Operation: Nujoom

Discussion in 'IC [In-Character]' started by Diomedes, Oct 9, 2023.

  1. Diomedes

    Diomedes Diomedes

    Nov 3, 2020
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    To all Human Sphere nations and beyond.

    The unprecedented crisis engulfing Concilium Prima requires an unprecedented response from all peoples of the Human Sphere. However, the forces of the Combined Army have been allowed to monopolise control of the planets biggest and most important spaceport, restricting the flow of urgent humanitarian aid to the planet’s surface.

    The nation of Haqqislam has gladly opened the gates of Bhai city to a wave of refugees seeking safety, however the city’s capacity to house, feed and otherwise care for the displaced of Concilium Prima reaches its limits.

    It is thus with a heavy heart that the Nation of Haqqislam is compelled to deploy The Sword of Allah to relieve the pressure on the innocent which is thus charged with opening a safe corridor to and from the Rhodan Main Spaceport at Edda to allow refugees and urgent humanitarian aid to flow to and from the planet.

    Unless part of ongoing combat operations at Bhai Terraforming Environmental Studies Campus, all Haqqislam field commanders active on Concilium Prima are henceforth redirected toward Rhodan Main Spaceport to secure the passage of urgent humanitarian relief.

    We call upon all Human nations engaged in the current crisis on Concilium Prima to join us in opening the Rhodan Main Spaceport for the massive humanitarian effort needed to avert a unprecedented disaster.

    Allah the Great and Merciful guides our steps.

    Haqqislam High Command.
    Cadwallon, nehemiah, Wizzy and 6 others like this.
  2. Lady Numiria

    Lady Numiria Cyberius TaskForce

    Sep 12, 2019
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    To all member of the Haqqislam High Command,

    I would hereby suggest all of your commanders to step down immediatly from such a feat. Any unauthorized military movement in civilian aeras will be immediatly and severly punished by O-12 Starmada forces.

    So, if you don't want any of your humanitarian helpers to be fired upon by mistake, please refrain from your ill-fated ideas. I still think you can value the innocent lives above your personal greed as a Nation.

    Lady Numiria,
    O-12 High Commissionner,
    Behalf the Edda Defense Front Commission
    Danger Rose, theGricks and tacos like this.
  3. Diomedes

    Diomedes Diomedes

    Nov 3, 2020
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    Haqqislam High Command calls on all O-12 forces to allow the Sword of Allah access to the Rhodan Main Spaceport, in the name of humanitarian aid and human cooperation.

    Untold numbers of O-12 citizens are in dire need of aid and Rhodan Main Spaceport is the best and most expedient way to bring supplies to the planet.

    We repeat: O-12 forces must allow Haqqislamite access to Rhodan Main Spaceport to avert a humanitarian disaster on O-12 soil.
    Wizzy, theGricks and tacos like this.
  4. tacos

    tacos Well-Known Member

    Aug 15, 2022
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    0002 HOURS

    With cooperation from our QCC partners, the Hassassin Society and the Sword of Allah's intelligence teams, Haqqislam High Command has prepared a list of high value targets for field commanders operating in and around Edda as a part of Operation Nujoom.

    These targets are to be apprehended, and not engaged with lethal force. Haqqislam High Command also emphasizes that regardless of appearance and location, these individuals are to be considered as extremely dangerous, even when in captivity and disarmed.

    Do not attempt interrogation of any of these individuals or have prolonged direct close proximity contact. The Hassassin Society has provided several cubeless operatives to be attached to each company participating in the operation. Upon an encounter or the capture of any of these individuals, immediately relay a high priority message to both Haqqislam High Command and your company's attached Hassassin element.

    Images of the targets shall be provided in the attached files to this message.

