
  3. DPA

    DPA Active Member

    Jul 20, 2022
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    Is it not true that the greatest battle is the one never fought? We once again congratulate Haqqislam, its military, and its humanitarian efforts for a flawless victory at Bhai and continued relief in other areas. Hopefully some of the strategic Silk reserve can be sold at fair prices to facilitate the much needed Resurrections of the fighters who gave their lives at Edda. In any case, keep your forces bolstered and ready. To have peace, you must prepare for war.


    Strategos Telemachus
    Danger Rose and Dujiaoshu like this.
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