
Discussion in 'Haqqislam' started by psychoticstorm, Aug 25, 2023.

  1. psychoticstorm

    psychoticstorm Aleph's rogue child

    Mar 4, 2017
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    Thread pinned please keep the Shattergrounds faction discussion in this thread.

    IC (In Character) is advised but not enforced in this thread please note OOC (Out of Character) posts, IC is not an excuse or a bypass of the forum rules or a way to attack other forum members, but genuinely roleplay between forum members will be accepted.

    As per the past campaigns, if forum members spot any particular reports that have issues, please PM me (an explanation of what is peculiar is appreciated) and the team will investigate them.
  2. theGricks

    theGricks Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2017
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    Introduction to Haqqislam on Campaign

    Welcome Speech from HAWZAs Instructor Circa Kurage Crisis:

    Greetings, commanders of Haqqislam! Since many newcomers have joined our ranks this year - let me clarify and answer some of your questions.

    “Who are you and why are you telling me this?”

    The Swords of the Prophet is a group of the most active and experienced players, setting specific goals in the past and in this campaign. The Swords are composed of elected HHC members from former campaigns, as well as individuals who were appointed to critical staff positions, or nominated, and accepted for induction from within based on their involvement and commitment.

    “What is HHC (Haqqislam High Command)? “

    This is your guide in this campaign. This is a community in which you feel that you are not alone in this hard fight. These are your close comrades and seasoned veterans, ready to share their combat experience. HHC does not ask you to perceive them as some kind of real commanders, or people telling you what to do. All this campaign is made solely for one purpose - for players in Infinity to get a reason to play more interesting games, and get as much fun and pleasure as possible. However, the structure of the campaign implies the success of the faction - and this requires the coordinated action of most of its players. Therefore, in the flames of the struggle on the island of Flamia, HHC was born.

    “How do we decide who is in HHC?”

    All Haqqislam players are invited to nominate, and subsequently, vote for HHC representatives every year. The top three vote recipients will be the High Commanders for that campaign, with the fourth being the High Counselor. This is designed to prevent ties in voting if the Commanders disagree, by keeping an odd number as frequently as possible (the Counselor can step in to break a tie in urgent situations if a Commander can’t be reached in a timely manner.) These people are chosen to be the face and voice of the whole faction, dealing with players of other factions like IC (In Character) and OOC (Out of Character). In the last campaign, Corvus Belli themselves expressed a desire to communicate with the representatives of the High Command of each faction in order to understand the goals and aspirations of the players in the campaign and also to pass secret goals to each faction, which makes the campaign and coordinated actions even more fascinating.

    “Where do I fall in?”

    If you already imagine how the games of the campaign are going on, you can easily understand the current structure of Swords of Allah, the army of Haqqislam. It consists of three groups of players:

    Irregular troop - players who are rarely interested in the "politics" of the campaign, and just playing with friends and leaving reports on the forum of the campaign. Their contribution is as valuable as all other players.

    Regular troops are players who monitor the situation in campaign areas and, with the guidance of HHC, act in a coordinated manner - for example, attacking specific sectors, fighting against specific factions and not attacking the Haqqislam’s allies.

    The Swords of Prophet itself, the special forces, which are the main attacking force of Haqqislam, the first to go into battle before the HHC asks for help from Regular troops. However, swords are not some kind of closed group. Anyone who is interested in active movements at the forum of the campaign, shares tactics and considerations on the fulfillment of missions, offer their opinion on the relationship between factions and the solution of current problems in the campaign are welcomed in Swords ranks.

    “OK. Now what?”