    - O12 High Commissioner Lady Numirira
    - Exrah Protection Program Officer CHADwick
    - Shaasvasti Operative 'Nine'
    #4 tacos, Oct 10, 2023
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2023
    Wizzy, Einhorn and Dujiaoshu like this.
  5. Dujiaoshu

    Dujiaoshu unsporting Druze

    Mar 22, 2023
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    Esteemed clients of the Sword of Allah

    Please find attached our best offer for the required services. while the offer appears to not have any discounts, please note that the price applied is already 45% under the standard concilium convention bounty system rating for the capture of political and prominent figures

    Offer for purchase of service the big bounties.PNG

    In the hopes you find our offer appealing, I give you my best regards
    Jr.Sales Representative, Sam Seek
  6. Einhorn

    Einhorn Combined Human Aid Delegation

    Mar 21, 2019
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  7. psychoticstorm

    psychoticstorm Aleph's rogue child

    Mar 4, 2017
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    Oh don't worry about that, Exos are just lobotomized and remotely controlled ephemeral bodies for the Perennial to use, an "Lhost" of shorts if you will, no harm is done to the Perennial hence no cube is needed, now catching a Perennial out of the ship, that is a different story.
    Einhorn and Dujiaoshu like this.
  8. Dujiaoshu

    Dujiaoshu unsporting Druze

    Mar 22, 2023
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    And that's why the bounty we offered for the recovery of Einhorn is so high compared to the others
    Wizzy and Einhorn like this.
  9. tacos

    tacos Well-Known Member

    Aug 15, 2022
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    Mr. Sam Seek.

    The Sword of Allah appreciates your offer, and is interested in purchasing the services of your company. Your rates are generous and affordable, and your company's reputation for professionalism is well known.

    We do have one request that we would like to make before any settlement is made, however. We have a small team of Hassassin and Husam specialists that we would request be embedded with your company for the duration of this contract. Upon contact with any HVT, it would be stipulated that command jurisdiction over your team is handed over to our operatives until that HVT is either captured, neutralized or has escaped, and that our operatives handle any captured HVT.

    This request is non-negotiable. If this arrangement is not to your liking, we are willing to negotiate on other details of the contract.

    HHC Intelligence Coordination Officer TACO
    Wizzy, Danger Rose and Dujiaoshu like this.
  10. Dujiaoshu

    Dujiaoshu unsporting Druze

    Mar 22, 2023
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    Good morning HHC I.C.O. TACO

    Thank you kindly for your swift and clear response.

    Regarding your special request, following an internal meeting with the mercenary Capitains currently contracted with us, I am proud to offer you compliance to your requirements from our Druze contingent. This flexibility and availability to accomodate specific clients' needs is, in my humble opinion, the best asset to our company's disposal.

    The following terms and conditions shall apply

    1) at the time when one of the embedded operatives is transferred command to, over the deployed PMC team, said embedded operative shall be addressed as Lt.Cuddles for the duration of the command
    2) Lt.Cuddles' Peacemaker Corps liability and medical insurances apply to contracted mercenaries only, your operatives shall be covered by insurance as per current laws, by yourself and your organization in all cases
    3) please advise whether your operatives shall be present as official haqquislam agents, or if they shall disguise themselves as mercenaries, in order to act together with the unit until needed
    4) in case the latter applies, we shall supply a roster of the mercenaries we're planning to field, so you can provide Hassassin and Husam agents trained accordingly. We shall lend them the necessary equipment.
    5) in case the former applies, please advise on how do you wish your operatives to reach the zone of operations when Needed to handle the HVTs

    If all of those points are agreeable to you, then we shall start operations the very moment we receive the signed offer and the Needed clarifications relative to the points above.

    I'll take this occasion to remind you that, in this instance, our special offer "NA 2 ways" applies, which will allow you to split the bill with every one of your allies you co-sign the contract with. (Contract duration and conditions shall fully apply to each co-signee, percentages in case of uneven splits shall be clearly stated by clients)

    In thanking you for your consideration, I offer you my best regards

    Jr.sales representative Sam Seek

    @Einhorn this Lines up nicely with the meeting subplot between CHADwick and Doctor Hassan Koumeini. That game of mine Is scheduled for the day after tomorrow, so it will slot onto phase 2, shoot me a PM if you have vetos or requests on what will I write)
    #10 Dujiaoshu, Oct 10, 2023
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2023
  11. Lady Numiria

