Greetings Officer, It has been put to my attention that Haqqislam High Command ordered overnight to steal the control of Edda from us and our Combined allies: Decyphered message: "Operation Nujoom" It is of the most utter importance that we spare innocent lives and protential casualties by letting unauthorized military forces rush toward Rhodan. Hereby, In order to such infamous feat, All Field Officers are now granted licence to kill, and any subsequent law enforcing abilities required, toward Sword of Hallah operatives on Edda's soil. Law & Order must be abided and shall prevail! Lady Numiria, O-12 High Commissionner Behalf the Edda Defense Front Commission
I start to feel sorry fo CA, but now their turn to babysit with O-12. Officers of O-12! Your High Command betrayed Humanity and allied themselves with aliens. But you have a chance to avoid thier fate. Sabotage traitor's orders! Shoot CA filth in their backs! Abandon your posts and join ranks of QCC!
O-12, when given the opportunity to aid in the massive humanitarian efforts needed to help their own citizens, chooses to align itself with the interests of an alien power. When the centre cannot hold what is to become of the whole?
But our Combined interests are to provide effective Humanitarian aid to Human citizens in a crisis your entire species lacks the technology to handle. We are bewildered by your choice to self-sabotage. Without our guidance, you -- especially Ariadna, we say kindly -- have neither the means nor the technical knowledge to solve this crisis that the other "alien power" you have chosen to ally with have caused. We mourn the Human lives your foolish love for war will cause as you jeapordise the swift and efficient containment of QAZs across this planet.
Sadly, it comes as little surprise that as O-12's authority is questioned, it would ally itself with what it perceives as the greatest power in order to maintain nothing so much as its illusion of authority. Power cannot allow itself to be questioned, regardless the cost. -Naami MuuKar Tohaa Diplomatic Corps Delivered through Thaam-Buur Authorized Chaksa Representative