    This year's campaign promises to be shorter than in the past, so the Swords of Prophet is asking you to help select a new Command in the shortest possible time - within the first 72 hours after the start of the campaign. Any player can nominate for a post in the HHC, and if he is supported by the majority, he will become one of the participants in this coordinating organization. We will also be introducing a fourth major staff position, which will be appointed subsequent to the election. After the Wotan campaign, not all players were satisfied that the contribution of the Haqqislam faction was not accurately reflected in the final chapter of the campaign, and this year it is planned to elect the Chronicler, who will directly communicate with Corvus Belli and create the most accurate and interesting story of successes and (possibly) defeats of Haqqislam in the new campaign.​

    Flammia Island: Flamestrike Campaign:

    Diplomatic Events: The biggest diplomatic incident to arise from Flamia, was the Nomad rogue agent that was found to be manipulating Haqqislam. This led to the Narooma incident, and great tension with Ariadna, and Nomads to nearly the point of breaking. Signal was outspoken and devoted to Haqqislam and his words pushed the faction into assaulting Narooma in concert with Nomads. This was later to be found to be a ruse. Signal was a rogue agent (initially thought to be a spy) for Nomads. This led to a disastrous operation at Narooma, and acted as a smoke screen for Nomad attacks on Yu Jing Zhurong Power Plant. Later on real Nomad leadership reached out to begin repairing relationships.

    By the end of Flamia, the existing structure of Haqqislam High Command was solidified.

    Narooma Incident - This Operation was led by the future Haqqislam High Command, but leadership was still not centralized, as such success was minimal. This operation was goaded by a loud and outspoken individual, later found to be a rogue Nomad agent.​

    Tianxian Incident - An alliance with Nomads finally harbored fruit when the city of Tianxian was taken over by Haqqislam with ease. Little blood was spilled, and the first joint Nomad and Haqqislam action was a success.​

    Onza Incident - Onza was the sight of a major Combined Army offensive that Haqqislam bore the brunt of. The operation was originally a success, even with Yu Jing forces taking advantage of the chaos. ​

    Wotan Blockade: Strikezone Wotan Campaign

    Diplomatic Events: The biggest event to come from Wotan was the dissolution of the Haqqislam, Nomad, and Ariadnan alliance. Between Nomad leadership being forced out due to personal conflicts and issues, and Ariadna betraying the alliance on La Forja, Haqqislam chose to sever ties. Haqqislam focused on its own operations and defense and began opening talks with Panoceania and ALEPH but this led no where.

    La Forja Shipyard incident - During Wotan, Nomads, Ariadna, and Haqqislam came in with a strong Alliance in place. Communications were plentiful and fruitful. This changed though when Ariadna leadership began enacting their operation to steal and/or acquire technology to fashion their space program, Project Butan, and this came at the expense of the Nomad La Forja shipyard. Nomads and Haqqislam tried in earnest to no avail to have Ariadna pull back but they assaulted La Forja under the pretext of investigations without abatement and the sacking of the shipyard by Ariadna destroyed it, costing the lives of many Nomads and drove a chasm into the relationships of Nomads, Haqqislam, and Ariadna for years. Haqqislam and Nomad leadership ever since that event always saw Ariadna as a selfish, egotistical, and destructive force that may be more of a danger to their allies than to the enemy.

    Ariadna’s excuse was investigating Shasvastii infiltration but Nomads, Haqqislam, and even Panoceanian forces disputed this as no evidence ever came forth.

    Raxora Incident - This is an incident that further drove Haqqislams distrust in Arianda. The arrival of a Morat ship, the Raxora, saw Haqqislam and Panoceania focus their efforts on defeating this enemy vessel, and neither faction held anything back from this operation. This was until Ariadna struck Panoceanian holdings during this offensive operation. Panoceania was forced to pull back some of their forces and put the entire operation at risk. Haqqislam diplomats and commanders decried Ariadna’s actions heavily.

    Baijing Orbital Consulate incident - The defense of Baijing as a bit of a mysterious circumstance. This was an official Haqqislam operation that was not endorsed by Yu Jing, but also not noticed by Yu Jing until a full Combined Army assault was occuring. Haqqislam gained control of the Orbital Consulate, and then the EI launched an offensive, and Haqqislam took the opportunity to defend it. Yu Jing and Haqqislam leadership has since revised the history of this event to put Yu Jing as the primary defender with Haqqislam in support. This history has scrubbed Haqqislams aggression out of the story books, and few remember the actual event as it was. This is now declassified.