    Lady Numiria Cyberius TaskForce

    Sep 12, 2019
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    My heart is sadden by seeing the Sphere still going for petty jealousies over current environmental crisis of the planet... and yet I thought that you Bourak citizens would understand that better that anyone else, I guess I was terribly wrong for believing so.
    Wizzy, Thandar and Dujiaoshu like this.
  12. theGricks

    theGricks Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2017
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    Haqqislam, on multiple occasions, offered assistance to O12 in making sure the Rhodan Spaceport remained secure and in human hands. O12 handed security of a vital transit hub to an outside, alien force. We would not have to engage in these actions if O12 simply trusted humans over aliens, who just recently were trying to destroy everything in their path. We held off for as long as we could, sadly we may have held off for too long.

    This is a bed of your own making, Commissioner, and it disappoints us greatly that you must now lay in it.
    Wizzy likes this.
  13. nehemiah

    nehemiah Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2018
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    Esteemed Commander Gricks,

    It was not "Aliens" whom O-12 trusted with the transport of the artifact they jealously withheld knowledge of, rather it was a paid mercenary corporation based out of Veruna. Nor do I think it is "Aliens" they trust in their dealings with the Exrah delegates to maintain security at the Rhodan Spaceport. The Exrah societies are known in the universe for being organized around corporate business ventures and interests. It may simply be that Lady Numiria is falling back on her Pan-Oceanian roots in this matter, for evidence on their take on the current crisis, perhaps it is best to look at their long delayed, but recent missive. Hardly a mention of the unfolding crisis, but instead it seems wholly concerned with contract violations. Thus, it is not a trust in "Aliens" which motivates O-12s actions, but rather it is once again a trust in the power of money and capital as a coercive and controlling force, and it seems to be such an all encompassing trust that even with the very recent and dramatic breach of contract, they continue to believe these bindings of business agreements are unbreakable.
    While they may have luck in dismantling the Spiral Corps, it will be a different matter to bring contract disputes against the vastly larger Exrah corporations, especially those still backed by the Combined Army.

    -Naami MuuKar
    Tohaa Diplomatic Corps
    Delivered through Thaam-Buur
    Authorized Chaksa Representative
  14. Lady Numiria

    Lady Numiria Cyberius TaskForce

    Sep 12, 2019
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    [OOC: @nehemiah I appreciate that even if your posts are sparse and few they are always so sensitive and deep about the actual and past lore of each of the people involved, you're as skilled with your tongue than with your brushes, pencils and sculpting tools I see]
  15. Einhorn

    Einhorn Combined Human Aid Delegation

    Mar 21, 2019
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    [OOC: I always really appreciate your content @nehemiah - here and in Asteroid Blues - even if my Exrah are all making shushing noises in the back: "Don't tell the Humans we're a megacorp!"]
  16. Dujiaoshu

    Dujiaoshu unsporting Druze

    Mar 22, 2023
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    Good morning HHC I.C.O. @tacos,

    In light of the deployment report received today by our officies, regarding mission N° E32, deployment of Druze forces to recover CHADwick in a subterranean laboratory, with 50% embedded Husam forces, we are now writing this email to officially rescind the "NA2Ways" offer previously extended, and communicate the following unilateral changes to the contract

    1) The number of embedded Husam operatives for each mission shall not exceed 2 (two) operatives (including REMS, TAGs, robots, androids, AI, pets)
    2) Custody of the captured assets shall be surrendered to the Husam operatives only after 50% of the agreed upon bounty is paid.
    3) Following the delivery of the captured assets by Husam operatives to HHC, the remaining 50% shall be paid, standard payment terms d.f.f.m.30days.

    We regret having to send this e-mail and hope that the changes applied reflect that, regardless of the grave nature of your contract breach, we are still very willing to cooperate for the benefit of both

    My best regards
    Leif Al'Madeena, Legal Dept.

    [OOC - since I played vs HB and just now posted the narrative batrep on the forum, this seemed appropriate]
    Danger Rose likes this.
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