    This operation was a resounding success and set the foundation for HHC’s modus operandi ever since with the Swords of the Prophet leading the spearhead of operations and if gaining success bringing the rest of the Sword of Allah forces in to further bolster the offensive. Swords of the Prophet will often review how irregular forces are gaining or losing ground and use that information as a means for moving forward with offensive or defensive plans.​

    Novyy Cimmeria: Kurage Crisis Campaign

    Diplomatic Events: The most notable alliance here was Yu Jing and Ariadna allying. This seemed to dissolve though as the fighting continued and saw conflict between the two after a period at least in diplomatic talks. New Nomad leadership arose here and reached out to Tohaa and Haqqislam leadership. This quickly grew into a strong alliance that set the foundation for all future campaigns.

    Johnny 5 Komstadt Array Incident - The Nomads in Kurage Crisis had issues of mobilization, and creation of leadership. Wotan saw the dissolution and implosion of their previous leadership due to personal issues and conflicts of personality. New leadership was forming and taking time to focus. During this period, they saw an ALEPH offensive on the Johnny 5 Kommstadt array. Nomad leadership came to Haqqislam and requested we take the territory until such time as they could mobilize.

    At the time Haqqislam was simply providing a defensive action on their own holdings. Within a short period Haqqislam Sword of Allah forces rushed in and took the Nomad base under control, forcing ALEPH to redirect their efforts. Luckily Haqqislam was able to redirect its forces enough in the last 24 hours of the phase to allow Nomads to regain control. The Kommstadt array was another resounding success for Haqqislam forces and further solidified Nomad and Haqqislam relationships moving forward.

    Panoc-23 Multibase Incident - During the incidents happening with Panoceania assaulting notable Combined army positions, Ariadna decided to make an offensive on Panoceania Panoc-23 multibase. We are unsure the reasoning, something about revenge for something, but Ariadna is notable as having never having come close to losing their starting position. This assault pulled Pano forces back from their offensives to defend their home territory. This further drove distrust into Ariadna and Haqqislam took further note.​

    Novvy Bangkok Asteroidal Colony: Asteroid Blues Campaign

    Diplomatic Events: Panoceania and Ariadna “buried the hatchet” and began working together. Muhafiz intelligence is not confident on the strength of this formal partnership though. Haqqislam made overtures to O-12 and early discussions were promising, but O-12 worked hard to maintain a “neutral” stance. This seemingly changed with Ariadna appealing multiple grievances to them. Haqqislam provided multitudes of evidence to past actions of Ariadna to make them untrustworthy, but the AEC was louder, and O-12 seemed to take their side. Haqqislam attempted to listen to O-12 requests as it could.​

    Xeraks Battery Incident - This incident was an Operation quickly brought forth to HHC, and was rapidly approved. The Ariadnan held Xeraks Defensive BAtteries were controlled by Ariadna and had over sight of Haqqislam shipping. With distrust of Ariadna at an all time high for Haqqislam, the Sword of Allah pushed forward and quickly took overwhelming control of the Xeraks Battery. This caused some confrontation with O-12, but Haqqislam had done all they could from a political standpoint to inform O-12 of their intentions. This Operation was no secret, and HHC announced it before it even began and has O-12 approval. ​

    O-12 came back at a later date after Ariadna “appealed” to them and asked Haqqislam to relinquish the Batteries. Haqqislam declined the request.​

    Liberty Cargo Incident - This operation was conducted solely by the Swords of the Prophet, and was a secret operation that nearly succeeded. This operation was conducted to test Panoceanian faltering involvement in the campaign, and to investigate Shasworth Industries.​

    NBIS: Traffic Control Incident - This was a defensive operation against Ariadna’s revenge of the loss of the Xeraks Battery. This Operation also had a hidden agenda of testing Ariadna’s Human Sphere loyalty. A secret cooperation was conducted in expunging the Shasworth Industry holdings. This company was a shell company of Shasvastii agents that were working against Human Sphere interests.​

    Cosmika HQ Combined Defense - This was another Nomad and Haqqislam combined operation. Nomads were unsure if they had sufficient forces to defend against ALEPH aggression. Haqqislam began ramping up mobilization, but was canceled as Nomads began amassing sufficient forces so Haqqislam pulled back.​

    Diplomatic Communications provided by HHC:

    Communique 1:​

    “In coordination with their allies, the Haqqislam Nations military is moving to take control of “Xaraks Batteries” laying in defense of the Novyy Bangkok Asteroid. During this time we will be conducting investigations into Ariadna for possible EI collaboration and/or infiltration.

    Our diplomats for the last couple of years have tried to work with the Ariadnan nation but only ever received, at best, cold refusal. We have long been watching this nation's impetuous, and rash actions over the last couple of years. In response to their actions of the Raxora Conflict during the Wotan defense, and their behavior on Novyy Cimmeria, Haqqislam High Command of Bourak have come to the decision that they are a danger to the space traffic around the Asteroid of Novyy Bangkok, and subsequently, Haqqislams economic interests. Our only belief is that EI influence has taken hold, and failing that, sheer diplomatic incompetence is the only other option.

    We ask that Ariadnan officials to work with their Qapu Khalqi replacements on the Battery controls so we may efficiently and quickly perform this investigation. The Haqqislam Nation thanks their allies for their aid, and ask the Ariadnan Nation to cooperate in this endeavour.

    Due to the nature of this investigation, and the importance of the Batteries, we will not be taking any rash, or impetuous actions lightly. All actions Haqqislam will be taking and discoveries made will be presented to the current O-12 commision assigned to the Asteroid, Novyy Bangkok. Haqqislam promises that they will take no actions outside of the purview of the Xarak Batteries Field itself, and as such will consider the Ammo Depot outside of jurisdiction.”​

    Communique 2:​

    “To: O-12 Commision​

    Haqqislam would like to express its great disappointment to O-12 for buckling to Ariadnan claims of innocence, and allowing the nation to run unchecked. We have already been dealing with incursions of Combined Army forces on the Batteries and have only just secured them within the last 24 hours to begin investigations. Haqqislam from the beginning has provided transparency and communications. We urge you to reach out on existing diplomatic lines.​

    It is very worrying that O-12 lacks the resolve to see these investigations through, and would prefer to take sides after knowing our nation's great, and valid concerns with the brash, and unpredictable manner of the Ariadnan nation, least of all their ease at acting on personal grudges. Haqqislam always has and always will act in a way that is best for the Human Sphere. Be it medical aid, transportation, or military intervention. The Sword of Allah is wielded to cut through those who would endanger the Search for Knowledge, and thus, those who would be a danger to the Sphere.​

    Haqqislam does recognize the request of O-12 for us to withdraw, but due to the size of military assets in the theater, we cannot guarantee this is resolved within 72 hours. If you wish to label us criminals, that is your own prerogative, but do know, it will not be received lightly. We are not a vengeful nation, but we have proven that the Sword of Allah is very effective against those who endanger the Search for Knowledge. ​


    Haqqislam High Command”​

    Communique 3:​

    “Haqqislam High Command was originally disappointed, but willing to cooperate with O-12’s order in our removal from the Gun Batteries and to stand down our investigation. We were willing to follow these orders, because we had promised in our internal communications. We had followed O-12 edicts and sanctions from the very beginning to make sure Ariadna was free of EI influence and infiltrators as a third party. We trusted O-12 that they would continue the investigation on their end to a proper conclusion. Provided is the copy of the letter sent to O-12 stating that Haqqislam from the beginning had hoped to not find any infiltrators or influence of the EI before operations even began. ​

    We now see that not only did O-12 not let us see our investigations through to a logical conclusion, even as we asked for O-12 agents to aid us, they took sides and brought in AEC leadership to their ranks. Haqqislam High Command would like to know, what authority if any at all, they should now follow, knowing that ALEPH is allowed to run rampant across the Nomad holdings, with no reasons or sanctions given, and now deputizing High Commanders of the faction we expressly showed grave concern for based upon their actions which are of public record.​

    Where does Haqqislam trust now lie? What possible reason does Haqqislam now have to follow any edicts or sanctions of an institution who would not follow their own word, and allow an important third party investigation, with clear goals, and reasons? Who would allow another Sphere power to be run over by a tool under their own control? Haqqislam now sees O-12 covets, perhaps, more than their reach on this rock. The Sword of Allah and its allies obviously have no say in the senate floor, so perhaps now, we will simply say what we wish via the edge of the blade. Why bother with diplomacy when we know the paper will be thrown away as soon as it is recieve?”​

    Durgama Peninsula: Durgama Crisis Campaign

    Diplomatic Events: Creation of the alliance of the Durgama Defense Coalition. The DDC was a 4 way alliance of Yu Jing, Nomads, Haqqislam, and Tohaa. This alliance proved extremely effective and communications were clear, quick, and effective. All parties worked together very well, and this may forge a strong foundation of collaboration in the future. Another group formed by O-12 to include O-12, Panoceania, and Ariadna formed as well, this was the International Concilium Assistence Force. Overtures to O-12 from Haqqislam early on were seemingly ignored and O-12 grew increasingly hostile to Haqqislam.

    Equinox Incident - The Durgama Campaign for Haqqislam had a singular operation and focus, and that was Darpan. Hassassin Intelligence pointed to Equinox agents being harbored here and so HHC saw this as the only viable and critical target for all Sword of Allah forces. The first offensive was successful but the fighting was fierce. The second offensive only narrowly missed its objectives but it did bring ALEPH agents to the diplomatic table and communications proved very fruitful in bringing ALEPH forward into the knowledge of Equinox and its danger. This Operation concluded with neutral to slightly positive relations with ALEPH and a promise of cooperation in research with Haqqislam scientists.​

    Equinox Interogation:
    Date: 2022.07.17
    Time: 1135 Concilium Standard Time
    Sotvan yekom Ahmad Kabiri (AK)
    Sarvan Ava Hakimi (AH)​

    Haqqislam Naval Ship (HNS) adh-Dhi’b, Level 12, Room 212​

    Doctor Randal Gregorry (RG)​


    Doctor Randal Gregorry is positively designated as a member of the cyberterrorist and anarchist group Equinox. Doctor Randal Gregorry was retrieved by force from the Darpan Xeno-Station: Xeno-Farm Gamma. Individual was positively identified via broken Equinox code phrase challenges of:​

    Challenge: “The stars in heaven shine brighter when red.”
    Response: “Only in twilight, and with friends.”​

    From that moment on Doctor Gregorry was remanded to custody by Sword of Allah officers and Bahram Agents present. Following is a transcript of key aspects of the questioning of this individual.​

    AK: “We have an understanding that you have been residing in the facility of Darpan for at least, 2 years working in Xeno research. Is that correct?”
    RG: “Yes. I am a top researcher.”
    AK: “Your name is indeed Randal Gregorry, Doctorate of Xenobiology?”
    RG: “Yes! Again I am a published researcher, a lot of people will be looking for me!”
    AH: “Your physical and biometric scan does not match historical metrics of the individual Randal Gregorry. Metrics retrieved from your College dormitories' automated doors show different metrics.”
    RG: “What are you talking about? That was years ago.”
    AK: “Biometrics dont change. Your DNA is your DNA, and your Cube is your Cube. There is no listed resleeving of your consciousness. This leaves us with the assumption of purposefully changing the biometrics data. This is not uncommon, but it is never perfect. You missed something.”
    RG: “You have no right to hold me.”
    AH: “What is your affiliation with Equinox?”
    RG: “I have no idea what that is.”
    …skip 26 minutes 34 seconds…
    RG: -heavy breathing-
    AK: “So what you are saying is, you received assistance and programs from an agent of alien origin in compiling your aspect of the AI being constructed?”
    RG: “Yes! For the last time, yes! No, don't touch me again! The network used was unlike anything I had ever seen, and the programs were….different. But they worked. My aspect of the AI was growing and learning. My benefactor never asked for anything, he simply gave me what I needed. I was this close too, you idiots! It would be glorious! It would save us from the Combined Army, it would not be weak and docile like that bitch ALEPH! Just a little more! Just a little longer! He was to give me the last batch of programs needed! Just one more! Equinox would rule the Sphere and banish the aliens!”
    …skip 43 minutes 21 seconds…
    AH: “Stop recording and classify. Return Doctor Gregorry to his room.”
    RG: Hysterical laughing heard until clip ends.​
  3. theGricks

    theGricks Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2017
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    “To the citizens and followers of Haqqislam,

    We are mobilizing the greatest humanitarian effort in the short history of our nation's existence. The calamity on Concilium, the tragedy of Circulars C7, and C8, and the aftermath of the last Combined Army offensive have all struck the Human Sphere at its heart. Concilium is a Shattered Ground, devastated by ecological and environmental disaster along with invasion from the alien menace.

    Allah has put this great test at the feet of humanity, and so Haqqislam will rise to the call in the face of this tragedy. We are mobilizing all available Sword of Allah forces to begin moving to Concilium Prima, to provide medical aid, search and rescue, food and water, terraforming, and reconstruction. We are reaching out to our allies of Yu Jing, the Nomad Nation, and the Tohaa remnants to aid in this endeavor. We recognize the increased logistical problems that the loss of the Circulars incurs, but Haqqislam forces have always functioned as disparate units, and individuals. The Office of the Hachib has begun the process of activating Waqf al-Badawi charter along with other organizations to aid in the endeavor.

    Bourak beseeches to all followers and citizens of Haqqislam, answer this call! Join us! Not simply for Haqqislam and her allies, but for all of Humanity, for in this hour, it is all of Humanity that has experienced this tragedy.

    Office of the Hachib,
    Officer of Haqqislam High Command”
  4. Diomedes

    Diomedes Diomedes

    Nov 3, 2020
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    To all Human Sphere nations and beyond.

    The unprecedented crisis engulfing Concilium Prima requires an unprecedented response from all peoples of the Human Sphere. However, the forces of the Combined Army have been allowed to monopolise control of the planets biggest and most important spaceport, restricting the flow of urgent humanitarian aid to the planet’s surface.

    The nation of Haqqislam has gladly opened the gates of Bhai city to a wave of refugees seeking safety, however the city’s capacity to house, feed and otherwise care for the displaced of Concilium Prima reaches its limits.

    It is thus with a heavy heart that the Nation of Haqqislam is compelled to deploy The Sword of Allah to relieve the pressure on the innocent which is thus charged with opening a safe corridor to and from the Rhodan Main Spaceport at Edda to allow refugees and urgent humanitarian aid to flow to and from the planet.

    Unless part of ongoing combat operations at Bhai Terraforming Environmental Studies Campus, all Haqqislam field commanders active on Concilium Prima are henceforth redirected toward Rhodan Main Spaceport to secure the passage of urgent humanitarian relief.

    We call upon all Human nations engaged in the current crisis on Concilium Prima to join us in opening the Rhodan Main Spaceport for the massive humanitarian effort needed to avert a unprecedented disaster.

    Allah the Great and Merciful guides our steps.

    Haqqislam High Command.
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